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Near-tropopause phenomena like upper level fronts and cyclones, penetrative cumulus convection and mesoscale mechanisms of exchange make important contributions to the mixing processes in the atmosphere. Spatio-temporal monitoring of the tropopause height, temperature and pressure is an appropriate tool to show the running processes in the atmosphere. In this study, GPS radio occultation data is used to investigate the tropopause height fluctuations and the relation between the stratosphere–troposphere exchange and the aforementioned phenomena over the Iranian region. The paper shows how the position of the sub-tropical jet has changed with time, using GPS radio occultation observations. The tropopause height changes latitudinally, and three different bimodal probability distribution functions are observed. The results also show that the mixing region in the south of Iran is associated with the subtropical jet in winter. However, this region shifts north of Iran due to changes in the position of the subtropical jet during the summer. Consistency of the mixing region from the radio occultation data and the total ozone of TOMS over the Iranian region is also observed.  相似文献   
本文介绍了在我国返回式卫星舱内辐射剂量测量的一些结果,分析了轨道高度和舱体质量厚度对舱内剂量的影响。卫星舱内的复杂屏蔽引起各位置上的剂量有所不同,测量结果表明:最高和最低剂量点剂量水平之比在500km高度的轨道时为1.58,在300km高度的轨道时为1.23。本文还对近地空间的辐射危害及其防护问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
大容量Flash存储器空间辐射效应试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了商用Flash存储器应用于航天器时应考虑的空间辐射效应和机理,并利用钴-60γ射线和重离子加速器对韩国三星公司生产的大容量Flash存储器K9XXG08UXA系列进行了抗电离总剂量试验和抗单粒子试验,以评估其空间应用可行性。试验结果显示:这一系列存储器的累积电离总剂量为50krad(Si)时,器件部分数据丢失,重...  相似文献   
针对某卫星载荷二次电源所面临的空间总剂量辐射环境及其效应,进行了二次电源用3款MOSFET(IRF5N3415、IRF7NA2907、IRF7N1405)的抗辐射总剂量设计,通过使用钽片加固及合理的结构布局防护使该3款MOSFET的辐照设计余量(RDM)均不小于3。开展总剂量辐照试验验证,对比参数变化得出MOSFET的抗电离总剂量数据,验证了加固设计的有效性。采用经过抗辐射设计的非宇航级元器件将成为空间降成本应用的趋势之一。  相似文献   
以木星探测任务为背景,针对木星辐射带粒子能量高、通量大的强辐射特点,基于器件总剂量辐照试验数据、木星辐射带模型、太阳质子通量模型,将器件失效点剂量不确定性与辐射环境不确定性应用到总剂量设计中,可定量评估特定任务一定屏蔽下的器件失效概率、辐射设计余量(RDM)的置信度及影响因素,可实现木星任务中器件指标、屏蔽厚度和失效概率之间的权衡和优化。首先,根据商业器件TL084辐照试验数据,发现其失效概率分布符合威布尔分布。对于10个木星半径的赤道面轨道,辐射带质子通量比太阳质子大3个数量级,随着屏蔽厚度的增加和任务期的减小,TL084器件所受剂量和失效概率减小。当屏蔽厚度为 10 mm 铝时,器件平均寿命小于2星期。另外,定义并考察了器件的失效速率,失效速率随屏蔽厚度的减小和在轨时间的增加而增加。对于传统的RDM为2的设计方法,1 mm铝屏蔽下对应的置信度为89%。  相似文献   
用于飞行器的强电离放电非平衡等离子体隐身方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
着重研究了等离子体临界电子密度、电子等离子体频率等参数对电磁波的折射、吸收、反射的影响。在此基础上,采用了强电场电离放电方法,在放电间隙内产生高密度、高能量的电子,它足以电离氮、氧等气体,在飞行器表面形成具有一定梯度的高密度等离子体层,能够吸收、折射电磁波,衰减雷达散射面积达千余倍。该等离子体器件是一个很薄的组合件,仅有百余克重,可贴附在电磁波强散射部位和进气道壁上。此方法具有吸收频带宽、吸收率高等特点,有望成为机载微型等离子体产生器件。  相似文献   
弹翼展开机构可靠性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种折迭弹翼机构在指定时间内展开到位的可靠性分析方法,文中采用序列响应面法和全概率定理解决了涉及机构动力学随机参数及发射攻角随机参数的双重随机性问题,基于本方法所研制的RSMM程序应用效果良好。  相似文献   
1+1/2对转涡轮可调高压导叶流场及损失的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调节高压导叶开度可以有效控制1+1/2对转涡轮流量,同时导叶的调节也伴随着一些附加损失的产生,为了使采用可调导叶获得的效益不被涡轮效率的下降抵消过多,有必要对可调导叶的流场及间隙流动进行详细的分析。通过数值研究表明,当采用可调导叶端部加入间隙后,在上下两端壁附近会出现高损失区。间隙泄漏流除了进口端壁的来流之外,还有一部分来自于叶片压力面的附面层,使得压力面出现明显的展向二次流。泄漏流的流量越大越容易形成泄漏涡,压力面和吸力面之间的压差是泄漏涡形成的主要动力。  相似文献   
Fu Li  Zhang Jun  Li Rui 《中国航空学报》2014,27(6):1544-1553
In required navigation performance(RNP), total system error(TSE) is estimated to provide a timely warning in the presence of an excessive error. In this paper, by analyzing the underlying formation mechanism, the TSE estimation is modeled as the estimation fusion of a fixed bias and a Gaussian random variable. To address the challenge of high computational load induced by the accurate numerical method, two efficient methods are proposed for real-time application, which are called the circle tangent ellipse method(CTEM) and the line tangent ellipse method(LTEM),respectively. Compared with the accurate numerical method and the traditional scalar quantity summation method(SQSM), the computational load and accuracy of these four methods are extensively analyzed. The theoretical and experimental results both show that the computing time of the LTEM is approximately equal to that of the SQSM, while it is only about 1/30 and 1/6 of that of the numerical method and the CTEM. Moreover, the estimation result of the LTEM is parallel with that of the numerical method, but is more accurate than those of the SQSM and the CTEM. It is illustrated that the LTEM is quite appropriate for real-time TSE estimation in RNP application.  相似文献   
脉冲爆震发动机点火过程离子催化效应数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用气体电离理论推导出氢气-空气混合气体电离后组成成分,理论分析活性基团对燃烧速率及剧烈程度的催化效应,以及不同点火能量、活性基团浓度对缓燃转爆震(DDT)过程的影响.结合氢气-空气燃烧23步化学反应动力学机制,采用FLUENT软件对不同工况下的DDT过程进行模拟,与理论分析结果对比.结果表明:点火温度为2000~2500K时,活性基团的加入,可提高燃烧速率,DDT时间可缩短9.91%~21.08%,DDT距离可缩短3.32%~8.08%,DDT时间和DDT距离的改变幅度随点火温度的升高而增大.点火能量较高时应该考虑气体电离效应.   相似文献   
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