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提出了一种在成组技术中应用模糊综合评判理论识别零件几何与工艺特征、进行计算机辅助零件分类的新方法,据此设计了自动分类软件。本法是根据零件本身间的相似性自动分类,不需建立一套分类用编码系统,也不需事先设定假想零件。对不同的分类要求,修改各种输入信息很方便,具有柔性。本文对2300个航空附件回转类零件作了试验分析,讨论了特征抽取,目标类别,权级、权重分配,模糊关系矩阵计算,及自动分类应用软件设计.本软件是在IBM-PC微型计算机上用Fortran-77语言实现的,分类结果满意,自动分类正确率达90%以上。本软件设计方法也适用于设计管理部门.  相似文献   
变化和重构是快速可重构信息系统 (RRIS)的两个核心概念 ,RRIS对变化的适应或演化能力使它优于传统信息系统。本文首先提出 RRIS的体系结构 ,然后以 RRIS框架为重点 ,讨论框架的定义、分类及设计 ,研究框架的构成、构成元素 (业务构件 )的设计及构件如何在构架的组织下协调地安插在 CORBA的软总线上 ,实现类似硬件IC的即插即用。构件在框架上即插即用的灵活机制及热点构件 (反映变化 )的灵活运用 ,提高了框架的可扩展性、可定制性 ,从而提高了 RRIS适应变化的可重构性。  相似文献   
随着软件的应用规模越来越大,软件系统一旦出现故障,很可能会造成人员伤亡或财产等重大损失,因此对软件可信性进行评估尤为重要.在安全攸关如航空航天等领域,作为可信关键属性之一的安全性影响着整个软件系统的可信评估.特别当一个组件受到安全攻击或缺陷出现时,可信性会下降,会影响到与它可信关联的组件可信性,从而影响到整个系统的可信...  相似文献   
针对国内军用航空修理行业系统级综合试验现状,根据航电集成验证环境中总控系统的特点和应具有的基本功能,结合视情维修需求及现代软硬件技术状态和成熟试验验证的手段,介绍了航电系统集成验证环境中总控系统的建设思路,给出了总控系统硬件及上位机测试软件的实现方案。该总控系统的应用将提升航电系统的修理验证能力。  相似文献   
静电放电已经逐渐成为导致各类电子设备故障的主要原因之一,在电子产品研制过程中通常采用实物测试方式检验产品抗静电能力,但该方式耗费资金过大、可重复性差同时易损伤受试设备。在这种情况下,建立基于三维场路协同方法的静电损伤仿真测试平台有效地解决了上述问题。该平台以电脑仿真技术(CST)软件为基础,通过构建静电放电枪模块,结合受试设备模块和仿真参数设置模块,以时域有限积分法求解器进行仿真,并利用数据输出和处理模块得出结果。利用建立好的仿真测试平台对一台数据传输设备进行8 kV接触放电,观察其表面电流和磁场分布,并对其造成的传导干扰和辐射干扰进行分析。通过建立静电损伤仿真测试平台,实现了静电放电测试的可重复以及无损伤的目的,具有较强的工程指导意义。   相似文献   
受限空间中的有效电波覆盖直接影响通信质量和可靠性,对天线系统的布局优化尤为重要.然而现有的研究很少考虑本来就处于隧道中的天线参数对电波覆盖的影响.针对铁路隧道这种特殊的受限空间情况首先介绍了电波覆盖的研究方法和现状,然后利用射线追踪方法、波导模式方法和矢量抛物方程方法对电波覆盖进行了预估,针对笔形方向图的特征采用高斯方向图重点研究了不同的天线主瓣宽度、波束指向以及在隧道截面的位置对电波覆盖的影响,分析了沿隧道轴向不同区域内电波覆盖的不同特征,最后研究了受限空间中电波覆盖的三段式模型.本文的方法和模型可以为隧道内的天线选型及优化布局提供理论依据和参考.   相似文献   
The main purposes of experiment “Obstanovka” (“Environment” in Russian) consisting of several instruments are to measure a set of electromagnetic and plasma phenomena characterizing the space weather conditions, and to evaluate how such a big and highly energy consuming body as the International Space Station disturbs the surrounding plasma, and how the station itself is charged due to the operation of so many instruments, solar batteries, life supporting devices, etc. Two identical Langmuir electrostatic probes are included in the experiment “Obstanovka”. In this paper the Langmuir probes for “Obstanovka” experiment are described, including the choice of geometry (spherical or cylindrical), a more reliable method for the sweep voltage generation, an adaptive algorithm for the probe’s operation. Special attention is paid to the possibility for remote upgrading of the instrument from the ground using the standard communication channels.  相似文献   
Very low frequency interferometry among two astronomical experiments has been proposed and accepted for further study for the second phase of China’s lunar exploration programme (the Chang’E Programme), which is envisaged to operate a lander and a rover on the surface of the moon. This experiment is an interferometer experiment in the very low frequency (VLF, f < 15 MHz) regime of radio frequencies with at least degree-level angular resolution. The goals include observing solar storm activities, Coronal Mass Ejections, Auroral Kilometric Radiation, and planetary radiation in the solar system, studying the origin of Cosmic Rays, spectral properties of pulsars, surveying ionized hydrogen in the Galaxy, and exploring coherent radio emissions.  相似文献   
The occurrence of ionospheric scintillations with S4 ? 0.2 was studied using GPS measurements at Guilin, China (25.29°N, 110.33°E; geomagnetic: 15.04°N, 181.98°E), a station located near the northern crest of the equatorial anomaly. The results are presented for data collected from January 2009 to March 2010. The results show that nighttime amplitude scintillations only took place in February and March of the considered years, while daytime amplitude scintillations occurred in August and December of 2009. Nighttime amplitude scintillations, observed in the south of Guilin, always occurred with phase scintillations, TEC (Total Electron Content) depletions, and ROT (Rate Of change of TEC) fluctuations. However, TEC depletions and ROT fluctuations were weak during daytime amplitude scintillations, and daytime amplitude scintillations always took place simultaneously for most of the GPS satellites which appeared over Guilin in different azimuth directions. Ground-based GPS scintillation/TEC observations recorded at Guilin and signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) measurements obtained from GPS-COSMIC radio occultation indicate that nighttime and daytime scintillations are very likely caused by ionospheric F region irregularities and sporadic E, respectively. Moreover, strong daytime amplitude scintillations may be associated with the plasma density enhancements in ionospheric E region caused by the Perseid and Geminid meteor shower activities.  相似文献   
以神舟飞船单相流体回路辐射器为例,介绍了采用I-DEAS软件进行辐射器热分析研究的方法,包括建模、划分网格、计算及后处理等,并将仿真分析结果与热试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:采用I-DEAS软件对单相流体回路辐射器热分析具有很好的实用性和计算精度,显著降低了辐射器热分析的难度,并在一定程度上简化了前期设计中热试验验证的需求。  相似文献   
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