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语用学从具体使用语言的情景出发,结合人、社会、文化等去解释语言的意义。语用能力作为交际能力的重要组成部分,与听说能力密不可分。文章结合语用学基本理论探讨其对全日制硕士学位研究生英语听说技能培养的启示,并提出相关策略,旨在提高工程硕士的英语听说能力,培养实践应用型人才。  相似文献   
针对柔性接头动态迟滞曲线受控制系统控制位置精度和动态响应速度影响较大的问题,基于电液伺服机构和柔性接头变刚度变阻尼模型,构建了柔性喷管的电液伺服机构-变刚度变阻尼模型,将其和电液伺服机构-定刚度定阻尼模型进行了对比。分析了电液伺服机构主要参数、柔性接头工作参数等对电液伺服机构-柔性接头系统动态特性的影响。分析结果表明:电液伺服机构-变刚度变阻尼模型所构造的迟滞曲线可更准确地与实验结果相吻合,并符合迟滞曲线随频率变化的规律,反馈系数、放大器静态放大系数、电液伺服机构增益、滑阀流量增益等参数对系统动态特性的影响更为明显。该模型为固体火箭发动机电液伺服机构-柔性接头系统动态特性的调整提供理论依据。  相似文献   
石文泽  陈巍巍  卢超  程进杰  陈尧 《航空学报》2020,41(12):423854-423854
针对高温铝合金在线检测条件下,温度对铝合金电磁超声检测回波特性的影响规律尚不明确、高温检测时缺陷定量/定位补偿困难这一难题,以螺旋线圈电磁超声换能器(EMAT)为例,建立了高温铝合金EMAT检测过程的场路耦合有限元模型;研究了温度对EMAT激励/接收换能效率、EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性、超声传播过程中的扩散/介质衰减特性、回波幅值和超声声速等因素的影响规律;研制了耐高温EMAT探头,对20~500℃高温铝合金试样进行了检测实验,并测定了高温铝合金的超声介质衰减系数和超声声速。在仿真和实验相结合的基础上,分析了高温检测时超声回波幅值变化特性及其影响因素。结果表明:对于铝合金这类非铁磁性金属材料,导致高温时超声回波幅值下降的主要原因是超声介质衰减系数随着温度的升高而增大,其次为高温时EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性的改变。在激励EMAT在试样表面形成的洛伦兹力不变的条件下,其所激励的超声波回波幅值具有随着温度的增加而增加的特点,可以有效减缓超声回波幅值下降的趋势。  相似文献   
针对单推力航天器交会对接问题,提出一种轨迹规划及跟踪算法。首先,考虑到追踪航天器只沿本体X轴安装推力器,且推力方向固定,为了实现从起始位置转移至期望位置并满足姿态要求,基于三维螺旋线设计两阶段转移轨迹,根据初末位置以及末端速度方向要求,求解螺旋线参数。该螺旋线可以保证在初末速度方向固定情况下,曲率积分最小。其次,为了降低轨迹跟踪难度并减小初始时刻的位置跟踪控制力,需要将转移轨迹初始速度与追踪星X轴重合。传统螺旋线无法满足该约束条件。本文对传统螺旋线进行改进,提出一种旋转螺旋线轨迹设计方法。通过引入姿态旋转矩阵,将螺旋线在三维空间旋转,在不改变曲线形状的前提下满足初末位置及速度方向要求。然后,为了跟踪转移轨迹以及跟踪期望推力方向,提出基于CLF(Control Lyapunov Function)的滑模控制策略,当追踪星X轴与期望推力方向夹角较大时,采用CLF,保证最优性;当姿态误差收敛至滑模面附近时,切换为滑模控制,以提升系统鲁棒性。最后,通过仿真验证旋转螺旋线相比于传统螺旋线的优势。  相似文献   
吴健发  王宏伦  黄宇 《航空学报》2020,41(3):623414-623414
通过任务规划技术合理的优化太阳能无人机的飞行轨迹和动力学参数,能够有效提高太阳能无人机的能量利用率,使其胜任许多大范围跨时间跨空间飞行任务。从能量建模、续航评估和能量管理策略3个方面对大跨时空任务背景下太阳能无人机任务规划技术的研究进展进行了综述。在能量建模方面,介绍了当前主流的太阳辐射模型和能量生产基本框架;在续航评估方面,分析了目前的指标设计和应用方法;在能量管理策略方面,从能量综合应用、风力滑翔机制、轨迹优化方法和面向特定任务的应用4个角度,梳理了当前的研究现状。最后,对该领域未来可能的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
林家泉  孙凤山  李亚冲  庄子波 《航空学报》2020,41(7):323614-323614
为了提高飞机客舱使用地面空调制冷时客舱能耗的预测精度,提出了一种改进的粒子群优化(IPSO)Elman神经网络的飞机客舱能耗预测模型。依据对算法中惯性权重与学习因子的收敛域分析,得出了二者合理的取值范围,将粒子到全局最优位置间距离与参数的取值范围相结合,构造了惯性权重与学习因子的动态调节函数,对其进行非线性的动态调节,并引入了变异因子,提出了一种跳出局部最优的策略,防止粒子群优化(PSO)陷入局部最优。将IPSO-Elman应用于Boeing738飞机客舱能耗预测中,与PSO-Elman、Elman算法进行性能比较,仿真结果表明基于IPSO-Elman的客舱能耗预测模型在预测精度和收敛速度方面均有一定的提升。该研究结果为飞机客舱能耗预测模型的建立提供了理论依据,对飞机地面空调的节能与机场电能合理调配提供了支持。  相似文献   
It is often necessary for space-borne instrumentation to cope with substantial levels of shock acceleration both in the initial launch phase, as well as during entry, descent and landing in the case of planetary exploration. Current plans for a new generation of penetrator-based space missions will subject the associated on-board instrumentation to far greater levels of shock, and ways must therefore be found to either ruggedize or else protect any sensitive components during the impact phase. In this paper, we present an innovative method of shock protection that is suited for use in a number of planetary environments, based upon the temporary encapsulation of said components within a waxy solid which may then be sublimated to return the instrument back to its normal operation. We have tested this method experimentally using micromachined silicon suspensions under applied shock loads of up to 15,000g, and found that these were able to survive without incurring damage. Furthermore, quality factor measurements undertaken on these suspensions indicate that their mechanical performance remains unaffected by the encapsulation and subsequent sublimation process.  相似文献   
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), in particular the Global Positioning System (GPS), have been widely used for high accuracy geodetic positioning. The Least Squares functional models related to the GNSS observables have been more extensively studied than the corresponding stochastic models, given that the development of the latter is significantly more complex. As a result, a simplified stochastic model is often used in GNSS positioning, which assumes that all the GNSS observables are statistically independent and of the same quality, i.e. a similar variance is assigned indiscriminately to all of the measurements. However, the definition of the stochastic model may be approached from a more detailed perspective, considering specific effects affecting each observable individually, as for example the effects of ionospheric scintillation. These effects relate to phase and amplitude fluctuations in the satellites signals that occur due to diffraction on electron density irregularities in the ionosphere and are particularly relevant at equatorial and high latitude regions, especially during periods of high solar activity. As a consequence, degraded measurement quality and poorer positioning accuracy may result.  相似文献   
Remote sensing scientists work under assumptions that should not be taken for granted and should, therefore, be challenged. These assumptions include the following:1. Space, especially Low Earth Orbit (LEO), will always be available to governmental and commercial space entities that launch Earth remote sensing missions.2. Space launches are benign with respect to environmental impacts.3. Minimization of Type 1 error, which provides increased confidence in the experimental outcome, is the best way to assess the significance of environmental change.4. Large-area remote sensing investigations, i.e. national, continental, global studies, are best done from space.5. National space missions should trump international, cooperative space missions to ensure national control and distribution of the data products.At best, all of these points are arguable, and in some cases, they're wrong. Development of observational space systems that are compatible with sustainability principles should be a primary concern when Earth remote sensing space systems are envisioned, designed, and launched. The discussion is based on the hypothesis that reducing the environmental impacts of the data acquisition step, which is at the very beginning of the information stream leading to decision and action, will enhance coherence in the information stream and strengthen the capacity of measurement processes to meet their stated functional goal, i.e. sustainable management of Earth resources. We suggest that unconventional points of view should be adopted and when appropriate, remedial measures considered that could help to reduce the environmental footprint of space remote sensing and of Earth observation and monitoring systems in general. This article discusses these five assumptions in the context of sustainable management of Earth's resources. Taking each assumption in turn, we find the following:(1) Space debris may limit access to Low Earth Orbit over the next decades.(2) Relatively speaking, given that they're rare event, space launches may be benign, but study is merited on upper stratospheric and exospheric layers given the chemical activity associated with rocket combustion by-products.(3) Minimization of Type II error should be considered in situations where minimization of Type I error greatly hampers or precludes our ability to correct the environmental condition being studied.(4) In certain situations, airborne collects may be less expensive and more environmentally benign, and comparative studies should be done to determine which path is wisest.(5) International cooperation and data sharing will reduce instrument and launch costs and mission redundancy. Given fiscal concerns of most of the major space agencies – e.g. NASA, ESA, CNES – it seems prudent to combine resources.  相似文献   
为同时兼顾千米量级尺度空间太阳能电站聚光系统的在轨发射安装难度、光学收集效率、稳定性及结构工艺等多方面的因素,提出采用基于球面正多面体的经纬线划分法模块化构建球形聚光器。该方法不仅可实现基础划分单元分布均匀、规格种类少,降低在轨构建与运载发射难度。而且只要合理控制弧高等分数和基础划分单元的口径就可以同时保证聚光系统的光学收集效率。理论与仿真结果显示,当弧高等分数为24时,该划分法共有25种基础单元件,整个球面被分成5762块。并且此时模块化构建的实际球形聚光器的光学收集效率与理想球面相比基本保持不变,解决了太阳能电站聚光系统设计中存在的关键问题。  相似文献   
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