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无线电干扰一直是困扰民航地空通信的一大难题.以2007年下半年贵州空管分局塔台主频受到广播电台干扰的排查过程为例,归纳总结出一些预防和查找民航VHF无线电干扰的方法.  相似文献   
中国海南VHF雷达具有快速扫描观测及对电离层不规则体进行二维成像的能力.采用时间序列上的连续观测,可以获得场向不规则体发展变化的一系列二维空间图像.本文对海南VHF雷达2011年10月27日夜间观测到的电离层不规则体事件进行分析,主要结果表明,本次观测到的不规则体可分为三个阶段.在初步形成阶段,不规则体开始出现时非常微弱,发展变化很慢,主要表现为向上可扩展,持续时间约14min.在扩大增强阶段,不规则体快速向上并向两侧扩展,持续时间约14min;不规则体强度前期迅速增大,后期略有减弱,空间尺度达200km以上.在东漂离开阶段,不规则体强度进一步减弱,扩展面积达到最大,主要表现为东向漂移,持续时间近30min.这次观测首次给出了海南地区上空电离层不规则体的形成和发展过程.结合其他台站的观测进行对比分析发现,海南观测到的雷达羽与其他地区的雷达羽具有明显不同,海南地区的雷达羽特性及其对应的物理过程有待进一步观测研究.  相似文献   
利用海南VHF雷达(19.5°N,109.1°E;磁纬8.1°N)在2011年7月15—22日期间的连续观测数据,对东亚低纬3m尺度电离层场向不规则体(FAI)特性进行了分析. 主要结果表明,在整个观测期间,E区场向不规则体几乎每天发生,既可发生于夜间,也可发生于白天,且存在各种不同结构. 根据E区场向不规则体发生的时间及形态,可将其分为三种结构类型:低部连续型结构、上部下降型结构以及白天连续型结构. 这些低纬E区场向不规则体的回波谱特性与赤道电集流(EEJ)和中纬区E区场向不规则体中的2型回波相类似,但其随时间的变化与后两者存在明显差异,且与其他低纬区E区场向不规则体回波存在不同程度的差异.  相似文献   
基于VHF数据链的自动相关监视系统   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍了基于甚高频(VHF)数据链的自动相关监视(ADS)系统的基本概念,构成原理和系统结构.为改善ADS系统的跟踪精度,将基于"当前"模型的卡尔曼滤波算法用于ADS系统数据处理.数字仿真和实际应用表明:该算法可以有效地消除由于突发干扰和飞机姿态变化造成的ADS报文丢失、乱码对ADS系统跟踪精度的影响,使ADS系统更为实用化.   相似文献   
张玉廷  李冉  高文军  吕争  张华 《宇航学报》2016,37(11):1392-1397
针对VHF/UHF频段航天器舱体屏蔽处理难度大的问题,提出一种基于等效导纳模型的屏蔽效能分析方法。该方法将屏蔽舱体孔缝等效为波导结构,基于变分法原理建立水平电容和垂直电感模型,对参数失配和舱体厚度影响进行导纳匹配和孔缝宽度参数修正。采用传输线理论建立屏蔽效能分析数学模型。算例对比表明算法具有较高的分析精度,可有效分析孔缝不位于舱体中心位置和孔缝长度非波长整数倍时的屏蔽效能,并可准确预测舱体的谐振效应。将其应用到航天器舱体屏蔽效能分析中,对比结果表明算法可有效满足工程应用要求。  相似文献   
Through concurrently measurements by Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS), Sanya VHF radar and GPS ionospheric scintillation receiver on 12 March 2010, five plasma bubbles were found and three of them were observed by all those instruments. Two well-developed plumes with strong backscatter echoes were measured by Sanya radar and their corresponding depletions were observed by C/NOFS in Orbit 10317, 10318 and 10319. Broad plasma depletions resulting from merging process were found in orbit of 10318. The occurrence time and geophysical positions of scintillations correlate well with observations implemented by Sanya VHF radar and C/NOFS. Observations from three types of instrument indicate that the spread F irregularities have distinct scale. There were longitudinal differences between Sanya VHF radar and C/NOFS as irregularities measured, and the eastward drift of developed bubbles are responsible for these differences.  相似文献   
极区夏季中间层半日潮汐的VHF雷达观测   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用德国SOUSYVHF雷达观测数据,研究了极区夏季中间层半日潮汐的结构和变化特征.纬向和经向风的动态Lomb-Scargle谱表明,半日潮是中间层高度上占支配地位的波动,其谱峰对应的频率一般与1/12c·h-1有偏离,说明它们经常处在被扰动状态.稳定的半日潮振幅随高度增加而迅速增长,在87.9km高度附近达到饱和;经向分量的相位一般比纬向分量的相位超前π/4-π/2,从而水平扰动速度矢量端点随时间变化的轨迹显示出顺时针方向旋转的特征.半日潮汐特征参量在纬向和经向风中随时间的变化在基本趋势一致的基础上显示出一定程度的各向异性.  相似文献   
The amplitude scintillations data recorded at 244 MHz from the geostationary satellite, FLEETSAT (73°E) at a low latitude station, Waltair (17.7°N, 83.3°E) during the ten year period of high to low solar activity from 2001 to 2010 is considered to study the occurrence characteristics of the VHF scintillations. A close association between the intense scintillations on VHF signals during pre-midnight hours, associated with range type of spread-F on ionograms and a relatively weak and slow fading scintillations during post-midnight hours associated with frequency type of spread-F is observed during the relatively high sunspot years from 2001 to 2004, whereas during the low sunspot years from 2005 to 2010 the scintillation activity as well as spread-F activity are found to be minimum. During both the high and low sunspot years, it is observed that the maximum scintillation activity occurs during equinoctial months followed by winter with the minimum occurrence during summer months. The annual mean percentage occurrence of scintillations is found to be clearly associated with the variations in the annual mean sunspot number. The nocturnal variations in the occurrence of scintillations show the onset of scintillation activity starts from 19:00 h LT with maximum of occurrence around 21:00 h LT. A clear semiannual variation in the occurrence of scintillations is observed during pre-midnight hours with two peaks in equinoctial months of March/April and September/October. The number of scintillation patches observed is found to be more during pre-midnight hours compared to those during post-midnight hours. The most probable scintillation patch duration lies around 30 min. Further, it is also found that the number of scintillation patches with durations of 60 min and more decreases with the increase in the patch duration. It is also observed in general that the scintillation activity is inhibited during geomagnetic disturbed days.  相似文献   
为了解决传统邻道干扰模型与测试数据对比误差较大的难题,将接收机射频前端的非线性响应模型和信噪比模型相融合,考虑到邻道干扰信号与本振相位噪声混频而产生的噪声,提出了噪声修正因子,进一步建立了超短波(VHF)电台接收机邻道干扰减敏模型,与典型实装测试数据相对比误差约为3 d B,表明本文方法能够很好地描述邻道干扰的减敏特性。利用本文模型给出了机载超短波电台邻道干扰评估方法,结合直升机编队飞行时电台邻道干扰评估案例,验证了本文方法的适用性和有效性,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
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