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In this work we have tracked coronal mass ejections observed with the ground based Mirror Coronagraph for Argentina (MICA) and the Large Angle and Spectroscopic Coronagraph (LASCO) C2 and C3 on board of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The MICA telescope is located at El Leoncito (31.8 S, 69.3 W), San Juan (Argentina), since 1997 as part of a bilateral scientific project between Germany and Argentina. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA. Together these instruments are able to observe the solar corona ranging from 1.05 to 32 solar radii. MICA images the Fe XIV emission line corona and LASCO coronagraphs observe the Thomson scattered white light corona. We have selected events for which there are observations from the three coronagraphs. Using the composite data we were able to obtain height-time diagrams for the corresponding dynamical coronal features traveling outwards in order to determine some of their kinematical properties, i.e., plane of sky velocity and acceleration.  相似文献   
In the present paper the local-time variations in the disturbance of the geomagnetic-field horizontal component (H) for eight intense geomagnetic storms that occurred during the descending phase of solar cycle 23 have been analyzed. The study was based on the plot of contour lines of the H-depletion intensity in the plane local time versus universal time (LT–UT maps) with the objective of observing how the morphology and evolution of the ring current is mapped into the surface of the Earth in presence of intense geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   
Interplanetary origin of geomagnetic storms   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Around solar maximum, the dominant interplanetary phenomena causing intense magnetic storms (Dst<−100 nT) are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two interplanetary structures are important for the development of storms, involving intense southward IMFs: the sheath region just behind the forward shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Whereas the initial phase of a storm is caused by the increase in plasma ram pressure associated with the increase in density and speed at and behind the shock (accompanied by a sudden impulse [SI] at Earth), the storm main phase is due to southward IMFs. If the fields are southward in both of the sheath and solar ejecta, two-step main phase storms can result and the storm intensity can be higher. The storm recovery phase begins when the IMF turns less southward, with delays of ≈1–2 hours, and has typically a decay time of 10 hours. For CMEs involving clouds the intensity of the core magnetic field and the amplitude of the speed of the cloud seems to be related, with a tendency that clouds which move at higher speeds also posses higher core magnetic field strengths, thus both contributing to the development of intense storms since those two parameters are important factors in genering the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling via the reconnection process. During solar minimum, high speed streams from coronal holes dominate the interplanetary medium activity. The high-density, low-speed streams associated with the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) plasma impinging upon the Earth's magnetosphere cause positive Dst values (storm initial phases if followed by main phases). In the absence of shocks, SIs are infrequent during this phase of the solar cycle. High-field regions called Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) are mainly created by the fast stream (emanating from a coronal hole) interaction with the HCS plasma sheet. However, because the Bz component is typically highly fluctuating within the CIRs, the main phases of the resultant magnetic storms typically have highly irregular profiles and are weaker. Storm recovery phases during this phase of the solar cycle are also quite different in that they can last from many days to weeks. The southward magnetic field (Bs) component of Alfvén waves in the high speed stream proper cause intermittent reconnection, intermittent substorm activity, and sporadic injections of plasma sheet energy into the outer portion of the ring current, prolonging its final decay to quiet day values. This continuous auroral activity is called High Intensity Long Duration Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAAs). Possible interplanetary mechanisms for the creation of very intense magnetic storms are discussed. We examine the effects of a combination of a long-duration southward sheath magnetic field, followed by a magnetic cloud Bs event. We also consider the effects of interplanetary shock events on the sheath plasma. Examination of profiles of very intense storms from 1957 to the present indicate that double, and sometimes triple, IMF Bs events are important causes of such events. We also discuss evidence that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense storms. Finally, we argue that a combination of complex interplanetary structures, involving in rare occasions the interplanetary manifestations of subsequent CMEs, can lead to extremely intense storms. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
In this work a study is performed on the correlation between fast forward interplanetary shock parameters at 1 Astronomical Unit and sudden impulse (SI) amplitudes in the H-component of the geomagnetic field, for periods of solar activity maximum (year 2000) and minimum (year 1995–1996). Solar wind temperature, density and speed, and total magnetic field, were taken to calculate the static pressures (thermal and magnetic) both in the upstream and downstream sides of the shocks. The variations of the solar wind parameters and pressures were then correlated with SI amplitudes. The solar wind speed variations presented good correlations with sudden impulses, with correlation coefficients larger than 0.70 both in solar maximum and solar minimum, whereas the solar wind density presented very low correlation. The parameter better correlated with SI was the square root dynamic pressure variation, showing a larger correlation during solar maximum (r = 0.82) than during solar minimum (r = 0.77). The correlations of SI with square root thermal and magnetic pressure were smaller than with the dynamic pressure, but they also present a good correlation, with r > 0.70 during both solar maximum and minimum. Multiple linear correlation analysis of SI in terms of the three pressure terms have shown that 78% and 85% of the variance in SI during solar maximum and minimum, respectively, are explained by the three pressure variations. Average sudden impulse amplitude was 25 nT during solar maximum and 21 nT during solar minimum, while average square root dynamic pressure variation is 1.20 and 0.86 nPa1/2 during solar maximum and minimum, respectively. Thus on average, fast forward interplanetary shocks are 33% stronger during solar maximum than during solar minimum, and the magnetospheric SI response has amplitude 20% higher during solar maximum than during solar minimum. A comparison with theoretical predictions (Tsyganenko’s model corrected by Earth’s induced currents) of the coefficient of sudden impulse change with solar wind dynamic pressure variation showed excellent agreement, with values around 17 nT/nPa1/2.  相似文献   
We analyze the cosmic-ray anisotropy observed by a prototype network of muon detectors during geomagnetic storms associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The network currently consists of multidirectional surface muon detectors at Nagoya (Japan) and Hobart (Australia), together with a prototype detector at São Martinho (Brazil) which has been in operation since March, 2001. In this report, we analyze the anisotropy recorded in both the muon detector and neutron monitor (the Spaceship Earth) networks and find significant enhancements of cosmic-ray anisotropy during geomagnetic storms. Following the analysis by Bieber and Evenson [Bieber, J.W., Evenson, P. CME geometry in relation to cosmic ray anisotropy. Geophys. Res. Lett. 25 (1998) 2955–2958] for the neutron monitor data at 10 GeV, we also derive cosmic-ray density gradients from muon data at higher-energy (50 GeV), possibly reflecting the larger-scale geometry of CMEs causing geomagnetic storms. We particularly find in some events the anisotropy enhancement clearly starting prior to the storm onset in both the muon and neutron data. This is the first result of the CME-geometry derived from simultaneous observations of the anisotropy with networks of multidirectional muon detectors and neutron monitors.  相似文献   
Because space-borne radiometers do not measure the Earth’s outgoing fluxes directly, angular distribution models (ADMs) are required to relate actual radiance measurement to flux at given solar angle, satellite-viewing geometries, surface, and atmospheric conditions. The conversion of one footprint broad-band radiance into the corresponding flux requires therefore one to first characterize each footprint in terms of surface type and cloud cover properties to properly select the adequate ADM.

A snow (and sea-ice) retrieval technique based on spectral measurements from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on board Meteosat 8 is presented. It has been developed to improve the scene identification and thus the ADM selection in the near-real time processing of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) data at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. The improvement in the GERB short wave flux estimations over snow covered scene types resulting from angular conversion using dedicated snow ADMs (e.g., empirical snow ADMs and/or pre-computed theoretical snow ADM) instead of empirical snow-free ADMs is discussed.  相似文献   

The outcomes of "the future of UAS: standards, regulations and operational experiences" workshop, held on the 7 -8 December 2006, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The goal of the workshop was to identify recent international activities in the unmanned airborne systems (UAS) airspace integration problem. The workshop attracted a broad cross-section of the UAS community, including: airspace and safety regulators, developers, operators, and researchers. The three themes of discussion were: progress in the development of standards and regulations; lessons learnt from recent operations; and advances in new technologies. This summarises the activities of the workshop and explores the important outcomes and trends as perceived by these authors.  相似文献   
Solar variability effects studied by tree-ring data wavelet analysis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The global change approach to study the Sun-Earth system gives a growing amount of evidences that climate dynamics is affected by a large number of factors. The solar variability is very likely to be among them. Natural records, such as tree ring data, can be investigated to study the past global and regional climate, which was influenced by the solar radiative output variations, associated to solar activity. Wavelet transform analysis was applied to sunspot number and tree ring width time series from 1837 to 1996 at Concórdia, Brazil. The amplitude and cross-amplitude spectral representation in the time-frequency domain allowed us to detect the occurrence of predominant periodicities and the relationship between the sunspot number and the tree ring time series. The Morlet complex wavelet analysis was used to study the most important variability factors on time scales ranging from from 2 to 100 years, and their stability in time, which is shown in both time series studied. We also applied the cross-wavelet spectral analysis to evaluate time delay among different tree ring time series, and between tree ring and sunspot number time series.  相似文献   
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