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讨论了接触式激光干涉议的数据采集与处理系统,其特点是性能稳定,操作灵活。实验证明,该系统满足仪器分辨率为0.01μm,重复性误差在0.03μm以内的要求。  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于激光通过柱面透镜产生激光平面,以位置敏感器件PSD为接收器件,加上相应的硬件、软件组成的激光平面测量系统。  相似文献   
原子磁强计、激光冷却等技术需要将激光频率稳定在远离原子跃迁频率几兆赫兹的大失谐处,法拉第旋光光谱稳频方法能够实现远共振线的大失谐处的稳频,但是存在稳频点调节不便的问题。在法拉第旋光光谱稳频方法的基础上进行改进,提出了一种快速精确调节稳频点的远共振线激光稳频方法,能够在几十至几百兆赫兹范围内对稳频点频率进行快速精确的调节。基于该方法使失谐为-6.2 GHz的稳频点精确频移130 MHz,并实现频率漂移3.3 MHz/h,波动均方根值0.6 MHz/h的激光频率稳定度,满足原子磁强计对失谐及频率稳定性的要求。另外,分析了温度对该稳频方法的影响,推导了预估稳频点频率的物理参数,并将温度调节和声光调制器(AOM)调节相结合,以更好地实现在远共振线大失谐处对激光频率的长期稳定和精确控制。   相似文献   
The high repetition rate satellite laser ranging (SLR) measurements to the fast spinning satellites contain a frequency signal caused by the rotational motion of the corner cube reflector (CCR) array. The spectral filter, developed here, is based on the Lomb algorithm, and is tested with the simulated and the observed high repetition rate SLR data of the geodetic satellite Ajisai (spin period ∼2 s). The filter allows for the noise elimination from the SLR data, and for identification of the returns from the single CCRs of the array – even for the low return rates. Applying the spectral filter to the simulated SLR data increases the S/N ratio by a factor 40–45% for all return rates. Filtering out the noise from the observed data strengthens the frequency signal by factor of ∼25 for the low return rates, which significantly helps to determine the spin phase of the satellite. The spectral filter is applied to the Graz SLR data and the spin rates of Ajisai are determined by two different methods: the frequency analysis and the phase determination of the spinning retroreflector array.The analysis of more than 8 years of the Graz SLR measurements indicates an exponential spin rate trend: f = 0.67034 exp(−0.0148542 Y) [Hz], RMS = 0.085 mHz, where Y is the year since launch. The highly accurate spin rate information demonstrates periodic changes related to the precession of the orbital plane of Ajisai, as it determines the amount of energy received by the satellite from the Sun. The rate of deceleration of Ajisai is not constant: the half life period of the satellite’s spin oscillates around 46.7 years with an amplitude of about 5 years.  相似文献   
针对固态激光武器技术的发展,利用其非相干合束的能量叠加作用机理,通过将激光束衍射、光束质量、湍流、跟瞄误差等因素归一化成远场光斑的扩展,对子口径发射时的指标进行仿真分析,并根据仿真结果、子口径与系统发射口径间的关系,对固态激光武器系统的单台激光器功率、合束数量、发射口径,以及光束质量、跟瞄误差等因素进行了综合分析,给出了一定输入条件下的武器系统指标备选方案。  相似文献   
D300mm×3420mm圆管内旋转流流场的LDV实验测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)对直径D 300mm×3420mm圆管内的旋转流场进行了实验测量,重点测量切向速度与轴向速度的分布以及湍流强度分布.测量结果表明圆管内的旋转流是Rankine涡结构形态,旋转流强度沿轴向存在着明显的衰减特性,且最大切向速度的径向位置沿轴向逐渐向内移动,即由上游的刚性涡逐渐向下游的准自由涡和刚性涡组合过渡;轴向速度的分布存在着很大的不均匀性,在r=0.5R区域存在一个轴向速度的低速区,甚至出现上行,但在轴向位置z>10R后轴向速度全部向下,并向均匀分布发展;圆管内的切向湍流强度比轴向湍流强度大一倍,两者的湍流强度在准自由涡区径向分布比较平均,中心刚性涡区域的湍流强度比较高,而且随轴向位置的变化衰减不明显.  相似文献   
赵锐  王根弟  李锋 《航天电子对抗》2012,28(2):34-36,44
干涉仪由于可实现单脉冲测向,具有良好的抗单点有源干扰能力,但可通过实施两点源相干干扰来干扰其测向性能。首先介绍两点源对干涉仪实施相干干扰的基本原理,并对干扰效果进行数字仿真,详细分析了影响干扰效果的相关因素,最后对实施两点源相干干扰的限制条件进行了说明。  相似文献   
针对65 nm体硅CMOS工艺触发器链,利用脉冲激光研究了敏感节点间距、加固结构和测试数据类型等因素对电路的单粒子翻转效应(SEU)敏感度的影响。研究表明:敏感节点间距增大可有效提高双互锁存(dual interlocked storage cell, DICE)结构触发器链的抗SEU性能,但当敏感节点间距较大(如>4.0 μm)时,间距增大的器件加固效果减弱;触发器单元中NMOS管经保护漏结构加固、PMOS管经保护环结构加固后其SEU敏感度明显降低;不同数据测试模式下触发器链的SEU敏感度不同,这可能与不同模式下单元中的敏感晶体管类型不同有关。此外,脉冲激光作为一种地面模拟手段,可有效用于确定单粒子敏感器件设计的最佳间距和验证防护效果。  相似文献   
The density field around a vortex generator (VG) in supersonic flow is studied with a nanoparticle-based planar laser scattering (NPLS) method. Based on the calibration, i.e., the density distribution of the supersonic flow around a wedge, the density field of a supersonic VG is measured. According to movement characteristics of coherent structure in VG’s flow fields and the basic concepts of wavelet, the density fluctuating signals and multi-resolution characteristics of density field images are studied. The multi-resolution characteristics of density fluctuation can be analyzed with wavelet transformation of NPLS images. The wavelet approximate coefficients of density fluctuating signals exhibit their characteristics at different scales, and the corresponding detail coefficients show the difference of diverse layer smooth approximation in some way. Based on 2D wavelet decomposition and reconstruction of density field images, the approximate and detail signals at different scales are studied, and the coherent structures at different scales are extracted and analyzed.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于非线性双通MZI光纤滤波器的波长间隔可切换多波长掺铒光纤激光器.非线性双通MZI光纤滤波器除了多通滤波作用还具有功率均衡作用,能有效抑制掺铒光纤的增益竞争,从而实现室温下多波长稳定激射.通过合理调整激光腔内的偏振态,分别实现了0.2 nm和0.4 nm密集波长间隔可切换的多波长激光输出,两种状态下的激光波长个数分别为44个和25个,测量可得激光光信噪比分别高于14 dB和30dB.  相似文献   
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