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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) New Millennium Program (NMP) is a technology development and validation program that will flight-validate advanced, new technologies with space flight applications. NMP's purpose is twofold. First, it will develop technologies that will enable future spacecraft to be smaller, more capable and reliable, and to be launched more frequently. Second, it will validate the technologies in flight to reduce the risks to future science missions that fly these technologies for the first time. To measure the program's success, NMP has devised a set of criteria that stresses the relevance of technologies selected for flight validation to NASA's 21st-century science mission needs. Also, NMP has instituted a ‘risk management’ policy, where, through a combination of adequate resources and early risk assessment and risk mitigation plans for the technologies, the overall risk of the NMP flights can be rendered acceptable.  相似文献   
Leon GR  Sandal GM 《Acta Astronautica》2003,53(4-10):259-267
Expedition teams provide a number of analogs relevant to crew selection for long-duration space missions. Three groups were studied that varied in team composition. Group 1 was a two woman international dyad that traversed the Antarctic continent in 97 days. Similarities in problem solving approach, respect for each other's opinions, and a collaborative process of decision making were evident. Group 2 was composed of four women, all from different countries, engaged in a six week trek across Greenland. The most important factors in overcoming interpersonal difficulties and contributing to the successful completion of the expedition were mutual respect and motivation to maintain positive and supportive relationships. Group 3 consisted of three married couples from different countries icelocked on a boat in the High Arctic for a 9 month period. The emotional support of and ability to confide in their partner were extremely important in alleviating interpersonal tensions, and contributed to the generally effective functioning of the group. Women add an element of emotional support and help to other team members that is not as evident in all-male groups. Selection of couples with strong bonds to each other is another paradigm for crew selection for extended missions.  相似文献   
The Einstein Observatory and the IUE satellite have provided the observational basis for a major restructuring in theories of coronal formation for late-type stars. For the first time, coronal and transition region emission from a large sample of low mass (1 Mo) dwarf stars has been directly observed, with the unexpected result that essentially all such stars are x-ray emitters. The Sun, which was previously assumed to be typical, is now known to be at the low end of the x-ray luminosity function for solar-type stars. K- and M-dwarfs are observed to have nearly the same luminosity distributions as G-dwarfs and all of these spectral types have a large spread in x-ray luminosity.Observationally, there is a strong correlation between the strength of coronal emission in stars with outer convective zones and the rotation rates of these stars. At the present time we have only the beginnings of a satisfactory theoretical explanation for this correlation; although we are beginning to understand the connection between coronal emission strength and the magnetic field, we do not yet understand the stellar dynamo which generates the magnetic field. Studies of the coronal emission of stars may lead to a better understanding of stellar dynamos.  相似文献   
Over the last 3 years, a team at JPL has worked to design a new concept for a small, low cost lander applicable to a variety of in-situ lunar exploration activities. This concept, named Lunette, originated as a design which would exploit potential excess capacity of EELV launches by being compatible with the EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA). The original Lunette mission concept would have allowed up to six low cost landers to be delivered to a targeted region of the moon, with landings separated by a few km, allowing establishment of a regional network with a single, shared launch. The original concept faced limits in the extent of regional distribution of landing sites since all six landers were dependent on a single solid rocket braking motor. In the last year the Lunette team has focused on a modification of the original ESPA-based concept to a design that would allow launch of multiple individual landers (each with its own braking stage) on a single launch vehicle, where each lander would be capable of independent targeting and landing. With such an implementation, the entire lunar surface could be accessed for establishment of network nodes that could enable high priority geophysical measurements on a scale not seen since Apollo. The present paper discusses the current state of the design of the Lunette geophysical network lander, as well as describing mission design, science operations, and an innovative design solution allowing the lander to take critical data continuously, even over the lunar night, without the need for radioisotope power systems.  相似文献   
The identification of extant and, in some cases, extinct bacterial life is most convincingly and efficiently performed with modern high-resolution microscopy. Epifluorescence microscopy of microbial autofluorescence or in conjunction with fluorescent dyes is among the most useful of these techniques. We explored fluorescent labeling and imaging of bacteria in rock and soil in the context of in situ life detection for planetary exploration. The goals were two-fold: to target non-Earth-centric biosignatures with the greatest possible sensitivity and to develop labeling procedures amenable to robotic implementation with technologies that are currently space qualified. A wide panel of commercially available dyes that target specific biosignature molecules was screened, and those with desirable properties (i.e., minimal binding to minerals, strong autofluorescence contrast, no need for wash steps) were identified. We also explored the potential of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) as bacterial and space probes. A specific instrument for space implementation is suggested and discussed.  相似文献   
We present the preliminary results of the recent Hα narrow-band imaging carried out for NGC 2770 with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) equipped with OSIRIS. We put the polarization measurements reported in Gorosabel et al. (2010) for SN 2007uy and SN 2008D in the context of the morphological information inferred from the Hα imaging. We estimated the orientation of the interstellar polarization (ISP) at the position of SN 2007uy and, most interestingly, at the site of SN 2008D which has been subject of an intensive debate due to its possible connection with Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The Hα imaging reveals a clumpy interstellar medium (ISM) composed of hundreds of compact emitting regions, for which we determined their sizes. The derived size for the Hα emitting region coincident with SN 2008D is consistent with the ISM cell size limits imposed by Gorosabel et al. (2010) based on millimetric data. A deeper data analysis is under way and will be published elsewhere. This article represents the first attempt to study the site of a possible GRB-like event combining millimetric, polarimetric and narrow-band data.  相似文献   
EUV imaging observations from several space missions (SOHO/EIT, TRACE, and SDO/AIA) have revealed a presence of propagating intensity disturbances in solar coronal loops. These disturbances are typically interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic waves. However, recent spectroscopic observations with Hinode/EIS of active region loops revealed that the propagating intensity disturbances are associated with intermittent plasma upflows (or jets) at the footpoints which are presumably generated by magnetic reconnection. For this reason, whether these disturbances are waves or periodic flows is still being studied. This study is aimed at understanding the physical properties of observed disturbances by investigating the excitation of waves by hot plasma injections from below and the evolution of flows and wave propagation along the loop. We expand our previous studies based on isothermal 3D MHD models of an active region to a more realistic model that includes full energy equation accounting for the effects of radiative losses. Computations are initialized with an equilibrium state of a model active region using potential (dipole) magnetic field, gravitationally stratified density and temperature obtained from the polytropic equation of state. We model an impulsive injection of hot plasma into the steady plasma outflow along the loops of different temperatures, warm (~1 MK) and hot (~6 MK). The simulations show that hot jets launched at the coronal base excite slow magnetoacoustic waves that propagate to high altitudes along the loops, while the injected hot flows decelerate rapidly with heights. Our results support that propagating disturbances observed in EUV are mainly the wave features. We also find that the effect of radiative cooling on the damping of slow-mode waves in 1–6 MK coronal loops is small, in agreement with the previous conclusion based on 1D MHD models.  相似文献   
Recent high temporal and spatial resolution satellite observations of the solar corona provide ample evidence of oscillations in coronal structures. The observed waves and oscillations can be used as a diagnostic tool of the poorly known coronal parameters, such as magnetic field, density, and temperature. The emerging field of coronal seismology relies on the interpretation of the various coronal oscillations in terms of theoretically known wave modes, and the comparison of observed and theoretical wave mode properties for the determination of the coronal parameters. However, due to complexity of coronal structures the various modes are coupled, and the application of linear theory of idealized structures to coronal loops and active regions limits the usefulness of such methods. Improved coronal seismology can be achieved by the development of full 3D MHD dynamical model of relevant coronal structures and the oscillation phenomena. In addition to improved accuracy compared to linear analysis, 3D MHD models allow the diagnostic method to include nonlinearity, compressibility, and dissipation. The current progress made with 3D MHD models of waves in the corona is reviewed, and the challenges facing further development of this method are discussed in the perspective of future improvement that will be driven by new high resolution and high cadence satellite data, such as received from Hinode and STEREO, and expected from SDO.  相似文献   
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