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基于预测零控脱靶量的拦截器中制导段导引   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对三维空间内的高速飞行目标,提出了一种基于预测零控脱靶量的中制导段导引方法。建立了拦截器与目标的相对运动关系模型,分析了确定修正轨道的约束条件,并在此基础上推导出修正轨道根数的计算方法。同时根据待增速度给出了推力定向和推力发动机工作时长的确定方法。仿真结果表明,该方法能有效实现拦截器中制导段的制导控制。  相似文献   
针对运载火箭增压输送系统中的拼焊型管路产品,以实现管路产品焊接的柔性装配为最终目标,开展了装焊精确定位柔性辅助系统的设计与开发。根据拼焊型管路的传统制造模式,焊接装配是采用专用装焊工装保证导管的空间走向和总体尺寸,因而每项导管对应一套专用装焊工装,管路结构的调整将导致原工装的返修甚至报废,造成生产成本高且严重影响导管的研制周期,该问题在研制型号中尤为突出。随着型号越来越多,专用装焊工装数量也显著增多,给工装管理也带来了极大的挑战。本文通过装焊精确定位柔性辅助系统的设计与开发,以导管特征点的坐标为控制指令实现柔性装配系统按照装配要求进行精确走位和定位,以柔性化的装配系统实现不同规格、不同空间走向的拼焊型管路产品的焊接装配。  相似文献   
The 2016 Mw 6.0 Italy earthquake is successfully recorded by the near-field 10?Hz GPS and 200?Hz Strong Motion (SM) stations, providing valuable data for this study. A comprehensive study of this earthquake is carried out based on GPS data, which contains coseismic deformations analysis, noise analysis, seismic wave picking, and magnitude determination. The noise of most GPS-derived displacement waveforms can be described as a combination of white noise, flicker noise, and random walk noise after the earthquake occurrence, and the spectral indices vary significantly for most stations, implying that the seismic signals have affected the noise characteristic of GPS-derived displacement waveforms. S-transform is employed to assess the GPS capability to detect the seismic arrival time. The SM station AMT and the GPS station AMAT are in good agreement in seismic wave picking, and the difference is only 1.2?s in the north component, suggesting that the outcome of seismic wave picking using GPS data is reliable. Then, a classic empirical formula is employed to determine the moment magnitude. A robust moment magnitude (Mw 5.90) can be estimated by the nine GPS stations with about 23.9?s. If four GPS stations near the epicenter is chosen to determine the magnitude, it only take 13.0?s to retrieve a reliable preliminary (Mw 5.82) magnitude, which is 5.4?s ahead of nine stations. In addition, Cross Wavelet Transform (XWT) is adopted to measuring the correlation and phase relationship between GPS and SM records. The result of XWT analysis indicates 10?Hz GPS is capable of capturing reliable and accurate coseismic dynamic deformations, as evidenced by the XWT-based semblance being close to 1 between GPS and SM records. The above results confirm the capability of 10?Hz GPS to capture coseismic dynamic deformations, detect seismic arrival time, and determine earthquake magnitude. Moreover, rapid magnitude determination based on 10?Hz GPS data can be regarded as an important supplement to Earthquake Early Warning (EEW).  相似文献   
Eight new-generation BeiDou satellites (BeiDou-3) have been launched into Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), allowing for global coverage since March 2018, and they are equipped with new hydrogen atomic clocks and updated rubidium clocks. Firstly, we analyzed the signals for the carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) and pseudorange multipath (MP) by using international GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Monitoring and Assessment System (iGMAS) station data, and found that B1C has a lower C/N0, and B2a has the same level of C/N0 as the B1I and B3I signals. For pseudorange multipath, compared with the BeiDou-2 satellites, the obvious systematic variation of MP scatters related to the elevation angle is greatly improved for the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e satellites signals. For the signals of the BeiDou-3 satellites, the order of the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of multipath and noise is B3I?<?B1I?<?B2a?<?B1C. Then, the comparison of the precise orbit determination and clock offset determination for the BeiDou-2, BeiDou-3, and BeiDou-3 experimental (BeiDou-3e) satellites was done by using 10 stations from iGMAS. The 3D precision of the 24?h orbit overlap is 24.55, 25.61, and 23.35?cm for the BeiDou-3, BeiDou-3e, and BeiDou-2 satellites, respectively. BeiDou-3 satellite has a comparable precision to that of the BeiDou-2 satellite. For the precision of clock offset estimation, the Standard Deviation (STD) of the BeiDou-3 MEO satellite is 0.350?ns, which is an improvement of 0.042?ns over that of the BeiDou-2 MEO satellite. The stabilities of the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e onboard clocks are better than those of BeiDou-2 by factors of 2.84 and 1.61 at an averaging time of 1000 and 10,000?s, respectively.  相似文献   
To improve the resolution and accuracy of Direct Position Determination (DPD), this paper investigates the problem of positioning multiple emitters directly with a single moving Rotating Linear Array (RLA). Firstly, the geometry of the RLA is formulated and analysed. According to its geometry, the intercepted noncoherent signals in multiple interception intervals are modeled. Correspondingly, the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) based noncoherent DPD approach is proposed. Secondly, the synchronous coherent pulse signals are individually considered and formulated. And the coherent DPD approach which aims for localizing this special type of signal is presented by stacking all array responses at different interception intervals. Besides, we also derive the constrained Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) expression for both noncoherent and coherent DPD with RLA under the constraint that the altitudes of the emitters are known. At last, computer simulations are included to examine the performance of the proposed approach. The results demonstrate that the localization accuracy and resolution of DPD with single moving linear array can be significantly improved by the array rotation. In addition, coherent DPD with RLA further improves the resolution and increases the maximum emitter number that can be localized compared with the noncoherent DPD with RLA.  相似文献   
《Acta Astronautica》2014,93(1):344-354
In this study, we propose a new attitude determination system, which we call Irradiance-based Attitude Determination (IRAD). IRAD employs the characteristics and geometry of solar panels. First, the sun vector is estimated using data from solar panels including current, voltage, temperature, and the normal vectors of each solar panel. Because these values are obtained using internal sensors, it is easy for rovers to provide redundancy for IRAD. The normal vectors are used to apply to various shapes of rovers. Second, using the gravity vector obtained from an accelerometer, the attitude of a rover is estimated using a three-axis attitude determination method. The effectiveness of IRAD is verified through numerical simulations and experiments that show IRAD can estimate all the attitude angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) within a few degrees of accuracy, which is adequate for planetary explorations.  相似文献   
利用跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)组成天基测控系统对低轨卫星进行轨道确定,并讨论了低轨卫星在TDRSS系统覆盖区域的时间段,以改进的Gauss-Newton算法为基础,设计了非线性迭代的微分轨道改进算法,有效抑制了算法截断误差。仿真实验证明基于TDRSS的测控技术可显著提高测控覆盖率,减少地面测控站压力,有效确定低轨卫星轨道,定轨位置误差小于20m,速度误差小于0.01m/s,能满足一般低轨卫星的定轨精度要求。  相似文献   
结合低轨卫星简化动力学定轨算法,以及不同几何信息精度条件下的纯几何定轨和动力定轨精度比较,定量分析星载双频GPS实现精密定轨过程中的主要因素,得到星载GPS接收机性能设计所需的关键技术指标,为卫星精密定轨系统的顶层设计提供了科学合理的参考依据。  相似文献   
深空探测中多普勒的建模与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对深空探测中的多普勒观测资料的单程和三程模式,分别给出了瞬时和积分的观测模型,双程多普勒观测模型是三程模式的一个特殊情况.通过比较瞬时和积分多普勒的差异,推断在积分周期取得足够小时,瞬时观测模型与积分模型是一致的.利用2009年8月份对火星探测器MEX的三程多普勒测轨资料的处理,检验了三程多普勒资料观测模型的正确性,利用约一个圈次8小时三程多普勒数据进行轨道计算,定轨结果与欧空局重建轨道位置差约几百米.  相似文献   
利用相邻历元间的载波相位单差可求得动态载体的高精度三维速度向量,基于此提出了可精确描述载体运动变化的扩展卡尔曼滤波动态精密单点定位算法。该算法克服了高动态条件下采用简化动力学模型可能引起的系统状态描述失实问题,同时还可输出动态载体的精密速度信息。飞机动态试验结果表明,用该算法的动态单点定位结果与TRACK双差解计算互差得到的三维RMS值,平面分量精度优于3cm,高程分量精度优于6cm,速度测量精度可达mm/s级。  相似文献   
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