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The significance of external influences on the environment of Earth and its atmosphere has become evident during recent years. Especially, on time scales of several hundred years, the cosmogenic isotope concentration during the Wolf-, Spoerer-, Maunder- and Dalton-Minimum indicates an increased cosmic ray flux. Because these grand minima of solar activity coincide with cold periods, a correlation of the Earth climate with the cosmic ray intensities is plausible. Any quantitative study of the effects of energetic particles on the atmosphere and environment of the Earth must address their transport to Earth and their interactions with the Earth’s atmosphere including their filtering by the terrestrial magnetosphere. The first problem is one of the fundamental problems in modern cosmic ray astrophysics, and corresponding studies began in the 1960s based on Parker’s cosmic ray modulation theory taking into account diffusion, convection, adiabatic deceleration, and (later) the drift of energetic particles in the global heliospheric magnetic field. It is well established that all of these processes determining the modulation of cosmic rays are depending on parameters that are varying with the solar magnetic cycle. Therefore, the galactic cosmic ray intensities close to Earth is the result of a complex modulation of the interstellar galactic spectrum within the heliosphere. The modern view of this cosmic ray modulation is summarized in our contribution.  相似文献   
In recent years the variability of the cosmic ray flux has become one of the main issues not only for the interpretation of the abundances of cosmogenic isotopes in cosmochronic archives like, e.g., ice cores, but also for its potential impact on the terrestrial climate. It has been re-emphasized that the cosmic ray flux is not only varying due to the solar activity-induced changes of the solar wind but also in response to the changing state of the interstellar medium surrounding the heliosphere. We demonstrate the significance of these external boundary condition changes along the galactic orbit of the Sun for the flux as well as spectra of cosmic rays. Such interstellar–terrestrial relations are a major topic of the International Heliophysical Year 2007.  相似文献   
On the dynamics of the heliosphere on intermediate and long time-scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A time-dependent, three-dimensional model of the dynamics of the heliosphere as a result of solar activity and a time-varying local interstellar medium is presented. The model is based on a recent version of the well known ZEUS code and employs parallel processing. It includes the solar and interstellar plasma components as well as neutral atoms, and contains the heliospheric magnetic field in a kinematic fashion. We study the dynamics of the heliosphere due to solar activity on periods of months to years up to the so-called Schwabe (11-year) cycle as well as due to time variations of the local interstellar medium, all of which have drawn increasing attention during recent years, as the significance of their direct or indirect effect on the Earth and its environment is under lively debate.  相似文献   
The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is a small explorer mission that launched on 19 October 2008 with the sole, focused science objective to discover the global interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium. IBEX is designed to achieve this objective by answering four fundamental science questions: (1) What is the global strength and structure of the termination shock, (2) How are energetic protons accelerated at the termination shock, (3) What are the global properties of the solar wind flow beyond the termination shock and in the heliotail, and (4) How does the interstellar flow interact with the heliosphere beyond the heliopause? The answers to these questions rely on energy-resolved images of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), which originate beyond the termination shock, in the inner heliosheath. To make these exploratory ENA observations IBEX carries two ultra-high sensitivity ENA cameras on a simple spinning spacecraft. IBEX’s very high apogee Earth orbit was achieved using a new and significantly enhanced method for launching small satellites; this orbit allows viewing of the outer heliosphere from beyond the Earth’s relatively bright magnetospheric ENA emissions. The combination of full-sky imaging and energy spectral measurements of ENAs over the range from ~10 eV to 6 keV provides the critical information to allow us to achieve our science objective and understand this global interaction for the first time. The IBEX mission was developed to provide the first global views of the Sun’s interstellar boundaries, unveiling the physics of the heliosphere’s interstellar interaction, providing a deeper understanding of the heliosphere and thereby astrospheres throughout the galaxy, and creating the opportunity to make even greater unanticipated discoveries.  相似文献   
The consequences of the interaction between the solar wind and the local interstellar medium for the wind region enclosed by the heliospheric shock are reviewed. After identifying the principal mechanisms to influence the dynamics of the solar wind, an approach allowing the simultaneous incorporation of neutral atoms, pick-up ions, cosmic rays and energetic electrons into a multifluid model of the expanding wind plasma is outlined. The effects of these particle species are discussed in detail, with special emphasis on the electron component which behaves more like a quasi-static hot gas rather than an expanding fluid. This electron gas is effectively trapped within a three-dimensional trough of a circumsolar electric potential whose outer fringes are possibly determined by the density distribution of anomalous cosmic rays. The electrons are proven to be a globally structered component of great importance for the solar wind momentum flow contributing to a triggering of the solar wind dynamics by asymmetric interstellar boundary conditions. Finally, the consequences for the relative motion of the Sun and the local interstellar medium as well as for the solar system as a whole are described.  相似文献   
In recent years the variability of the cosmic ray flux has become one of the main issues interpreting cosmogenic elements and especially their connection with climate. In this review, an interdisciplinary team of scientists brings together our knowledge of the evolution and modulation of the cosmic ray flux from its origin in the Milky Way, during its propagation through the heliosphere, up to its interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere, resulting, finally, in the production of cosmogenic isotopes in the Earth’ atmosphere. The interpretation of the cosmogenic isotopes and the cosmic ray – cloud connection are also intensively discussed. Finally, we discuss some open questions.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the results obtained by the team “Heliosheath Processes and the Structure of the Heliopause: Modeling Energetic Particles, Cosmic Rays, and Magnetic Fields” supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland. We focus on the physical processes occurring in the outer heliosphere, especially at its boundary called the heliopause, and in the local interstellar medium. The importance of magnetic field, charge exchange between neutral atoms and ions, and solar cycle on the heliopause topology and observed heliocentric distances to different heliospheric discontinuities are discussed. It is shown that time-dependent, data-driven boundary conditions are necessary to describe the heliospheric asymmetries detected by the Voyager spacecraft. We also discuss the structure of the heliopause, especially due to its instability and magnetic reconnection. It is demonstrated that the Rayleigh–Taylor instability of the nose of the heliopause creates consecutive layers of the interstellar and heliospheric plasma which are magnetically connected to different sources. This may be a possible explanation of abrupt changes in the galactic and anomalous cosmic ray fluxes observed by Voyager 1 when it was crossing the heliopause structure for a period of about one month in the summer of 2012. This paper also discusses the plausibility of fitting simulation results to a number of observational data sets obtained by in situ and remote measurements. The distribution of magnetic field in the vicinity of the heliopause is discussed in the context of Voyager measurements. It is argued that a classical heliospheric current sheet formed due to the Sun’s rotation is not observed by in situ measurements and should not be expected to exist in numerical simulations extending to the boundary of the heliosphere. Furthermore, we discuss the transport of energetic particles in the inner and outer heliosheath, concentrating on the anisotropic spatial diffusion diffusion tensor and the pitch-angle dependence of perpendicular diffusion and demonstrate that the latter can explain the observed pitch-angle anisotropies of both the anomalous and galactic cosmic rays in the outer heliosheath.  相似文献   
The scenario explaining the origin of the anomalous component of cosmic rays (ACR) implies a close relation between these high energy particles and the solar wind termination shock representing their main acceleration region. Consequently, one should expect the ACR distributions in the heliosphere to reflect some information about the structure as well as the large-scale geometry of the shock. We study the influence of a non-spherically symmetric heliospheric shock on the off-ecliptic — i.e. high latitude — ACR distributions using a two-dimensional model including their anisotropic diffusion and drift in the heliospheric magnetic field as well as a solar wind flow dependent on the heliographic latitude. The model calculations are used to investigate the probability of a possible polar elongation of the heliospheric shock from observations of the distributions of the ACR at high latitudes during solar minimum conditions.  相似文献   
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