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Magnetic data from a newly commissioned Indian Antarctic station Bharati (corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates 74.7°S, 97.2°E) and closely-spaced IMAGE chain observatories (∼100° magnetic meridian in Northern hemisphere) has been analyzed to study the climatology of substorms which were localized poleward of the standard auroral oval. We considered four austral summers (year 2007–2010) when data from Bharati was available. Several very high latitude substorms were observed in this duration when the solar activity remained unexpectedly low for a long time. Various features of very high latitude substorms, e.g., local time dependence, interplanetary state, hemispherical asymmetry and their nightside low latitude signatures are examined. Events studied here, suggested the following properties of substorms occurring at very high latitudes: (1) maximum occurrence was observed near magnetic midnight (21:00–02:00 MLT). (2) In contradiction to earlier reports, many substorms were observed even during negative IMF Bz condition. In addition, majority of substorms occurred during low or moderate solar wind streams. (3) Magnetic signatures were often pronounced in the winter hemisphere. (4) Even if widely used standard AE indices fail to monitor very high latitude substorms, their low latitude signatures are often evident.  相似文献   
Angle estimation for two unresolved targets with monopulse radar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most present-day radar systems use monopulse techniques to extract angular measurements of sunbeam accuracy. The familiar "monopulse ratio" is a very effective means to derive the angle of a single target within a radar beam. For the simultaneous estimation of the angles of two closely-spaced targets, a modification on the monopulse ratio was derived in (Blair and Pearce, 2001), while (Sinha et al., 2002) presented a maximum likelihood (ML) technique via numerical search. In this paper it is shown that the ML solution can in fact be found explicitly, and the numerical search of ((Sinha et al., 2002) is unnecessary. However, the ML solution requires the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for each target to be known, and hence we generalize it so it requires only the relative SNR. Several versions of expectation maximization (EM) joint angle estimators are also derived, these differing in the degree to which prior information on SNR and on beam pattern are assumed. The performances of the different direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimators for unresolved targets are studied via Monte Carlo, and it is found that most have similar performance: this is remarkable since the use of prior information (SNR, relative SNR, beam pattern) varies widely between them. There is, however, considerable performance variability as a function of the two targets' off-boresight angles. A simple combined technique that fuses the results from different approaches is thus proposed, and it performs well uniformly.  相似文献   
Interstellar material is highly processed when subjected to the physical conditions that prevail in the inner regions of protoplanetary disks, the potential birthplace of habitable planets. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are abundant in the interstellar medium, and they have also been observed in the disks around young stars, with evidence for some modification in the latter. Using a chemical model developed for sooting flames, we have investigated the chemical evolution of PAHs in warm (1000–2000 K) and oxygen-rich (C/O < 1) conditions appropriate for the region where habitable planets may eventually form. Our study focuses on (1) delineating the conditions under which PAHs will react and (2) identifying the key reaction pathways and reaction products characterizing this chemical evolution. We find that reactions with H, OH and O are the main pathways for destroying PAHs over disk timescale at temperatures greater than about 1000 K. In the process, high abundances of C2H2 persist over long timescales due to the kinetic inhibition of reactions that eventually drive the carbon into CO, CO2 and CH4. The thermal destruction of PAHs may thus be the cause of the abundant C2H2 that has been observed in disks. We propose that protoplanetary disks have a ‘soot line’, within which PAHs are irreversibly destroyed via thermally-driven reactions. The soot line will play an important role, analogous to that of the ‘snow line’, in the bulk carbon content of meteorites and habitable planets.  相似文献   
Space and Earth observation programs demand stringent guarantees ensuring smooth and reliable operations of space vehicles and satellites. Due to unforeseen circumstances and naturally occurring faults, it is desired that a fault-diagnosis system be capable of detecting, isolating, identifying, or classifying faults in the system. Unfortunately, none of the existing fault-diagnosis methodologies alone can meet all the requirements of an ideal fault- diagnosis system due to the variety of fault types, their severity, and handling mechanisms. However, it is possible to overcome these shortcomings through the integration of different existing fault-diagnosis methodologies. In this paper, a novel learning-based, diagnostic-tree approach is proposed which complements and strengthens existing efficient fault detection mechanisms with an additional ability to classify different types of faults to effectively determine potential fault causes in a subsystem of a satellite. This extra capability serves as a semiautomatic diagnostic decision support aid to expert human operators at ground stations and enables them to determine fault causes and to take quick and efficient recovery/reconfiguration actions. The developed diagnosis/analysis procedure exploits a qualitative technique denoted as diagnostic tree (DX-tree) analysis as a diagnostic tool for fault cause analysis in the attitude control subsystem (ACS) of a satellite. DX-trees constructed by our proposed machine-learning-based automatic tree synthesis algorithm are demonstrated to be able to determine both known and unforeseen combinations of events leading to different fault scenarios generated through synthetic attitude control subsystem data of a satellite. Though the immediate application of our proposed approach would be at ground stations, the proposed technique has potential for being integrated with causal model-based diagnosis and recovery techniques for future autonomous space vehicle missions.  相似文献   
Application of the Kalman-Levy Filter for Tracking Maneuvering Targets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Among target tracking algorithms using Kalman filtering-like approaches, the standard assumptions are Gaussian process and measurement noise models. Based on these assumptions, the Kalman filter is widely used in single or multiple filter versions (e.g., in an interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator). The oversimplification resulting from the above assumptions can cause degradation in tracking performance. In this paper we explore the application of Kalman-Levy filter to handle maneuvering targets. This filter assumes a heavy-tailed noise distribution known as the Levy distribution. Due to the heavy-tailed nature of the assumed distribution, the Kalman-Levy filter is more effective in the presence of large errors that can occur, for example, due to the onset of acceleration or deceleration. However, for the same reason, the performance of the Kalman-Levy filter in the nonmaneuvering portion of track is worse than that of a Kalman filter. For this reason, an IMM with one Kalman and one Kalman-Levy module is developed here. Also, the superiority of the IMM with Kalman-Levy module over only Kalman-filter-based IMM for realistic maneuvers is shown by simulation results.  相似文献   
Maximum likelihood angle extractor for two closely spaced targets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a scenario of closely spaced targets special attention has to be paid to radar signal processing. We present an advanced processing technique, which uses the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion to extract from a monopulse radar separate angle measurements for unresolved targets. This processing results in a significant improvement, in terms of measurement error standard deviations, over angle estimators using the monopulse ratio. Algorithms are developed for Swerling I as well as Swerling III models of radar cross section (RCS) fluctuations. The accuracy of the results is compared with the Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB) and also to the monopulse ratio technique. A novel technique to detect the presence of two unresolved targets is also discussed. The performance of the ML estimator was evaluated in a benchmark scenario of closely spaced targets - closer than half power beamwidth of a monopulse radar. The interacting multiple model probabilistic data association (IMMPDA) track estimator was used in conjunction with the ML angle extractor  相似文献   
Radar signal processing is particularly important in tracking closely spaced targets and targets in the presence of sea-surface-induced multipath. Closely spaced targets can produce unresolved measurements when they occupy the same range cell of the radar. These issues are the salient features of the benchmark problem for tracking unresolved targets combined with radar management, for which this paper presents the only complete solution to date. In this paper a modified version of a recently developed maximum likelihood (ML) angle estimator, which can produce two measurements from a single (unresolved) detection, is presented. A modified generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is also described to detect the presence of two unresolved targets. Sea-surface-induced multipath can produce a severe bias in the elevation angle measurement when the conventional monopulse ratio angle extractor method is used. A modified version of a recently developed ML angle extractor, which produces nearly unbiased elevation angle measurements and significantly improves the track accuracy, is presented. Efficient radar resource allocation algorithms for two closely spaced targets and targets flying close to the sea surface are also presented. Finally, the IMMPDAF (interacting multiple model estimator with probabilistic data association filter modules) is used to track these targets. It is found that a two-model IMMPDAF performs better than the three-model version used in the previous benchmark. Also, the IMMPDAF with a coordinated turn model works better than the one using a Wiener process acceleration model. The signal processing and tracking algorithms presented here, operating in a feedback manner, form a comprehensive solution to the most realistic tracking and radar management problem to date.  相似文献   
Fog, mist, and atmospheric dust particles, having the dimension of one micrometer or less, play an important role in the deterioration of visibility, as well as in causing local warming in the atmosphere. With an attempt to reduce the deterioration, a scientific approach has to be taken to determine their origins. A monostatic LIDAR may be one of the best instruments for such work. The authors are tempted to develop such a LIDAR for fog, mist, and dust particle monitoring over River Teesta at Sikkim. LIDAR is an acronym for Light Detection And Ranging. What can we do with LIDAR? Measure distance, measure speed, measure rotation, measure chemical composition and concentration, and measure cross-sections of the targets. The digital technique is always utilized for its development which results in better security, lower power consumption, higher power efficiency, higher reliability, lower transmitter power, lower multipath effect, higher interference suppression as compared to an analog system. The commercial systems like disdometer, rain radar, mobile robot, etc., utilizing LIDAR principles are operational in different parts of the world. The authors are highly motivated for such LIDAR development and their development effort follows.  相似文献   
Aquatic photosynthetic organisms are exposed to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation while they harvest longer wavelength radiation for energetic reasons. Solar UV-B radiation (280-315 nm) affects motility and orientation in motile organisms and impairs photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae as measured by monitoring oxygen production or pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence analysis. Upon moderate UV stress most organisms respond by photoinhibition which is an active downregulation of the photosynthetic electron transport in photosystem II by degradation of UV-damaged D1 protein. Photoinhibition is readily reversible during recovery in shaded conditions. Excessive UV stress causes photodamage which is not easily reversible. Another major target is the DNA where UV-B mainly induces thymine dimers. Cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae produce scytonemin, mycosporine-like amino acids and other UV-absorbing substances to protect themselves from short wavelength solar radiation.  相似文献   
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