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The use of electrostatic (Coulomb) actuation for formation flying is attractive because non-renewable fuel reserves are not depleted and plume impingement issues are avoided. Prior analytical electrostatic force models used for Coulomb formations assume spherical spacecraft shapes, which include mutual capacitance and induced effects. However, this framework does not capture any orientation-dependent forces or torques on generic spacecraft geometries encountered during very close operations and docking scenarios. The Multi-Sphere Method (MSM) uses a collection of finite spheres to represent a complex shape and analytically approximate the Coulomb interaction with other charged bodies. Finite element analysis software is used as a truth model to determine the optimal sphere locations and radii. The model is robust to varying system parameters such as prescribed voltages and external shape size. Using the MSM, faster-than-realtime electrostatic simulation of six degree of freedom relative spacecraft motion is feasible, which is crucial for the development of robust relative position and orientation control algorithms in local space situational awareness applications. To demonstrate this ability, the rotation of a cylindrical craft in deep space is simulated, while charge control from a neighboring spacecraft is used to de-spin the object. Using a 1 m diameter craft separated by 10 m from a 3 by 1 m cylindrical craft in deep space, a 2 °/s initial rotation rate can be removed from the cylinder within 3 days, using electric potentials up to 30 kV.  相似文献   
The past decade has seen a wealth of new data, mainly from the Galilean satellites and Mars, but also new information on Mercury, the Moon and asteroids (meteorites). In parallel, there have been advances in our understanding of dynamo theory, new ideas on the scaling laws for field amplitudes, and a deeper appreciation on the diversity and complexity of planetary interior properties and evolutions. Most planetary magnetic fields arise from dynamos, past or present, and planetary dynamos generally arise from thermal or compositional convection in fluid regions of large radial extent. The relevant electrical conductivities range from metallic values to values that may be only about one percent or less that of a typical metal, appropriate to ionic fluids and semiconductors. In all planetary liquid cores, the Coriolis force is dynamically important. The maintenance and persistence of convection appears to be easy in gas giants and ice-rich giants, but is not assured in terrestrial planets because the quite high electrical conductivity of an iron-rich core guarantees a high thermal conductivity (through the Wiedemann-Franz law), which allows for a large core heat flow by conduction alone. This has led to an emphasis on the possible role of ongoing differentiation (growth of an inner core or “snow”). Although planetary dynamos mostly appear to operate with an internal field that is not very different from (2ρΩ/σ)1/2 in SI units where ρ is the fluid density, Ω is the planetary rotation rate and σ is the conductivity, theoretical arguments and stellar observations suggest that there may be better justification for a scaling law that emphasizes the buoyancy flux. Earth, Ganymede, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and probably Mercury have dynamos, Mars has large remanent magnetism from an ancient dynamo, and the Moon might also require an ancient dynamo. Venus is devoid of a detectable global field but may have had a dynamo in the past. Even small, differentiated planetesimals (asteroids) may have been capable of dynamo action early in the solar system history. Induced fields observed in Europa and Callisto indicate the strong likelihood of water oceans in these bodies. The presence or absence of a dynamo in a terrestrial body (including Ganymede) appears to depend mainly on the thermal histories and energy sources of these bodies, especially the convective state of the silicate mantle and the existence and history of a growing inner solid core. As a consequence, the understanding of planetary magnetic fields depends as much on our understanding of the history and material properties of planets as it does on our understanding of the dynamo process. Future developments can be expected in our understanding of the criterion for a dynamo and on planetary properties, through a combination of theoretical work, numerical simulations, planetary missions (MESSENGER, Juno, etc.) and laboratory experiments.  相似文献   
The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding is a polar orbiting high resolution mid-infrared emission limb sounder with a nominal vertical resolution of 3 km. Work to extend the list of routinely retrieved species led to the examination of ammonia, NH3. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of upper tropospheric retrievals around 6-km altitude, discussing appropriate methods. We demonstrate a weak north to south gradient outside the error bars, using co-addition to improve signal-to-noise and compare these first results with a model.  相似文献   
This paper presents an overview of the mathematical foundations for techniques in Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for the purpose of investigating the relationships among the numerous variables in large sets of multivariate space weather data. Specifically, we cover techniques in Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Common Factor Analysis (CFA). These techniques are illustrated using space weather activity indices collected during the year 2002 and the corresponding noon-time hmF2 data from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI). A CFA is used to categorize the activity indices, and a PCA is used to derive two macro-indices of activity to ascertain the strength of solar and geomagnetic activity. These macro-indices are then used to compare and contrast IRI’s noon-time hmF2 values at six different geographic stations. It was found that the correlation between hmF2 and the macro-indices more accurately represented the variation of this correlation with latitude found in previous studies than if we used an isolated conventional index, such as SSN and AE. We also found that the daily maximum value of the Polar Cap Index was dependent on both solar and geomagnetic activity, but the closely-related cross-Polar Cap Potential was solely associated with elevated levels of geomagnetic activity, which is a unique result compared to previous studies. We argue that the discrepancy can be explained by the difference in experiment designs between the two studies. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of EDA in space weather studies of large multivariate data sets.  相似文献   
The results of an initial examination of the LDEF MicroAbrasion Package (MAP) and limited results from other onboard hardware are presented. The intriguing tasks of interpreting these data in terms of the dynamics of a particulate distribution of natural and artificial origin are discussed. It emphasises the unique aspects of the mission and especially the attitude stabilisation which may be exploited to extract a greater range of information compared with that previously derived from space collections and exposure of similar passive sensors.  相似文献   
Energy partitioning during the very high impact speed encountered in a cometary fly-by mission causes a target mass expulsion which leads to a momentum impulse on the target exceeding that of the incident momentum. Theoretical and computational studies are required to provide a basis for predictions of the response at Halley encounter, since experimental data from acceleration of microspheres extends currently only to some 10 kms?1. Such data obtained from the 2 MV Canterbury microparticle accelerator is presented: this demonstrates a target momentum enhancement E which can be approximated by a form E = 1+(V/Vo)β. Over the range 1 to 8 kms?1 the relationship is satisfied by Vo = 2 kms?1 and β = 2. Theoretical considerations of energy partitioning lead to constraints on the extrapolation of this functional dependence to very high velocities and the transition to β ≤ 1 is shown to apply. Results are examined and their significance to impact sensing and spacecraft deceleration discussed. An enhancement of momentum nearer to 12±3 at 69 kms?1 is anticipated for non-penetrating particles, from the ballistic pendulum data, but the ES data indicates a figure considerably higher.  相似文献   
The Juno Mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The selection of the Discovery Program InSight landing site took over four years from initial identification of possible areas that met engineering constraints, to downselection via targeted data from orbiters (especially Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) and High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images), to selection and certification via sophisticated entry, descent and landing (EDL) simulations. Constraints on elevation (\({\leq}{-}2.5\ \mbox{km}\) for sufficient atmosphere to slow the lander), latitude (initially 15°S–5°N and later 3°N–5°N for solar power and thermal management of the spacecraft), ellipse size (130 km by 27 km from ballistic entry and descent), and a load bearing surface without thick deposits of dust, severely limited acceptable areas to western Elysium Planitia. Within this area, 16 prospective ellipses were identified, which lie ~600 km north of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover. Mapping of terrains in rapidly acquired CTX images identified especially benign smooth terrain and led to the downselection to four northern ellipses. Acquisition of nearly continuous HiRISE, additional Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), and High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) images, along with radar data confirmed that ellipse E9 met all landing site constraints: with slopes <15° at 84 m and 2 m length scales for radar tracking and touchdown stability, low rock abundance (<10 %) to avoid impact and spacecraft tip over, instrument deployment constraints, which included identical slope and rock abundance constraints, a radar reflective and load bearing surface, and a fragmented regolith ~5 m thick for full penetration of the heat flow probe. Unlike other Mars landers, science objectives did not directly influence landing site selection.  相似文献   
Predictions of shielding requirements, levels of induced radioactivity and of radiation damage around high-energy accelerators require accurate simulation of the physics of proton-induced cascades from energies above the TeV to energies below the eV region. Experimental studies of cascades using activation detector, dosimeter and counter techniques provide valuable data for validating simulation procedures and for extrapolating the required accelerator design parameters directly. Such studies include the yields of low-energy secondary neutrons in proton-nucleus interactions, the spatial distribution of hadrons, low-energy neutrons and energy deposition close to the core of proton cascades and measurements at large lateral depths in shields. This paper describes some of these measurement and compares them with the predictions made by Monte-Carlo simulations.  相似文献   
素质教育提倡科学教育与人文教育整合,以培养高素质的科技人才.而目前,我国的大学英语教学又是以理工科学生为主要对象.在这种情况下,在英语教学中加强人文教育有重要的意义.  相似文献   
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