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MIRO: Microwave Instrument for Rosetta Orbiter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The European Space Agency Rosetta Spacecraft, launched on March 2, 2004 toward Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, carries a relatively small and lightweight millimeter-submillimeter spectrometer instrument, the first of its kind launched into deep space. The instrument will be used to study the evolution of outgassing water and other molecules from the target comet as a function of heliocentric distance. During flybys of the asteroids (2867) Steins and (21) Lutetia in 2008 and 2010 respectively, the instrument will measure thermal emission and search for water vapor in the vicinity of these asteroids. The instrument, named MIRO (Microwave Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter), consists of a 30-cm diameter, offset parabolic reflector telescope followed by two heterodyne receivers. Center-band operating frequencies of the receivers are near 190 GHz (1.6 mm) and 562 GHz (0.5 mm). Broadband continuum channels are implemented in both frequency bands for the measurement of near surface temperatures and temperature gradients in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the asteroids (2867) Steins and (21) Lutetia. A 4096 channel CTS (Chirp Transform Spectrometer) spectrometer having 180 MHz total bandwidth and 44 kHz resolution is, in addition to the continuum channel, connected to the submillimeter receiver. The submillimeter radiometer/spectrometer is fixed tuned to measure four volatile species – CO, CH3OH, NH3 and three, oxygen-related isotopologues of water, H2 16O, H2 17O and H2 18O. The basic quantities measured with the MIRO instrument are surface temperature, gas production rates and relative abundances, and velocity and excitation temperature of each species, along with their spatial and temporal variability. This paper provides a short discussion of the scientific objectives of the investigation, and a detailed discussion of the MIRO instrument system.  相似文献   
横向气流中的液体圆形射流破碎实验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
朱英  黄勇  王方  王雄辉 《航空动力学报》2010,25(10):2261-2266
采用了高速摄像仪对横向气流场中的液体圆形射流破碎过程进行了研究.实验中使用的喷嘴喷孔直径为0.3 mm,研究液体工质采用水,液气两相动量通量比的范围为10.2~80.结果表明,射流表面初始波动是蛇形波动,在气动力作用下逐渐发展成螺旋状表面波,最终增长到一定程度使得液体断开.随着气流速度的增加,气动力在射流破碎过程中将取代表面张力而占据主导地位,而且螺旋状表面波幅值会随气流速度增加而增加.射流运动轨迹脉动幅度随气流速度增加而增强,随射流速度增加而减弱.同时给出了射流破碎位置坐标与液气两相动量通量比之间的关系式,以及射流液柱在破碎点之前类似抛物线的轨迹曲线公式.   相似文献   
高岱  吕建婷  王本利 《航空学报》2012,33(11):2074-2081
研究在角速度不可测时航天器的有限时间姿态控制问题。基于有限时间控制技术,提出了由修正Rodrigues参数进行姿态描述的航天器输出反馈姿态控制算法。首先设计了单个航天器的输出反馈姿态控制器,在没有角速度反馈时也能够保证航天器姿态在有限时间内调节到期望姿态。之后,设计了无需绝对角速度和相对角速度信息的多航天器分布式输出反馈姿态控制器。使用Lyapunov理论和图论,对闭环系统全局有限时间稳定性进行了严格的证明。最后对提出的控制算法进行了数值仿真,其结果验证了所设计的航天器输出反馈控制算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
肖冰  胡庆雷  霍星  马广富 《航空学报》2011,32(10):1869-1878
针对挠性航天器执行器卡死与失效故障的姿态稳定控制问题,提出一种改进型滑模容错控制策略.与传统的滑模控制相比,该方法能削弱传统滑模控制中抖振现象对姿态控制精度的影响,且它采用自适应技术在线估计系统中的不确定参数,从而保证控制性能对外部干扰、不确定甚至时变转动惯量具有良好的鲁棒性.该控制器并不需要任何在线或离线的故障信息,...  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the attitude stabilization problem for a rigid spacecraft with external disturbances. To obtain a better disturbance rejection property, we employ finite-time control techniques. In the absence of disturbances, by employing continuous finite-time control method, a continuous finite-time controller is designed such that the attitude of the rigid spacecraft will converge to the origin in finite time. In the presence of disturbances, by employing terminal sliding mode method, a discontinuous finite-time control law is proposed such that the states will eventually converge to a small region of the origin, which can be rendered as small as desired. Numerical simulation results show the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   
This paper investigates fault tolerant attitude control theory and experiment for under-actuated spacecraft with one reaction wheel completely broken and two others suffering actuator faults of partial loss of effectiveness or bias. A non-smooth robust adaptive fault tolerant control law is proposed under the zero-momentum and input saturation conditions. It shows that the available reaction wheels need to produce sufficient control torque for the fault tolerance. Such a new control method is implemented in a semi-physical simulation system of an air-bearing platform. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in spacecraft practical engineering.  相似文献   
某试验型微小空间飞行器用于检测空间探测技术,通过对该飞行器运动轨迹及姿态变化的研究,对比分析空间探测技术的实时响应和检测精度。针对发射过程中,扰动会改变空间飞行器自由飞行过程的初始运行条件的问题,建立计及环境因素的空间飞行器轨道动力学和基于欧拉方程的姿态动力学模型,并对飞行器在不同初始运行条件下的运动过程进行数值研究。结果表明:改变初始条件,飞行器运动过程将产生不同程度的变化;入轨初速度越大,飞行器轨道离心率和周期越大;非零发射角将引起轨道偏移和旋转,俯仰发射角主要引起俯仰角变化,偏航发射角主要影响滚转角和偏航角,并且角度越大,幅度越大;自转角速度越大,姿态角变化越小。  相似文献   
纳米颗粒增强环氧树脂抗原子氧剥蚀性能机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为了提高航天器用树脂基材料的抗原子氧剥蚀性能,将不与原子氧反应的无机纳米二氧化硅颗粒添加到环氧树脂中,并对所制成的纳米复合材料试样进行原子氧效应地面模拟试验,分析了试验前后试样表面形貌、表面成分和表面化学结构的变化规律。结果表明,加入纳米颗粒后,环氧试样的质量损失和剥蚀率出现了明显的下降,抗原子氧剥蚀性能得到了大幅度的提高。同时,试验后的纳米复合材料表面仍然存在一些新的有机结构,它们和纳米二氧化硅颗粒一起,共同阻止原子氧对底层材料的进一步剥蚀。  相似文献   
空间站姿态/动量联合非线性控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴忠 《航空学报》2006,27(6):1155-1160
从Lyapunov稳定性理论出发,设计了一个非线性控制器,实现了空间站姿态和控制力矩陀螺角动量的联合控制。在此基础上,为抑制周期性环境干扰力矩对姿态控制性能的影响,引入了周期性扰动抑制滤波器,对非线性姿态/动量控制器进行了改进。改进的控制器不但可以抑制空间站姿态的周期性波动,而且可在满足特定飞行任务的前提下,建立空间站指向和控制力矩陀螺动量管理间的折中。控制器参数物理意义明确,易于调整。对空间站姿态控制/动量管理系统的仿真结果表明,该控制器是可行的。  相似文献   
刘畅  宁献文  苗建印  王玉莹  吕巍  王录 《航空学报》2018,39(9):122046-122053
水升华器是一种利用水作为消耗性介质的相变散热装置,在航天器热控及生保系统中得到了广泛应用。在水升华器启动及运行过程中多孔板内部发生的结冰膨胀现象会对多孔板微观结构进行再加工;由于形变硬化效应,水升华器多次工作后,多孔板的塑性将逐渐降低,结构参数将逐渐固化,将这一过程定义为多孔板的自强化。而多孔板微观结构的变化,将对水升华器防击穿能力、稳态散热功率等宏观性能产生影响。在对水升华器工作机理进行分析的基础上,从微观角度定性研究了水升华器多孔板的结冰自强化机理,并针对自强化效应对水升华器宏观性能的影响开展了实验研究。结果表明:对于本文结构的水升华器,在同一条件下,稳态散热功率随着启动次数的增加而减小,且每次减小的幅度逐渐降低,在启动3~4次后稳态散热功率逐渐趋于稳定。由实验数据得到了水升华器稳态散热功率与启动次数之间的拟合关系式;渗透率越大的多孔板,水升华器工作过程对多孔板的再加工程度更大,因而自强化效果更明显;自强化效应还可以提高水升华器的防击穿能力。研究结果为探月三期工程嫦娥五号探测器提供了一定的设计依据。  相似文献   
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