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目前正在进行研制石墨材料,准备用于MX 第一级和第二级固体火箭喷管的入口部,喉部,后喉部,出口锥和可延伸出口锥。这些材料必须经受住新型洲际弹道导弹(ICBM)喷管系统的苛刻的结构、化学侵蚀,粒子冲刷和高温环境。该系统的燃烧室压力可达127公斤/厘米~2,火焰温度为3700°K 至3922°K。叙述了第一级和第二级全尺寸试验喷管的现状。还提出了在喷管设计、石墨材料研制以及预期性能改进方面进一步工作的方向。  相似文献   
在存放场地,固体发动机会由于各种瞬时热应力而产生累积性损伤。引起这些瞬时热应力的是环境温度、风、太阳辐照等与地理位置有关的所有一切因素的作用。业已表明,与最大损伤发生在大应力值的假设相反,推进剂的粘弹特性使其在低应力值下出现显著的损伤。因此,防护性贮存对发动机的使用寿命并不总是有利的。  相似文献   
本文是评论MX导弹喷管先进材料的三篇文章中的第二篇。第一篇文章于1977年4月在SAMPE季刊中发表(译文见“固体火箭技术”1978年第二期第99—105页),综述了MX导弹喷管对材料的要求,叙述了石墨材料的结构、性质和性能之间的关系。本文继续对MX的第一级和第二级发动机喷管所用先进材料进一步进行评价。  相似文献   
In order to help assess the risk to astronauts due to the long-term exposure to the natural radiation environment in space, an understanding of how the primary radiation field is changed when passing through shielding and tissue materials must be obtained. One important aspect of the change in the primary radiation field after passing through shielding materials is the production of secondary particles from the breakup of the primary. Neutrons are an important component of the secondary particle field due to their relatively high biological weighting factors, and due to their relative abundance, especially behind thick shielding scenarios. Because of the complexity of the problem, the estimation of the risk from exposure to the secondary neutron field must be handled using calculational techniques. However, those calculations will need an extensive set of neutron cross section and thicktarget neutron yield data in order to make an accurate assessment of the risk. In this paper we briefly survey the existing neutron-production data sets that are applicable to the space radiation transport problem, and we point out how neutron production from protons is different than neutron production from heavy ions. We also make comparisons of one the heavy-ion data sets with Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) calculations.  相似文献   
1980年在 Montery 召开的 JANNAF 会议上,介绍了 MX 第一级原始方案论证及制订的研制方案。这篇新资料评论了最初的两次静态试验所取得的结果。  相似文献   
Gravity effects on muscle and bone are a major impediment to long-term space travel. We introduce a model for studying these effects, the craniomandibular system. Some advantages of this system include: (1) craniomandibular morphology is determined by epigenetic factors including gravity, (2) relatively light forces can significantly alter its morphology, and (3) soft diet and tooth loss produce effects that are similar to those produced in lower limbs by weightlessness. In the study, implants made either of gold (experimental group) or lightweight acrylic (controls) were attached to adult rats' mandibles. After 13 weeks, the animals' skulls and mandibles were dissected. Pair-wise comparisons indicated that the experimental animals showed significantly shortened and narrowed cranial bases, and significant changes in the posterior zygomatic arch region. These results indicate that simulated macrogravity influences bone remodeling in the adult craniomandibular system.  相似文献   
本文总结了螺栓挤压推力终止系统(BETTS)的设计、研制和验证试验。该系统在阿诺德工程研制中心(AEDC)进行了多次冷试,一次海平面热试和两次高空点火推力终止试验,试验所用的发动机是政府向化学系统分公司提供的“民兵”发动机空壳体装药后制成的。通过大发动机热试,证明本计划所验证的这种BETTS可以消除前部碎片,大大地简化药柱和发动机壳体的设计,提高末级性能。另外,这种方法设计简单,从而可以降低推进系统的成本。BETTS用爆炸螺栓和挤压螺栓的组合代替连接喷管法兰和发动机壳体法兰的普通螺栓。接到指令后,爆炸螺栓立即打开,喷管循着挤压螺栓向后平移,发动机气体迅速排出,从而使推进剂熄火。挤压螺栓控制着喷管的移动速度和最大运动行程。以前根据NO.F04611—75—C—0044合同(CSD计划2549)曾成功地在缩比发动机上进行了BETTS热试和在飞行重量的“民兵”Ⅲ第三级发动机上进行了冷试。  相似文献   
为了进行老化评价研究,选择和研制了三种不同固体含量的(88~91%)端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)推进剂。已经证实,88%固体含量的HTPB推进剂符合以前提出的老化模型。这种老化模型已成功地进一步用于较高固体含量的推进剂以及其它计划用的HTPB推进剂的实测力学性能老化数据。采用这种老化模型,根据加速热老化试验数据予测了长期力学性能,予测数据与六年实测老化数据相当一致。利用予测的推进剂破坏性能,结合火箭发动机的要求,来确定予先选定安全裕度的发动机药柱的使用寿命。本文列出了各种复合推进剂老化速率的比较数据。根据老化结果的分析,提出了一个宽范围老化行为的数学表达式。  相似文献   
The Suess-Urey (S-U) mission has been proposed as a NASA Discovery mission to return samples of matter from the Sun to the Earth for isotopic and chemical analyses in terrestrial laboratories to provide a major improvement in our knowledge of the average chemical and isotopic composition of the solar system. The S-U spacecraft and sample return capsule will be placed in a halo orbit around the L1 Sun-Earth libration point for two years to collect solar wind ions which implant into large passive collectors made of ultra-pure materials. Constant Spacecraft-Sun-Earth geometries enable simple spin stabilized attitude control, simple passive thermal control, and a fixed medium gain antenna. Low data requirements and the safety of a Sun-pointed spinner, result in extremely low mission operations costs.  相似文献   
 本文研究DO28试验机飞行试验数据一致性检验及其误差校正。建立了由非线性运动学方程及内容广泛的校正环节构成的一致性检验模型,解决了大地风场重构、测量信号时间延迟估计、ψ转换及测量控制信号的校正。为DO28参数估计提供了可靠、准确的飞行试验数据。  相似文献   
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