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电磁屏蔽抗干扰技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从干扰源性质出发,将屏蔽分为电场屏蔽、磁场屏蔽和电磁场屏蔽,并对它们进行了分析研究。针对其特性提出其适用范围及注意事项,从而增强了抗干扰的效果。  相似文献   
航天器波纹防护屏高速撞击实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
微流量及空间碎片的高速撞击威胁着航天器的安全运行 ,导致其严重的损伤和灾难性的失效。本文给出和分析了柱状弹丸高速撞击铝合金波纹防护屏 Whipple防护实验研究的结果。结果表明 :波纹防护屏具有分散不同入射角弹丸高速撞击所产生碎片云损伤能量的特性 ,并能降低弹丸滑弹碎片对航天器外部结构和子系统的损伤 ,该防护结构的防护性能优于铝合金板防护屏 Whipple防护。  相似文献   
Taking advantage of the cutoff computations performed for more than a hundred locations from 1955 to 1995 [every 5 years; Shea, M.A., Smart, D.F. Vertical cutoff rigidities for cosmic ray stations since 1955, in: Proceedings of the ICRC 2001, Hamburg, Copernicus Gesellschaft, vol. 10, pp. 4063–4066, 2001], we carefully checked the relationship between the vertical cutoff rigidity and the McIlwain parameter introduced by Shea et al. [Shea, M.A., Smart, D.F., Gentile, L.C. Estimating cosmic ray vertical cutoff rigidities as a function of the McIlwain L-parameter for different epochs of the geomagnetic field. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 48, 200–205, 1987]. We derived an updated algorithm that can be used outside the polar and equatorial regions, avoiding time consuming computations. Results for the European area and 1990 epoch suggest that the fast evaluation is accurate within 0.1 GV in 26 out of the 30 considered locations.  相似文献   
霍尔推力器磁路设计主要通过常温静态磁场仿真得到,并实测推力器非工作状态常温磁场进行复核。大功率霍尔推力器将面临更为严峻的热问题,推力器工作时磁路系统受高温影响,因此在常温下仿真得到的磁场位形会因温度升高而产生偏移,不能反映推力器真实工作时的磁场情况。为研究霍尔推力器工作时热量对磁路系统的影响,通过热磁耦合仿真对10 kW磁屏蔽霍尔推力器的热态磁场分布进行研究,并对热态、常温仿真结果进行了对比,发现在阳极附近的径向磁感应强度Br的差异比放电室出口更大。常温设计的磁屏蔽构型在热态时偏离磁屏蔽,磁场和壁面最大不符合度达到13%,通过陶瓷出口型面修正后重新获得磁屏蔽效果,使最大不符合度降低到4.8%以下。合理热设计有助于降低热载荷,热仿真得到磁路系统最高温度低于500℃,低于0.78倍的居里温度Tc磁性急剧转变点,不会出现磁性能急剧下降,但热量对磁屏蔽霍尔推力器磁场构型的影响是应该考虑的。  相似文献   
飞机经常在恶劣的电磁环境中飞行,为使机内的设备不受损害,除了保证机载设备具有足够的抗干扰能力外,还应提高蒙皮的屏蔽效能。本文在分析机体屏蔽特性的基础上,着重讨论了飞机屏蔽效能的测试方法,并介绍了提高机身屏蔽效能的设计措施。  相似文献   
采用自制的导电填料Ag/Ni/玻璃微珠制备了导电硅橡胶,对其形貌进行了表征,对其导电性能、电磁屏蔽效能、力学性能进行了研究。结果表明,Ni的存在使Ag/Ni/玻璃微珠填充硅橡胶在低频的屏蔽效能有所增强,填充体积分数为56%时,导电硅橡胶导电性良好,10 kHz~6 GHz屏蔽效能达70.6~98.8 dB,力学性能良好。  相似文献   
木星系探测中多层材料的辐射屏蔽优化设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与地球辐射环境相比,木星辐射带中的粒子辐射环境有能量高、通量大、能谱硬等特点,对木星探测器的辐射防护要求更高。航天器设计中常用的多层金属材料的防护效果取决于辐射环境、屏蔽层数量与厚度、屏蔽层叠放顺序等众多因素,因此采用数值方法进行设计十分困难,有必要开发智能屏蔽优化算法。文章结合遗传算法和MULASSIS多层屏蔽仿真程序,以屏蔽后的吸收剂量为优化目标,开发了多层材料辐射防护优化设计方法。利用该方法,得到一定重量指标约束下的最优屏蔽结构,其特点是将高低原子序数材料相结合,多为双层或三层结构,并把高原子序数材料放置在外侧。以远木点和近木点分别为25个和10个木星半径的赤道面轨道为例,当面密度为1 g/cm2时,最优屏蔽结构为0.829 mm铅和0.158 mm镁的双层结构,可将辐射造成的总剂量降低至120.3 krad(Si)/a,与传统铝屏蔽材料相比,可节省近43.6%的重量资源。本方法可用于指导未来木星探测的辐射防护设计。  相似文献   
Space radiation has been identified as the main health hazard to crews involved in manned Mars missions. Active shielding is more effective than passive shielding to the very energetic particles from cosmic rays. Particle motion in a magnetic field is studied based on the single-particle theory and Monte Carlo method. By comparing the shielding efficiency of different magnetic field configurations, a novel active magnetic shielding configuration with lower mass cost and power consumption is proposed for manned Mars missions. The new magnetic configuration can shield 92.8% of protons and 84.4% of alpha particles with E < 4 GeV·n-1, when considering the passive shielding contribution of 10.0 g·cm-2 Al Shielding, the required magnetic stiffness can be reduced from 27 Tm to 16 Tm. The detailed analysis of mass cost and power consumption shows that active shielding will be a promising means to protect crews from space radiation exposure in manned Mars missions.  相似文献   
采用交替真空抽滤制备Ti_3C_2T_x MXene/WPU复合双层薄膜,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)表征了微观形貌,X射线衍射仪(XRD)测试了晶体结构,通过矢量网络分析仪测试了电磁屏蔽性能。结果表明,可以通过超声离心制备出少层Ti_3C_2T_x;复合双层薄膜具有高韧性、高导电性以及优异的电磁屏蔽性能,表面电阻为3.57Ω;电磁屏蔽性能结果表明,MWPU_(3:1)的复合薄膜屏蔽性能为37.9 dB。在X波段与K波段,MWPU_(3:1)复合薄膜性能较为优异,且复合薄膜是吸收型电磁屏蔽材料。  相似文献   
Radiation exposure estimates for crew members on the surface of Mars may vary widely because of the large variations in terrain altitude. The maximum altitude difference between the highest (top of Olympus Mons) and the lowest (bottom of the Hellas impact basin) points on Mars is about 32 km. In this work estimates of radiation exposures as a function of altitude, from the Hellas impact basin to Olympus Mons, are made for a solar particle event proton radiation environment comparable to the Carrington event of 1859. We assume that the proton energy distribution for this Carrington-type event is similar to that of the Band Function fit of the February 1956 event. In this work we use the HZETRN 2010 radiation transport code, originally developed at NASA Langley Research Center, and the Computerized Anatomical Male and Female human geometry models to estimate exposures for aluminum shield areal densities similar to those provided by a spacesuit, surface lander, and permanent habitat as a function of altitude in the Mars atmosphere. Comparisons of the predicted organ exposures with current NASA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) are made.  相似文献   
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