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针对静电悬浮加速度计高稳定悬浮控制和极微小加速度信号处理需求,设计了一种基于数字信号处理(digital signal processor,DSP)和现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array,FPGA)的加速度计控制器。该控制器采用DSP作为主控芯片,FPGA为辅助控制芯片。基于加速度计的工作特性,设计了一种加速度计工作模式切换控制策略,可根据加速度计当前工作状态,自动或者手动切换工作模式。基于加速度计的工作原理和测量需求,设计开发了基于FPGA的比例、积分、微分(proportional integral derivative,PID)控制算法和有限冲击响应(finite impulse response,FIR)滤波算法。为验证该控制器的控制性能,开展了地面高压悬浮实验。结果表明,该控制器及控制算法可以快速准确地实现加速度计稳定悬浮控制和模式切换,并且可以实现软件在轨重构和控制参数在轨更新,为后续重力场探测、空间引力波探测以及自主导航等提供了工程参考依据。  相似文献   
As a typical semiarid farming-pastoral ecotone sensitive to the environmennt, the Plain of West Liaohe Basin (WLBP) is currently experiencing drastic environmental changes. To identify how environmental change affect vegetation in the WLBP, we analysed spatiotemporal variation characteristics of Ecological environment factors based on monthly and annual air temperature (T), precipitation (P) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from 1982 to 2015. And the correlations between them were investigated by correlation analysis (Simple correlation, partial correlation and complex correlation) at temporal and spatial scale. The results showed that: (1) the vegetation growth of the WLBP showed ameliorated trend, with a change rate of 0.004/yr.; (2) P was more sensitive to NDVI than T; (3) and the influence of hydrothermal changes on vegetation growth was more significant than that of the change of single climate factors at time scales; (4) the effects of anthropogenic factors on vegetation change were 75.07% (1982–1993) and 98.08% (1994–2015), respectively. At the temp-special scales, P&T and land use type change (LUCC) were the main climatic and anthropogenic factors that affect vegetation changes, respectively.  相似文献   
谢喜宁  胡小锋  原青云 《航空学报》2019,40(11):323161-323161
针对当前国内外诱发静电放电(ESD)研究较少的实际情况,为了解自然环境下静电放电辐射场诱发放电的基本特性,进一步分析诱发放电的特征规律,建立了大气条件下诱发放电试验系统。主要采取理论分析、试验验证的方式,对静电放电辐射场诱发针-球电极结构放电的基本规律进行摸索,初步得出了诱发放电的基本规律。研究结果表明:在外界条件一定的情况下,随着辐射场强的不断增大,放电重复频率不断增大;在辐射场强一定的情况下,随着高压源电压的不断增大,诱发放电重复频率不断增大;在外界环境条件一定的情况下,能够确定该条件下的诱发放电唯一阈值。这些试验规律的取得,为真空条件下的诱发放电特性研究提供了试验方法和理论依据,对开展航天器运行环境中的诱发放电研究和防护方法设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   
着重介绍了旋转式电动机构试验装置现场校准的原理及测量不确定度的评定方法.  相似文献   
液滴喷射过程微熔滴充电的理论建模?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗俊  齐乐华  杨方  李莉  蒋小珊 《航空学报》2007,28(1):217-221
 为了精确分析微熔滴在静电场中的带电量,本文建立了微熔滴形成时的静电感应模型,并针对液滴相互静电力影响,提出了预测熔滴平均带电量的算法。对不同频率下的熔滴充电过程进行有限元建模计算,得到了不同频率下微熔滴带电量与充电电压的关系,可以预测微熔滴的平均带电量。计算结果与实际结果吻合良好,比现有理论方法更为接近实际结果。  相似文献   
As comet 9P/Tempel 1 approaches the Sun in 2004–2005, a temporary atmosphere, or “coma,” will form, composed of molecules and dust expelled from the nucleus as its component icy volatiles sublimate. Driven mainly by water ice sublimation at surface temperatures T > 200 K, this coma is a gravitationally unbound atmosphere in free adiabatic expansion. Near the nucleus (≤ 102 km), it is in collisional equilibrium, at larger distances (≥104 km) it is in free molecular flow. Ultimately the coma components are swept into the comet’s plasma and dust tails or simply dissipate into interplanetary space. Clues to the nature of the cometary nucleus are contained in the chemistry and physics of the coma, as well as with its variability with time, orbital position, and heliocentric distance. The DI instrument payload includes CCD cameras with broadband filters covering the optical spectrum, allowing for sensitive measurement of dust in the comet’s coma, and a number of narrowband filters for studying the spatial distribution of several gas species. DI also carries the first near-infrared spectrometer to a comet flyby since the VEGA mission to Halley in 1986. This spectrograph will allow detection of gas emission lines from the coma in unprecedented detail. Here we discuss the current state of understanding of the 9P/Tempel 1 coma, our expectations for the measurements DI will obtain, and the predicted hazards that the coma presents for the spacecraft. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
核反应堆空间应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对美国、俄罗斯等国家的核反应堆空间应用进行了研究。其中包括:美国最早研究的SNAP-8系列,可提供多种组合输出的SP-100布雷顿能量系统,应用于火星表面的核反应堆MSR系统等;俄罗斯和日本在月球表面或火星表面应用的核反应堆。重点对空间核反应堆的堆型、堆芯冷却方式、热电转换方式、废热排放方式、辐射屏蔽模式等进行比对分析。结合月球基地能源系统的应用背景,对实现核反应堆空间应用需要解决的关键技术进行了分析,如发射安全技术、无人自主管理技术、空间低重力环境适应性及辐射防护技术等,可为我国未来空间探测任务的能源系统研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
扬起的月尘颗粒沉积在月球探测器的太阳电池表面,可导致其性能下降。文章基于层叠遮挡理论,建立了一种月尘遮蔽光线透射的理论模型,利用该模型开展了模拟月尘颗粒形状与粒径对遮蔽效果影响的分析和计算,并与NASA的同类模型进行了对比分析。分析结果显示:2种模型给出的相对透过率随沉积月尘面密度的变化趋势相同,均呈指数型衰减关系;在随月尘形状、粒径、透过率的变化方面,2种模型存在差异。利用月尘沉积与吸附试验装置实施了模拟月尘沉积试验,验证了所建立模型的正确性,其预测准确度优于NASA模型。  相似文献   
运载火箭在大气中飞行会使箭体、发动机等表面带电,当静电累积达到一定量级并产生静电放电时,可能对箭上电气设备造成灾难性后果。在众多起电原因中,文章重点研究发动机喷流起电和摩擦起电过程,提出这2种起电方式的计算模型,并结合相关静电测量试验,确定这2种起电方式的等效充电电流,定量分析火箭最大静电带电电位,为指导单机设计及系统防护提供参考。  相似文献   
为明晰航天高强不锈钢激光熔化沉积成形过程基础科学问题,推动其在航天液体火箭发动机领域的应用进程,针对航天高强不锈钢LMD成形过程中常见表面焊瘤、气孔、熔合不良等缺陷的形貌特征及产生机理进行深入分析,并提出对应的控制措施:通过优化边框扫描速度促进熔覆道的流动变形,极大减少了成形件侧表面及倾斜面的焊瘤缺陷; 使用PREP方...  相似文献   
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