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We present results derived from the analysis of an equatorial streamer structure as observed by the UVCS instrument aboard SOHO. From observations of the H I Lyα and Lyβ lines we infer the density and temperature of the plasma. We develop a preliminary axisymmetric, magnetostatic model of the corona which includes the effects of gas pressure gradients on the magnetic structure. We infer a coronal plasma β > 1 in the closed field regions and near the cusp of the streamer. We add to the model a parallel velocity field assuming mass flux conservation along magnetic flux tubes. We then compute the Lyα emissivity and the line-of-sight integrals to obtain images of Lyα intensity, taking into account projection effects and Doppler dimming. The images we obtain from this preliminary model are in good general agreement with the UVCS observations, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Numerical modeling tools can be used for a number of reasons yielding many benefits in their application to planetary upper atmosphere and ionosphere environments. These tools are commonly used to predict upper atmosphere and ionosphere characteristics and to interpret measurements once they are obtained. Additional applications of these tools include conducting diagnostic balance studies, converting raw measurements into useful physical parameters, and comparing features and processes of different planetary atmospheres. This chapter focuses upon various classes of upper atmosphere and ionosphere numerical modeling tools, the equations solved and key assumptions made, specified inputs and tunable parameters, their common applications, and finally their notable strengths and weaknesses. Examples of these model classes and their specific applications to individual planetary environments will be described.  相似文献   
The planetary building blocks that formed in the terrestrial planet region were likely very dry, yet water is comparatively abundant on Earth. Here we review the various mechanisms proposed for the origin of water on the terrestrial planets. Various in-situ mechanisms have been suggested, which allow for the incorporation of water into the local planetesimals in the terrestrial planet region or into the planets themselves from local sources, although all of those mechanisms have difficulties. Comets have also been proposed as a source, although there may be problems fitting isotopic constraints, and the delivery efficiency is very low, such that it may be difficult to deliver even a single Earth ocean of water this way. The most promising route for water delivery is the accretion of material from beyond the snow line, similar to carbonaceous chondrites, that is scattered into the terrestrial planet region as the planets are growing. Two main scenarios are discussed in detail. First is the classical scenario in which the giant planets begin roughly in their final locations and the disk of planetesimals and embryos in the terrestrial planet region extends all the way into the outer asteroid belt region. Second is the Grand Tack scenario, where early inward and outward migration of the giant planets implants material from beyond the snow line into the asteroid belt and terrestrial planet region, where it can be accreted by the growing planets. Sufficient water is delivered to the terrestrial planets in both scenarios. While the Grand Tack scenario provides a better fit to most constraints, namely the small mass of Mars, planets may form too fast in the nominal case discussed here. This discrepancy may be reduced as a wider range of initial conditions is explored. Finally, we discuss several more recent models that may have important implications for water delivery to the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   
香港房屋委员会为香港半数的人口提供居所,由房屋委员会所兴建及管理的物业,不计其数。房屋委员会于1989年决定(至1993年时),其下的建筑工程策划部门以及所有为房屋委员会工作的建筑公司,均需获取ISO9000的资格证明。这项决定为香港的建造业带来深远的影响。1996年,房屋委员会推行提高管理质量计划,计划的对象为房屋署15000名全体员工,旨在改变机构本身及合作伙伴的文化,为顾客提供高质量的服务。本文探讨促成这些新措施背后的动力及原因,并概述房屋委员会在改变房屋署这一个庞大政府部门的处事态度时,所采用的方法及机制。  相似文献   
The Dawn science operations team has designed the Vesta mission within the constraints of a low-cost Discovery mission, and will apply the same methodology to the Ceres mission. The design employs proactive mapping mission strategies and tactics such as functional redundancy, adaptability to trajectory uncertainties, and easy sequence updates to deliver reliable and robust sequences. Planning tools include the Science Opportunity Analyzer and other multi-mission tools, and the Science time-ordered listings. Science operations are conducted jointly by the Science Operations Support Team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Dawn Science Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The UCLA Dawn Science Center has primary responsibility for data archiving while the JPL team has primary responsibility for spacecraft and instrument operations. Constraints and uncertainties in the planning and sequencing environment are described, and then details of the science plan are presented for each mission sub-phase. The plans indicate that Dawn has a high probability of meeting its science objectives and requirements within the imposed constraints.  相似文献   
Solar flares efficiently accelerate electrons to several tens of MeV and ions to 10 GeV. The acceleration is usually thought to be associated with magnetic reconnection occurring high in the corona, though a shock produced by the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) associated with a flare can also accelerate particles. Diagnostic information comes from emission at the acceleration site, direct observations of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs), and emission at radio wavelengths by escaping particles, but mostly from emission from the chromosphere produced when the energetic particles bombard the footpoints magnetically connected to the acceleration region. This paper provides a review of observations that bear upon the acceleration mechanism.  相似文献   
The water content and habitability of terrestrial planets are determined during their final assembly, from perhaps 100 1,000-km "planetary embryos " and a swarm of billions of 1-10-km "planetesimals. " During this process, we assume that water-rich material is accreted by terrestrial planets via impacts of water-rich bodies that originate in the outer asteroid region. We present analysis of water delivery and planetary habitability in five high-resolution simulations containing about 10 times more particles than in previous simulations. These simulations formed 15 terrestrial planets from 0.4 to 2.6 Earth masses, including five planets in the habitable zone. Every planet from each simulation accreted at least the Earth's current water budget; most accreted several times that amount (assuming no impact depletion). Each planet accreted at least five water-rich embryos and planetesimals from the past 2.5 astronomical units; most accreted 10-20 water-rich bodies. We present a new model for water delivery to terrestrial planets in dynamically calm systems, with low-eccentricity or low-mass giant planets-such systems may be very common in the Galaxy. We suggest that water is accreted in comparable amounts from a few planetary embryos in a " hit or miss " way and from millions of planetesimals in a statistically robust process. Variations in water content are likely to be caused by fluctuations in the number of water-rich embryos accreted, as well as from systematic effects, such as planetary mass and location, and giant planet properties.  相似文献   
Order of magnitude variations in relative elemental abundances are observed in the solar corona and solar wind. The instruments aboard SOHO make it possible to explore these variations in detail to determine whether they arise near the solar surface or higher in the corona. A substantial enhancement of low First Ionization Potential (FIP) elements relative to high FIP elements is often seen in both the corona and the solar wind, and that must arise in the chromosphere. Several theoretical models have been put forward to account for the FIP effect, but as yet even the basic physical mechanism responsible remains an open question. Evidence for gravitational settling is also found at larger heights in quiescent streamers. The question is why the heavier elements don't settle out completely. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
创新通信技术在国家重大空间技术开发计划中有着巨大的需求。本文综述了基于网络编码的空间通信技术,旨在探索未来基于网络编码的空间通信技术的可行性和潜力。首先讨论了空间通信的特点,并给出了不同编码方法的概述;详细介绍了基于网络编码的批量稀疏编码(BATS码)创新技术。BATS码作为一种潜在的应用技术可以很好地解决多跳中继网络中严重丢包问题;给出一个BATS码原型设计和实现,实验结果证明BATS码比现有技术具有明显优势;最后,讨论了BATS码在空间通信中的应用前景。  相似文献   
A great deal of evidence for elemental abundance variations among different structures in the solar corona has accumulated over the years. Many of the observations show changes in the relative abundances of high- and low-First Ionization Potential elements, but relatively few show the absolute elemental abundances. Recent observations from the SOHO satellite give absolute abundances in coronal streamers. Along the streamer edges, and at low heights in the streamer, they show roughly photospheric abundances for the low-FIP elements, and a factor of 3 depletion of high-FIP elements. In the streamer core at 1.5 R·, both high- and low-FIP elements are depleted by an additional factor of 3, which appears to result from gravitational settling. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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