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The evolution of luminous QSOs is linked to the evolution of massive galaxies. We know this because the relic black-holes found locally have masses dependent on the properties of the host galaxy’s bulge. An important way to explore this evolution would be to measure dependences of black-hole masses and Eddington accretion ratios over a range of redshifts, i.e., with cosmological age. For low redshift QSOs (and their lower luminosity Seyfert galaxy counterparts) it has been possible to infer black-hole masses from the luminosities and velocity dispersions of their host-galaxy bulges. These masses agree with those virial black-hole masses calculated from the Doppler widths of the broad Hβ emission lines. The latter method can then be extended to more distant and luminous QSOs, up to redshifts of 0.6 with ground-based optical observations. We discuss ways to extend these explorations to higher redshifts – up to 3 using the widths of QSOs’ broad UV emission lines, and in principle, and to redshifts near 4 from ground-based infrared observations of rest-frame Hβ at 2.5 μm. We discuss the possibility of investigating the accretion history of the higher redshift QSOs using measures of Eddington accretion ratio – the soft X-ray spectral index and the eigenvectors of Principal Components Analyses of QSOs’ UV emission-line spectra.  相似文献   
为了提高短距离定位精度,消除采用平行入射假定所引入的计算误差,分析和研究了近似误差对角度估计和解相位模糊的影响;得出了满足平行入射近似的前提条件,为干涉仪的波长、基线长度等参数设计提供了指导依据;提出了实际入射角的相位差估计和相应的角度计算方法,提高了角度估计精度。文章提出的高精度相位干涉仪测角方法,适用于多个运动平台(如卫星、飞行器)的互相定位、航天器交会对接、地面短距离目标定位等测角精度要求高的工程应用。  相似文献   
基于开放式结构的航天器控制系统测试技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外先进的基于开放式结构的测试技术,总结分析了中国航天器控制系统测试技术的现状和存在的问题.提出了一个基于开放式结构的航天器控制系统的测试系统实施方案,阐述了该系统所采用的各项关键技术,并提出了后续工作的设想.  相似文献   
提出了齿轮测量中心电感测头的新型数据采集系统,包括以集成开关构成的新型相敏检波器和以单片机为核心的数据采集系统,可以应用于各种电感信号的处理,具有较强的通用性。  相似文献   
We report work utilizing 15-min resolution ionospheric data obtained with DPS-4 digisonde in 2003–2011 to study the seasonal variations in amplitudes and phases of the most powerful spectral components of the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and peak height (hmF2) fluctuations over Irkutsk (52.5°N, 104.0°E). We show that fluctuations of both parameters contain quasi-harmonic components with periods of Tn = 24/n h (n = 1–7). The number of distinct spectral peaks varies from 3 in summer to 7 in winter. Amplitude and phase characteristics of the diurnal (n = 1) and semidiurnal (n = 2) components is studied using the data sets extracted from the original data sets with band-pass filter. It has been found that the amplitudes of diurnal/semidiurnal foF2 and diurnal hmF2 components are maximum in winter and minimum in summer. Amplitudes of the diurnal components vary gradually; those of the foF2 semidiurnal one, abruptly, thus forming a narrow winter maximum in November–January. The phase (local time of maximum) of the diurnal foF2 component increases gradually by 4–6 h from winter to summer. The phase of the semidiurnal foF2 component is nearly stable in winter/summer and sharply decreases (increases) by 2–3 h near the spring (autumn) equinox. The phase of the diurnal component of hmF2 (local time of minimum) varies slightly between 1130 and 1300 LT; that of the semidiurnal one decreases (increases) by 4–6 h from January to March (from September to November). The results obtained show that the main features of seasonal variations in the diurnal and semidiurnal components of the mid-latitude F2 layer parameters recur consistently during the solar activity growth and decline phases.  相似文献   
在计量技术机构的仪器收发系统中,仪器信息的录入是比较繁琐的过程。对于每次几十台甚至上百台的送检仪器,采用传统的手动录入方式耗时长、效率低,成为制约仪器收发效率的瓶颈问题。通过对目前仪器收发系统信息录入常用的数据库技术、网络技术、条形码技术进行分析归纳,提出了一种基于软件录入技术的实现方案,所介绍的方法可以实现仪器收发过程中的信息快速录入,较大程度上提高了仪器收发效率,缩短了委托方的等待时间,有效降低了工作中的差错。  相似文献   
通过对欧空局(ESA)地面测控站监控体制的研究,分析了新一代测控站远程监控系统所应具备的优势及特点,探讨了适合我国国情的测控站远程监控技术,并对应用方案进行了设想。  相似文献   
屋面现浇板裂缝的防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从设计、施工、材料、气候等多方面分析现浇板裂缝产生的原因,并总结一些防治措施。  相似文献   
本文研究了面内强磁场环境下铁磁板壳的自由振动问题。基于Eringen-Maugin的关于磁弹性作用的理性力学模型,从理论上推导了一般壳体在磁场中的运动方程,进而求解了面内强磁场作用下的小磁化率悬臂铁磁薄板自由振动频率。数值计算结果表明,本文模型和已有的实验结果吻合很好。  相似文献   
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