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为提高稀疏信道估计性能, 基于压缩感知(CS)理论, 研究了正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中的导频设计问题。由于已有方法不能准确衡量采样矩阵重建性能, 从而导致根据已有方法设计的导频具有较差的信道估计性能, 因此提出以互相关矩阵元素的立方和为准则准确评价采样矩阵的重建性能。针对OFDM系统信道估计导频设计为离散组合优化问题, 提出了一种并行完全树分组替换搜索算法用于搜索最优的导频。在算法的每次循环中, 先将导频索引集合分组, 再根据每一组替换的结果更新导频, 提出的方法扩大了导频搜索空间, 避免了导频搜索的局部最优问题。仿真结果表明, 提出的评价方法相比现有方法能够准确评价采样矩阵重建性能, 使用提出的准则设计的导频与现有互相关准则相比信道估计均方误差可减小约3 dB。同时, 所提出的导频搜索算法具有更快的收敛速度和最优的导频搜索性能。   相似文献   
Research has been conducted in Semarang, Indonesia, to assess coastal vulnerability under enhanced land subsidence using multi-sensor satellite data, including the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type L-band SAR (PALSAR), Landsat TM, IKONOS, and TOPEX/Poseidon. A coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was constructed to estimate the level of vulnerability of a coastline approximately 48.68?km in length using seven physical variables, namely, land subsidence, relative sea level change, coastal geomorphology, coastal slope, shoreline change, mean tidal range, and significant wave height. A comparison was also performed between a CVI calculated using seven parameters and a CVI using six parameters, the latter of which excludes the land subsidence parameter, to determine the effects of land subsidence during the coastal vulnerability assessment. This study showed that the accuracy of coastal vulnerability was increased 40% by adding the land subsidence factor (i.e., CVI 6 parameters?=?53%, CVI 7 parameters?=?93%). Moreover, Kappa coefficient indicated very good agreement (0.90) for CVI 7 parameters and fair agreement (0.3) for CVI 6 parameters. The results indicate that the area of very high vulnerability increased by 7% when land subsidence was added. Hence, using the CVI calculation including land subsidence parameters, the very high vulnerability area is determined to be 20% of the total coastline or 9.7?km of the total 48.7?km of coastline. This study proved that land subsidence has significant influence on coastal vulnerability in Semarang.  相似文献   
Gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) is included in the payload of Chinese first lunar mission Chang’E-1 that will be launched in 2007. Specific objectives of the GRS are to map abundance of O, Si, Fe, Ti, U, Th, K, and perhaps, Mg, Al, and Ca to depths of about 20 cm. There are remarkable advantages for GRS application to remote sensing elemental materials over the entire lunar surface: large effective area and good ability for background rejection. We will describe the design of GRS and present its performance in this paper. Moreover, the GRS calibration will also be introduced.  相似文献   
Present study focuses on the estimation of rainfall over Indian land and oceanic regions from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-13. Based on the measurements at 19.35, 22.235 and 85.5 GHz channels of SSM/I Satellite, scattering index (SI) has been developed for the Indian land and oceanic regions separately. These scattering indices were co-located against rainfall from Precipitation Radar (PR) onboard Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) to develop a new regional relationship between the SI and the rain rate for the Indian land and oceanic regions. A non-linear fit between the rain rate and the SI is established for rain measurement. In order to have confidence in our method, we have also estimated rainfall using the global rainfall and scattering index relationship developed by Ferraro and Marks [Ferraro, R.R., Marks, G.F. The development of SSM/I rain rate retrieval algorithms using ground based radar measurements. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 12, 755–770, 1995]. The validation with the rain-gauge shows that the present scheme is able to retrieve rainfall with better accuracy than that of Ferraro and Marks (1995). Further intercomparison with TRMM-2A12 and validation with rain-gauges rainfall showed that the present algorithm is able to retrieve the rainfall with reasonably good accuracy.  相似文献   
许多由普朗克定律的瑞利-琼斯近似推导而来的亮温度计算方法已被广泛应用,但适当的误差修正却容易被忽视。随着地球遥感科学和微波噪声标准应用频率的不断升高,这些误差变得更为显著。研究了一些广泛应用的亮温度近似公式的误差修正方法,计算了这些公式在不同条件下与普朗克定律计算结果的偏差,旨在对这些公式的误差修正引起重视并作出相应的修正。  相似文献   
星载多光谱遥感器太阳定标技术的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星载多光谱遥感器的太阳定标器一般选择太阳作为基准光源 ,通过它将太阳辐射引入星载遥感器并调节到星载遥感器的动态范围内 ,对星载遥感器进行绝对辐射定标 ,也可对星载遥感器性能变化进行监测和校正。文章介绍一些最具代表性的星载多光谱遥感器的太阳定标器 ,并进行了分析 ,以反映太阳定标技术的现状与发展。目前采用太阳漫射器的星上定标方法可以实现全视场、全孔径、端点到端点的定标。这一方法的严重缺点是漫射器反射比随时间变化。为了解决这一问题 ,设计一种比辐射计或反射比标定装置来监测漫射器的辐亮度、反射比以及太阳常数。因此这种定标方法是很有前途的 ,在现代一些先进的星载多光谱遥感器上获得应用。通过对此方法的分析 ,提出了在太阳漫射器研制中的一些关键技术。  相似文献   
评价遥感图像的质量既可以采用客观的方法也可以采用主观的方法。重点研究了遥感图像质量主观评价方法。回顾了主观评价使用的量表法和任务满足度法的主要思想。由1∶500~1∶10 000比例尺制图的图示要求,概括出了若干个典型的满足一定规范要求的测绘业务,设计了一个心理物理试验,对这些测绘业务进行了研究,开发了一个面向1∶500~1∶10 000比例尺制图的主观图像质量评价标准。  相似文献   
焦面电路是空间光学遥感器重要发热源,需要通过合理的热设计将热量及时导走,维持电子元器件温度不致过高。某空间光学遥感器焦面电路大量采用高功耗电子元器件,采取传统方法对该焦面电路进行了热设计;建立了模拟试验系统对该热设计进行验证,在模拟试验过程中发现了该热设计的不足之处;提出了改进措施,即:建立从发热器件到电路盒壳体之间直接导热路径,并再次进行了试验。试验结果表明改进后测点温度有大幅度降低,从而验证了改进措施的有效性。  相似文献   
张建国 《宇航学报》1994,15(4):71-74
航天遥感原始数据的预处理是建立地面数据应用工程运行系统的关键技术之一。在1A级预处理中,需要解决处理任务组织和系统环境支持问题,需要完成数据回放、相对辐射校正、景地理坐标计算作业,这些问题的解决方法对遥感数据处理技术具有一定普遍意义。本文还介绍了一种数据预处理系统。  相似文献   
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