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New Horizons: Anticipated Scientific Investigations at the Pluto System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The New Horizons spacecraft will achieve a wide range of measurement objectives at the Pluto system, including color and panchromatic maps, 1.25–2.50 micron spectral images for studying surface compositions, and measurements of Pluto’s atmosphere (temperatures, composition, hazes, and the escape rate). Additional measurement objectives include topography, surface temperatures, and the solar wind interaction. The fulfillment of these measurement objectives will broaden our understanding of the Pluto system, such as the origin of the Pluto system, the processes operating on the surface, the volatile transport cycle, and the energetics and chemistry of the atmosphere. The mission, payload, and strawman observing sequences have been designed to achieve the NASA-specified measurement objectives and maximize the science return. The planned observations at the Pluto system will extend our knowledge of other objects formed by giant impact (such as the Earth–moon), other objects formed in the outer solar system (such as comets and other icy dwarf planets), other bodies with surfaces in vapor-pressure equilibrium (such as Triton and Mars), and other bodies with N2:CH4 atmospheres (such as Titan, Triton, and the early Earth).  相似文献   
GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System) is the most recent satellite navigation system developed by the Soviet Union and currently in the pre-operational stage. Obvious parallels exist between GLONASS and the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) developed in the United States and also, at present, in a pre-operational phase. In the progress towards operational status, the launch capability for NAVSTAR satellites has been seriously affected by the recent failure of the Space Shuttle Challenger, clearly increasing the prospects of GLONASS reaching operational status first. It is therefore the main purpose of this paper to discuss certain aspects of the GLONASS satellite navigation system, in particular its orbital features and radio-frequency signal characteristics. Comparisons with NAVSTAR are inevitable and for this reason, the paper begins with a brief resume of relevant features of the NAVSTAR GPS system for later reference. The main section of the paper then deals with orbital behaviour, radio frequency signal structure and channelisation using NAVSTAR as a reference point for discussion.  相似文献   
The diverse populations of icy bodies of the outer Solar System (OSS) give critical information on the composition and structure of the solar nebula and the early phases of planet formation. The two principal repositories of icy bodies are the Kuiper belt or disk, and the Oort Cloud, both of which are the source regions of the comets. Nearly 1000 individual Kuiper belt objects have been discovered; their dynamical distribution is a clue to the early outward migration and gravitational scattering power of Neptune. Pluto is perhaps the largest Kuiper belt object. Pluto is distinguished by its large satellite, a variable atmosphere, and a surface composed of several ices and probable organic solid materials that give it color. Triton is probably a former member of the Kuiper belt population, suggested by its retrograde orbit as a satellite of Neptune. Like Pluto, Triton has a variable atmosphere, compositionally diverse icy surface, and an organic atmospheric haze. Centaur objects appear to come from the Kuiper belt and occupy temporary orbits in the planetary zone; the compositional similarity of one well studied Centaur (5145 Pholus) to comets is notable. New discoveries continue apace, as observational surveys reveal new objects and refined observing techniques yield more physical information about specific bodies.  相似文献   
The heliogyro solar sail employs high aspect ratio blades that are rigidized by spinning about the central spacecraft, eliminating the need for structural booms typically used to tension traditional square sails. The easily scalable heliogyro gains its maneuverability by actuating the blades at their root with sinusoidal pitch profiles. The blade vibration caused by maneuvering must be attenuated using active control since there is little inherent damping in the blade material. Due to the small root pitch control torques required, on the order of 2 µNm, compared to the large friction torques associated with a root pitch actuator, it has only recently been shown that a single blade heliogyro impedance controller can add damping to the lowest frequency torsional modes of the blade in the presence of modeled actuator friction torques. However, the need to measure blade twist away from the actuator at the root creates a non-collocated control system. Some inherent damping at the blade’s higher frequency modes is therefore needed to stably add damping to the larger-magnitude low-frequency modes, hence control design is sensitive to the accuracy of the blade damping model. Recently, damping characterization tests performed on a small-scale heliogyro blade in a high-vacuum chamber invalidated the assumption of a linear viscous torsional blade damping model that was previously used in blade control designs. This paper describes the formulation of three modal damping models based on the new experimental data and their integration into the single blade heliogyro model. A comparison of the robustness and performance envelopes for the baseline proximal blade twist feedback controller using these damping models shows the ability to meet the required settling time of less than 720 s necessary for a heliogyro technology demonstration mission. This comparison of physically realizable root pitch control systems for a heliogyro blade is critical to increasing the sailcraft to Technology Readiness Level three.  相似文献   
The next generation of Mars exploration robotics will have equipment to acquire subsurface samples, process and refine them, and transfer them to science instruments for observation. In 2003, MD Robotics and NORCAT, under contract with the Canadian Space Agency, designed, developed and tested building block technologies for a sample acquisition, processing and handling system for a future Mars mission. Four key technologies were developed to support this system: drill bit development for varied substrates, sample acquisition mechanisms to acquire cores at depth, material transport technologies to move waste material up the hole, and sample reduction technologies, studying the means to efficiently reduce samples into uniform particle sizes. This paper will discuss the technology development, the driving requirements and the test results.  相似文献   
A sodium lidar, capable of measuring temperature in the 80–100 km region, has been in operation at São José dos Campos (23° S, 46 W) since March 2007. Good quality data have been obtained for late autumn, winter and spring, but weather conditions make it extremely difficult to make measurements from mid-November to mid- February. We find the temperature structure to be strongly modulated by tides and gravity waves, but average profiles typically show a primary mesopause height close to 100 km with temperatures around 180 K, and a tendency for a secondary minimum of about 185 K to occur close to 90 km. Vertical temperature gradients greater than 50 K/km are sometimes seen even on profiles averaged over several hours. The strongest gradients are always positive and are frequently associated with strong gradients in sodium concentration. On the other hand, we frequently see rapid changes in the temperature profile, suggesting that models and non-local temperature measurements, as made by satellite radiometers, for example, are of little use in applications such as the analysis of gravity wave propagation seen in airglow images.  相似文献   
In an earlier study of sporadic sodium layers (Nas) [Simonich, D.M., Clemesha B.R., Batista, P.P. Sporadic layers and the vertical distribution of atmospheric sodium. Adv. Space Res. 35, 1976–1980, 2005], observed by lidar at São José do Campos (23°S, 46°W) we found that, although individual profiles give the impression that Nas layers involve sodium additional to the normal background layer, there is very little difference between the long-term averages of profiles with and without the presence of Nas. This led us to conclude that Nas layers result from the redistribution of an omnipresent source, rather than an additional source mechanism. We have now extended this study to investigate whether or not the relative magnitude of Nas layers influences this conclusion. To this end we manually characterized all the profiles obtained in the time interval from 1900 to 2200 LT for the years 1993–2004. This involved registering the upper and lower limits to each Nas layer observed, the height of the peak and the sodium concentration at each of these three points. We then computed average profiles for Nas layers of differing strengths, with strength defined as the concentration at the peak divided by the mean of the concentrations at the upper and lower boundaries. For strengths up to 4 the results confirmed our earlier conclusion but for Nas layer strengths greater than 4 we found a significant difference between the average profiles with and without Nas. For the strong Nas layers both the average abundance and the average peak sodium concentration were about 10% greater than for layers without Nas. This leads to the possibility that a different mechanism might be responsible for very stronger sporadic layers although we do not think this very likely.  相似文献   
Unique springs, discharging from the surface of an arctic glacier, release H(2)S and deposit native sulfur, gypsum, and calcite. The presence of sulfur in three oxidation states indicates a complex series of redox reactions. Physical and chemical conditions of the spring water and surrounding environment, as well as mineralogical and isotopic signatures, suggest biologically mediated reactions. Cell counts and DNA analyses confirm bacteria are present in the spring system, and a limited number of sequenced isolates suggests that complex communities of bacteria live within the glacial system.  相似文献   
The links between Earth and space exploration occur across a broad spectrum, from the use of satellite technology to support environmental monitoring and habitat protection to the study of extreme environments on Earth to prepare for the exploration of other planets. Taking the view that Earth and space exploration are part of a mutually beneficial continuum is in contrast to the more traditionally segregated view of these areas of activity. In its most polarized manifestation, space exploration is regarded as a waste of money, distracting from solving problems here at home, while environmental research is seen to be introspective, distracting from expansive visions of exploring the frontier of space. The Earth and Space Foundation was established in 1994 to help further mutually beneficial links by funding innovative field projects around the world that work at the broad interface between environmental and space sciences, thus encouraging the two communities to work together to solve the challenges facing society. This paper describes the work of the foundation and the philosophy behind its programmes.  相似文献   
The Atacama along the Pacific Coast of Chile and Peru is one of the driest and possibly oldest deserts in the world. It represents an extreme habitat for life on Earth and is an analog for life in dry conditions on Mars. We report on four years (September 1994-October 1998) of climate and moisture data from the extreme arid region of the Atacama. Our data are focused on understanding moisture sources and their role in creating suitable environments for photosynthetic microorganisms in the desert surface. The average air temperature was 16.5 degrees C and 16.6 degrees C in 1995 and 1996, respectively. The maximum air temperature recorded was 37.9 degrees C, and the minimum was -5.7 degrees C. Annual average sunlight was 336 and 335 W m(-2) in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Winds averaged a few meters per second, with strong f?hn winds coming from the west exceeding 12 m s(-1). During our 4 years of observation there was only one significant rain event of 2.3 mm, which occurred near midnight local time. We suggest that this event was a rainout of a heavy fog. It is of interest that the strong El Ni?o of 1997-1998 brought heavy rainfall to the deserts of Peru, but did not bring significant rain to the central Atacama in Chile. Dew occurred at our station frequently following high nighttime relative humidity, but is not a significant source of moisture in the soil or under stones. Groundwater also does not contribute to surface moisture. Only the one rain event of 2.3 mm resulted in liquid water in the soil and beneath stones for a total of only 65-85 h over 4 years. The paucity of liquid water under stones is consistent with the apparent absence of hypolithic (under-stone) cyanobacteria, the only known primary producers in such extreme deserts.  相似文献   
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