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以溶胶-凝胶法(Sol-gel)制备纳米SnO2及其不同比例的铜源掺杂物。采用热分析(TG-DTA),XRD等手段对其产物进行表征,利用静态配气法测试了掺杂产物的气敏性能。实验结果表明:采用Sol-gel法制备掺杂SnO2的气敏性能,同时受铜源和掺杂量的影响,且掺杂产物对乙醇不很敏感,但在150℃工作温度下对0.005%的H2S具有36367倍的高灵敏度。  相似文献   
给出了一种用于新型悬浮结构的使用差分电容进行角度检测的电路分析。为了确保电路具有较小的非线性和高分辨率,进行了电路的噪声分析和和输出信号的非线性度仿真。在电容检测接口中,使用了电荷积分放大器作为前置级以消除由于电容接线引起的寄生电容。分析了当存在耦合电容时差分电容桥的输出以及输出信号的非线性误差,分析结果显示该检测电路可以实现高分辨率和低非线性的角度检测。使用 PSpice 仿真并制作了电容检测印刷电路板。实际实验中,该电路可以检测的最小角度分辨率为 0.04o,非线性误差为 2.3%。  相似文献   
本文介绍了基于ASP的远程教育系统的功能特点和结构组成,并对其设计原理,实现方法及所应用的ASP,WEB数据库等关键技术进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
许世文  刘煜 《宇航学报》1995,16(3):76-80
本文介绍一种遥感相机自动调焦技术的实验研究结果,实验表明,差分式对比传递函数法调焦,具有调焦精度高,调焦速度快,受像移影响不明显,适应性好等优点。  相似文献   
以汶川地震干扰作用下岷江上游裸地变化特征为依据,选取岷江上游地形资料及2006年和2009年两个时期IRS-P6多光谱影像数据,通过对岷江上游地区裸地特征地类进行特征分析,在监督分类和聚类分析模块下提取出该区域裸地与非裸地范围,定量界定出岷江上游流域地震前后裸地变化范围。结果表明:岷江上游震前(2006年)裸地面积为2 196km2,震后(2009年)裸地面积为3 680km2,扩大了1 484km2;裸地分布高程从2 200m升高至2 800m,其面积增加较多区域主要集中在汶川县至茂县交界地带、理县的杂谷脑流域一带及黑水县部分区域,该区域亦是人口密度相对集中、地质灾害频发、生态环境相对薄弱的区域。该方法的实现为利用IRS-P6界定生境系统特征提供参考价值,也为环境脆弱性区综合评价分析提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
近期远程监控系统在工业中逐步推广,针对工业系统的特点和工业网络的实际情况,在原有工业系统的基础上,增加现场设备区域的图像监控和数据传输功能,提出了一种工业远程监控系统实施方案.本文论述了该系统的结构、原理及实现方法,经具体实施证明,本文提出的方案已基本能够满足一个通用的基于公用网络的远程视频监控系统的要求,体现了较重要的理论价值和很强的工程实用价值.  相似文献   
研究基于像增强型CCD(ICCD)的空间高分辨率微光成像系统的成像性能。通过理论推导及数学仿真的方法,对系统在微光条件下的能量传递、极限分辨力、信噪比以及调制传递函数进行分析计算。研究表明,系统在黎明照度条件下具有较好探测能力,通过对ICCD器件制冷可以有效提高系统信噪比,实现满月照度的探测成像。  相似文献   
气象海洋卫星地面遥感站主要是用于接收各类气象、海洋、环境卫星的遥感原始数据,并实现数据存储及相关数据处理,从中提取可用的空间环境资料。5.2m天线根据轨道预报捕获并跟踪目标,接收L/S/X三频段射频信号,将信号放大变频后送解调器,解调器从中频信号中恢复出原始遥感数据帧,由记录器对数据进行存储,快视设备实时对原始数据进行去格式处理后显示遥感图像,通过网络传输给各个用户。  相似文献   
王峰 《航天器工程》2008,17(6):44-48
提出了一种针对多遥感器、多数传通道的陆地观测卫星地面接收快视系统设计的新思路,即当星上有效载荷压缩数据与未压缩数据混编下传时,在地面接收站只需从混编基带数据中提取未压缩数据,进行帧同步与去格式处理后实时快视,即可达到既能实时监测数据接收质量,又简化地面接收系统设计的目的。  相似文献   
Vera Mayorova  Kirill Mayorov   《Acta Astronautica》2009,65(9-10):1393-1396
Current educational system is facing a contradiction between the fundamentality of engineering education and the necessity of applied learning extension, which requires new methods of training to combine both academic and practical knowledge in balance. As a result there are a number of innovations being developed and implemented into the process of education aimed at optimizing the quality of the entire educational system. Among a wide range of innovative educational technologies there is an especially important subset of educational technologies which involve learning through hands-on scientific and technical projects. The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of educational technologies based on small satellites development as well as the usage of Earth remote sensing data acquired from these satellites. The increase in public attention to the education through Earth remote sensing is based on the concern that although there is a great progress in the development of new methods of Earth imagery and remote sensing data acquisition there is still a big question remaining open on practical applications of this kind of data. It is important to develop the new way of thinking for the new generation of people so they understand that they are the masters of their own planet and they are responsible for its state. They should desire and should be able to use a powerful set of tools based on modern and perspective Earth remote sensing. For example NASA sponsors “Classroom of the Future” project. The Universities Space Research Association in United States provides a mechanism through which US universities can cooperate effectively with one another, with the government, and with other organizations to further space science and technology, and to promote education in these areas. It also aims at understanding the Earth as a system and promoting the role of humankind in the destiny of their own planet. The Association has founded a Journal of Earth System Science Education. Authors describe an effective model of educational technology developed in the Center for Earth Remote Sensing of Bauman Moscow State Technical University and based on scientific and educational organizations integration in the field of applied studies. The paper also presents how students are being trained to acquire and process satellite imagery data from Terra and Aqua satellites. It also reveals the results of space monitoring for Russia's ecologically complex regions conducted by Bauman Moscow State Technical University students in cooperation with specialists from the Laboratory for Aerospace Methods of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov.  相似文献   
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