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为了阐释脉冲射流控制中出现的频率依赖性、位置依赖性、条件同步性及强度依赖性这4种现象,在弱非线性稳定性理论的基础上,建立了一种简化的自激-外激耦合模型,用于近似描述脉冲射流流动控制现象.该模型由偏微分方程组构成,特定情形下可简化为常微分方程进行求解,通过将求解结果与脉冲射流控制的数值模拟及实验数据进行对比,研究发现:该...  相似文献   
Bifurcation in a 3-DOF Airfoil with Cubic Structural Nonlinearity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) as well as nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a 3-DOF aeroelastic airfoil motion with cubic restoring moments in the pitch degree of freedom are investigated.Aeroelastic equations of an airfoil with control surface in an incompressible potential flow are presented in the time domain.The harmonic balance (HB) method is utilized to calculate the LCO frequency and amplitude for the airfoil.Also the semi-analytical method has revealed the presence of stable and unstable limit cycles,along with stability reversal in the neighborhood of a Hopf bifurcation.The system response is determined by numerically integrating the governing equations using a standard Runge-Kutta algorithm and the obtained results are compared with the HB method.Also the results by the third order HB (HB3) method for control surface are consistent with the other numerical solution.Finally,by combining the numerical and the HB methods,types of bifurcation,be it supercritical,subcritical,or divergent flutter area are identified.  相似文献   
The flutter characteristics of folding control fins with freeplay are investigated by numerical simulation and flutter wind tunnel tests. Based on the characteristics of the structures, fins with different freeplay angles are designed. For a 0° angle of attack, wind tunnel tests of these fins are conducted, and vibration is observed by accelerometers and a high-speed camera. By the expansion of the connected relationships, the governing equations of fit for the nonlinear aeroelastic analysis are established by the free-interface component mode synthesis method. Based on the results of the wind tunnel tests, the flutter characteristics of fins with different freeplay angles are analyzed. The results show that the vibration divergent speed is increased, and the divergent speed is higher than the flutter speed of the nominal linear system. The vibration divergent speed is increased along with an increase in the freeplay angle. The developed free-interface component mode synthesis method could be used to establish governing equations and to analyze the characteristics of nonlinear aeroelastic systems. The results of the numerical simulations and the wind tunnel tests indicate the same trends and critical velocities.  相似文献   
Flexible chiral honeycomb cores generally exhibit nonlinear elastic properties due to large geometric deformation.The effective elastic moduli and Poisson’s ratio typically vary with an increase in deformation.Here, the size and shape optimization of the chiral hexagonal honeycombs was performed to keep the Young’s moduli and Poisson’s ratio unchanged under large deformations.The size of the honeycomb unit cell and the position coordinates of the key points were defined simultaneously as design ...  相似文献   
侧向随动力作用下大展弦比柔性机翼的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张健  向锦武 《航空学报》2010,31(11):2115-2123
 随动力能够诱发弹性结构发生颤振失稳。以侧向随动力和集中质量分别模拟发动机推力和外挂质量,考虑机翼垂直弯曲-扭转刚度比、集中质量大小、侧向随动力和集中质量的位置以及机翼后掠角和上反角的影响,研究了受侧向随动力作用的大展弦比柔性机翼的气动弹性稳定性。数值模拟所采用的大展弦比柔性机翼非线性气动弹性模型耦合了几何精确完全本征运动梁模型和ONERA动失速非定常气动力模型,该模型考虑了几何非线性、动失速和材料各向异性。模拟结果表明,侧向随动力对机翼颤振可以具有稳定作用,其具体表现依赖于若干变参数的影响,如:减小机翼垂直弯曲-扭转刚度比;发动机吊舱靠近翼根布置;使发动机推力作用点在法向上与机翼弹性轴靠近;单纯的集中质量避免布置在柔性机翼中部,且布置在机翼弹性轴之前或下方,这些设计或布置均有利于提高带发动机吊舱/有效载荷外挂的柔性机翼的气动弹性稳定性。  相似文献   
航天器薄壳柔性附件展开耦合行为特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究大范围运动柔性附件几何非线性和耦合效应与中心刚体的精确动力学行为,以薄壳结构柔性附件为研究对象,引入非线性应变和位移关系,利用虚功原理推导了做大范围运动带柔性附件航天机构的完整非线性动力学模型,所构建的模型包含了非线性几何变形及附加非线性项。针对线性和非线性模型,相应开展了大范围运动航天机构刚柔耦合数值分析。结果表明,随着转速增大,线性与非线性模型动力学特性产生根本差异,指出线性模型忽略了非线性耦合项的不足,而非线性模型可精确地预测大范围运动带柔性附件航天机构动力学行为。结论对航天机构定向和跟踪操作的动力学与控制具有重要的理论价值及工程实际意义。  相似文献   
基于索膜有限元模型的翼伞气动变形仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对定常状况下翼伞的流固耦合变形问题进行了三维数值模拟。使用有限体积法计算了飞行时的气动载荷,分析了前缘切口和翼肋开孔对压强分布的影响;基于翼伞结构大位移小应变的特点建立了非线性索膜有限元模型,伞衣由不能承受弯矩的膜单元模拟,伞绳和切口加强带由只能单向拉伸受力的索单元模拟,仿真了受气动载荷后翼伞相对于理想设计位置的变形和应力分布。结果表明:该翼伞展长相对于设计值减小,"鼓包"形成后翼型最大厚度增大,伞衣变形后产生了额外的后掠角和攻角;最大等效应力主要集中在翼肋上的开孔和伞绳连接点处,需合理布置加强带以满足强度要求。  相似文献   
非线性壁板颤振分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安效民  胥伟  徐敏 《航空学报》2015,36(4):1119-1127
利用一种改进的计算流体力学与计算结构动力学(CFD/CSD)耦合方法研究了由气动和结构几何非线性引起的壁板颤振问题。在非定常气动力计算中,考虑了通量分裂格式、隐式时间推进方法和几何守恒律;二维和三维壁板的结构几何非线性建模则采用了有限元的协同旋转理论,并利用一种近似能量守恒算法求解结构的非线性响应。流场和结构求解器采用二阶松耦合方法联立求解,并将其应用于壁板在超声速、跨声速和亚声速的颤振计算中。当考虑结构几何非线性和气动非线性时,出现了典型的极限环振荡现象,并对颤振边界和极限环振荡幅度进行了对比分析。  相似文献   
尚坤  刘向阳  李猛 《航空学报》2015,36(3):1002-1010
关节的灵活性能是航天服改进设计的一个重要方向,平褶式关节是一类典型的航天服软关节。为全面了解平褶式关节的活动特性,利用有限元方法构建了平褶式关节的仿真模型,该模型能够反映关节的主要材料和结构特征,计算得到了关节的阻力矩-角度关系。为验证模型,开展了关节原理样件的阻力矩测量,分析了模型误差的来源。比较了有限元方法和经典分析方法,并进一步讨论了平褶式关节阻力矩的组成。结果表明,有限元模型能够反映关节弯曲运动的基本特征,尽管关节运动初期和伸展运动后期阻力矩计算的准确性还有待提高,但与经典分析方法相比具有显著的优势。此外,结合模型结果分析得到平褶式关节阻力矩由压缩气体、材料摩擦以及结构的弹性变形引起。  相似文献   
大展弦比柔性机翼结构重量轻、气动效率高,广泛应用于高空长航时无人机(UAVs)。飞行过程中,这类机翼在气动力作用下发生大变形,线性结构模型不再适用,需要建立考虑几何大变形的结构模型。采用牛顿力学方法推导了考虑结构几何非线性的机翼结构动力学模型,该方法推导过程简洁、物理意义明确,可以与Hodges基于哈密顿原理的推导方法相互补充,相互验证。为了能够更准确地求解大展弦比柔性机翼的非定常气动力,建立了能够考虑机翼三维效应且适用于机翼空间大变形的非定常气动力模型。基于建立的非线性结构模型和非定常气动力模型,采用松耦合方法建立了非线性气动弹性模型,并通过算例验证了气弹模型的准确性。研究结果表明,大展弦比柔性机翼颤振速度对来流迎角和机翼的展长均较为敏感;当来流速度大于颤振速度时,由于几何非线性,机翼振动并未发散而是形成稳定的极限环振荡(LCO);随着来流速度进一步增加,机翼再次穿过临界稳定点,由不稳定系统变为稳定系统,直到随着速度的增加系统再次达到临界稳定状态。  相似文献   
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