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简要介绍了利用通信和广播电视卫星对地面干扰辐射源进行定位的必要性和基本工作原理、技术难点及解决方法,以及提高定位精度的主要技术途径。  相似文献   
卫星典型电子设备单粒子防护效果试验验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过在卫星电子设备整机上开展单粒子试验验证的案例,揭示单粒子事件对卫星软件指令的影响。试验对象选取卫星平台中典型的电子设备——测控单元,它包含处理器、SRAM等单粒子敏感器件。本案例成功实现在整机状态下触发单粒子事件,测控单元发生单粒子事件的频度疏密适当,验证了测控单元抗单粒子设计的有效性,掌握了测控单元在发生单粒子事件时的工作状态,对漏指令、误指令的产生条件进行了试验验证,并依据试验数据计算了由单粒子事件引发卫星漏指令、误指令的概率。试验结果可为卫星在轨故障分析提供依据,也可为抗单粒子设计提供数据支持。  相似文献   
风险投资中有三类经典优化模型,分别是风险极小化模型、期望收益极大化模型、风险厌恶模型。这三类模型的等价会为投资组合分析提供更多的方法。文中证明了三类优化模型产生相同的有效前沿,并在此意义下得出这三类优化模型的等价性。另外,引用MSCI世界股价指数数据对三个模型有效前沿的等价性,进行实际算例验证。  相似文献   
A design technique for a near optimal, Earth–Moon transfer trajectory using continuous variable low thrust is proposed. For the Earth–Moon transfer trajectory, analytical and numerical methods are combined to formulate the trajectory optimization problem. The basic concept of the proposed technique is to utilize analytically optimized solutions when the spacecraft is flying near a central body where the transfer trajectories are nearly circular shaped, and to use a numerical optimization method to match the spacecraft’s states to establish a final near optimal trajectory. The plasma thruster is considered as the main propulsion system which is currently being developed for crewed/cargo missions for interplanetary flight. The gravitational effects of the 3rd body and geopotential effects are included during the trajectory optimization process. With the proposed design technique, Earth–Moon transfer trajectory is successfully designed with the plasma thruster having a thrust direction sequence of “fixed-varied-fixed” and a thrust acceleration sequence of “constant-variable-constant”. As this strategy has the characteristics of a lesser computational load, little sensitivity to initial conditions, and obtaining solutions quickly, this method can be utilized in the initial scoping studies for mission design and analysis. Additionally, derived near optimal trajectory solution can be used as for initial trajectory solution for further detailed optimization problem. The demonstrated results will give various insights into future lunar cargo trajectories using plasma thrusters with continuous variable low thrust, establishing approximate costs as well as trajectory characteristics.  相似文献   
TEGA, one of several instruments on board of the Phoenix Lander, performed differential scanning calorimetry and evolved gas analysis of soil samples and ice, collected from the surface and subsurface at a northern landing site on Mars. TEGA is a combination of a high temperature furnace and a mass spectrometer (MS) that was used to analyze samples delivered to the instrument via a robotic arm. The samples were heated at a programmed ramp rate up to 1000 °C. The power required for heating can be carefully and continuously monitored (scanning calorimetry). The evolved gases generated during the process can be analyzed with the evolved gas analyzer (a magnetic sector mass spectrometer) in order to determine the composition of gases released as a function of temperature. Our laboratory has developed a sample characterization method using a pyrolyzer integrated to a quadrupole mass spectrometer to support the interpretations of TEGA data. Here we examine the evolved gas properties of six types of hyperarid soils from the Pampas de La Joya in southern Peru (a possible analog to Mars), to which we have added with microorganisms (Salmonella typhimurium, Micrococcus luteus, and Candida albicans) in order to investigate the effect of the soil matrix on the TEGA response. Between 20 and 40 mg of soil, with or without ∼5 mg of lyophilized microorganism biomass (dry weight), were placed in the pyrolyzer and heated from room temperature to 1200 °C in 1 h at a heating rate of 20 °C/min. The volatiles released were transferred to a MS using helium as a carrier gas. The quadrupole MS was ran in scan mode from 10 to 200 m/z. In addition, ∼20 mg of each microorganism without a soil matrix were analyzed. As expected, there were significant differences in the gases released from microorganism samples with or without a soil matrix, under similar heating conditions. Furthermore, samples from the most arid environments had significant differences compared with less arid soils. Organic carbon released in the form of CO2 (ion 44 m/z) from microorganisms evolved at temperatures of ∼326.0 ± 19.5 °C, showing characteristic patterns for each one. Others ions such as 41, 78 and 91 m/z were also found. Interestingly, during the thermal process, the release of CO2 increased and ions previously found disappeared, demonstrating a high-oxidant activity in the soil matrix when it was subjected to high temperature. Finally, samples of soil show CO2 evolved up to 650 °C consistent with thermal decomposition of carbonates. These results indicate that organics mixed with these hyperarid soils are oxidized to CO2. Our results suggest the existence of at least two types of oxidants in these soils, a thermolabile oxidant which is highly oxidative and other thermostable oxidant which has a minor oxidative activity and that survives the heat-treatment. Furthermore, we find that the interaction of biomass added to soil samples gives a different set of breakdown gases than organics resident in the soil. The nature of oxidant(s) present in the soils from Pampas de La Joya is still unknown.  相似文献   
对歼击机平台发射弹道导弹攻击卫星作战模式与关键技术进行介绍、分析,强调在现阶段使用机载弹道导弹攻击卫星可行、合理.   相似文献   
在DVB-RCS卫星通信中,为某个业务分配的时隙在MF-TDMA帧中的位置分布将影响该业务的时延特性。本文分别针对固定速率和实时可变速率业务,对MF-TDMA的帧长度、终端分配的时隙数量及位置分布与业务时延性能之间的关系进行了建模分析。理论分析表明时隙位置是影响业务时延的一个重要因素,位置分布越均匀,越能提高业务的时延性能;时隙均匀分配相比传统的时隙连续分配可以有效降低业务平均时延,且时延不随帧长的变化而变化;在时隙均匀分配方式下,提高实时可变速率业务的带宽分配可以更有效的提高时延性能。在DVB-RCS标准基础上,提出了一种与标准完全兼容的时隙均匀分配方法(TUAM),通过计算机仿真验证了算法的有效性以及建模分析的正确性,该算法可有效地保证业务具有极低的平均时延和时延抖动,使得VoIP等实时业务不会由于端到端时延过大而丢包,提高了DVB-RCS系统对于实时业务QoS的保障能力。  相似文献   
董瑶海 《上海航天》2024,41(3):37-46
风云卫星是我国民用遥感卫星中应用范围最广泛、成效最为显著的卫星系列之一,在推动国民经济发展和加强装备自主建设等方面发挥了重要作用。面向气象高质量发展、防灾减灾、应对气候变化、生态文明建设和国家安全等多重挑战,风云卫星将坚持创新驱动发展战略,以体系化、智能化为主要发展方向,突破平台和载荷关键技术,构建智慧协同观测体系。本文探讨了风云卫星智慧协同观测体系在气象综合观测效能提升、体系化智能化网络赋能及全方位环境保障等方面的必要性,在分析国内外气象卫星发展历程的基础上,提出了新一代风云气象卫星构建智慧协同观测体系的建设思路和初步方案,并对体系构建中的关键技术进行了分析。最后,展望了风云卫星智慧协同观测体系的应用前景。  相似文献   
周宇  尹增山  王龙 《上海航天》2024,41(1):77-83
针对传统分布式路由算法应用于大型低轨星座时拥塞控制能力有限的问题,提出了基于局部洪泛优化的分布式路由算法。该算法通过局部洪泛的机制收集星间链路的拥塞信息,以应对局部通信需求密集所导致的常见拥塞现象;通过局部路径优化,以较低运行开销实现了流量疏导和网络负载均衡。并且该算法可适用于多层低轨卫星网络结构,不会产生路由环路,对卫星随机故障具有宽适应性。仿真实验表明:该算法在通信需求分布不均的高网络负载情况下能降低2%~10%的丢包率,并对网络随机故障具有鲁棒的表现。  相似文献   
针对低地球轨道卫星姿态测量时,传感器易受噪声干扰、陀螺仪漂移等问题,提出一种基于Madgwick扩展卡尔曼滤波合算法(EKF)的卫星姿态测量方法。该方法采用陀螺仪、加速度计、磁强计等多传感器数据进行融合,并结合Madgwick算法和EKF算法的优点,实现姿态测量。首先,通过Madgwick算法,利用多个传感器测量数据计算初始姿态。然后,基于初始姿态和实际测量数据,应用EKF算法进行数据融合和噪声滤除,以获得最终准确的姿态估计。实验结果表明:相较Madgwick算法,本算法在测量精度上提升了65.8%,且具有较高的鲁棒性,为低地球轨道卫星姿态测量提供了一种有效的方案。  相似文献   
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