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Based on the similarity of separation time, a similarity law optimization method for high-speed weapon delivery test is derived. The typical separation state under wind load is simulated by the numerical method. The real separation data of aircraft, separation data of previous test methods, separation data of ideal wind tunnel test of previous methods, and simulation data of the proposed optimization method are obtained. A comparison of the data shows that the method proposed can improve the performance of tracking. Similarity law optimization starts with the development of motion equations and dynamic equations in the windless state to address the problems of mismatching between vertical and horizontal displacement, and to address the problems of separation trajectory distortion caused by insufficient gravity acceleration of the scaling model of existing light model. The ejection velocity of the model is taken as a factor/vector, and is adjusted reasonably to compensate the linear displacement insufficiency caused by the insufficient vertical acceleration of the light model method, so as to ensure the matching of the vertical and horizontal displacement of the projectile, and to improve the consistency between the test results of high-speed projection and the actual separation trajectory. The optimized similarity law is applicable to many existing free-throwing modes of high-speed wind tunnels. The optimized similarity law is not affected by the ejection velocity and hanging mode of the projectile. The optimized similarity law is suitable not only for the launching of the buried ammunition compartment and external stores, but also for the test design of projectile launching and gravity separation.  相似文献   
如何充分利用企业资源,有效开展工学结合、产学合作是各高职院校共同面临的课题和任务。就企业文化资源在高职院校办学和教育教学改革过程中的独特性及高职院校如何利用企业文化资源来培养技术技能型人才问题,作一些初步的分析和论述,希望引起教育研究者的思考和各类办学主体的重视。  相似文献   
目前,星载高速存储设备中采用商用RS编译码IP核来实现数据纠错功能,能够实现的编译码最高速率为800 Mbps,只能依靠多个IP核同时工作达到吉比特高速数据存取速率的要求。星载存储数据发生错误的主要原因是存储区单粒子翻转和存储介质本身特性产生的单比特数据错误。针对星载存储数据的误码特性,本文提出一种RS编译码改进算法,通过对编码算法中的剩余多项式及译码算法中的伴随多项式进行降次处理,减小编译码过程中运算的迭代次数及计算量,以及对编译码算法中的基本运算单元有限域乘法器采用子项复用技术,实现对传统RS编译码算法的改进。结果表明改进后的编译码器能达到最高数据速率为10.5 Gbps,编码器资源较单个商用IP核减少15%,译码器资源减少40%,能够满足后续高速存储平台的应用要求。  相似文献   
Small space robots have the potential to revolutionise space exploration by facilitating the on-orbit assembly of infrastructure, in shorter time scales, at reduced costs. Their commercial appeal will be further improved if such a system is also capable of performing on-orbit servicing missions, in line with the current drive to limit space debris and prolong the lifetime of satellites already in orbit. Whilst there have been a limited number of successful demonstrations of technologies capable of these on-orbit operations, the systems remain large and bespoke. The recent surge in small satellite technologies is changing the economics of space and in the near future, downsizing a space robot might become be a viable option with a host of benefits. This industry wide shift means some of the technologies for use with a downsized space robot, such as power and communication subsystems, now exist. However, there are still dynamic and control issues that need to be overcome before a downsized space robot can be capable of undertaking useful missions. This paper first outlines these issues, before analyzing the effect of downsizing a system on its operational capability. Therefore presenting the smallest controllable system such that the benefits of a small space robot can be achieved with current technologies. The sizing of the base spacecraft and manipulator are addressed here. The design presented consists of a 3 link, 6 degrees of freedom robotic manipulator mounted on a 12U form factor satellite. The feasibility of this 12U space robot was evaluated in simulation and the in-depth results presented here support the hypothesis that a small space robot is a viable solution for in-orbit operations.  相似文献   
当前雷达技术的发展突飞猛进,复杂的电磁环境已经是战场必须面对的现实情况,提出了一种可适应战场复杂电磁环境的智能干扰技术,主要从分选、干扰策略和干扰效能评估等方面讨论了整个智能对抗干扰的原理,对战场指挥决策有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
群时延特性对卫星高速数传中继系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要关注线性和抛物线特性的群时延对高速数传系统的影响,在分析了群时延特性的概念后,设计了具有仿真要求的群时延滤波器,建立模型对系统进行了仿真,得出了线性和抛物线特性的群时延对系统接收端信噪比恶化的影响,为整个系统的均衡程度提出了指标要求和参考。  相似文献   
针对多介质可压缩流体动力学问题,提出了一种单元中心型二维MMALE(Multi-Material Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)方法.在拉氏步,流体力学方程组采用中心型间断有限元方法求解.对于混合网格,采用Tipton压力松弛模型更新物理量,用等参坐标法更新物质中心点坐标.界面重构采用一种...  相似文献   
论中小企业管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在激烈的市场竞争中,中小企业所处的内外部环境正处于快速变化中,其所选择的管理与发展战略能否适应当前形势的变化,将成为决定中小企业生存和发展的重要因素。  相似文献   
DSMS悬挂物的初始化和控制流程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先指出了数字式悬挂物管理系统(DSMS)的先进性,分析了其组成和接口,然后重点研究了DSMS悬挂物的初始化和控制,包括各状态系列、接口控制动作、标准消息数据格式,进而以流程图的形式概括了整个过程.  相似文献   
为提高航空类发动机叶片的自动化磨抛精度,减小复杂曲面叶片加工轨迹控制误差,采用基于六维力传感器的机器人力/位混合控制策略,实现机器人磨抛轨迹的在线修正。搭建以Staubli机器人和ATI六维力传感器为核心部件的叶片磨抛验证平台,通过C++开发上位机,采集磨抛过程中六维力传感器信息并进行Kalman滤波。通过示教确定机器人运动轨迹,对机器人运动轨迹与力传感器信息进行采集分析,确定基于力/位混合控制可以实现机器人运动轨迹的在线修正,为复杂曲面的叶片磨抛轨迹控制提供一种解决方案。  相似文献   
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