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In contrast to the situation in a laboratory, the study of the solar atmosphere has to be pursued without direct access to the physical conditions of interest. Information is therefore incomplete and uncertain and inference methods need to be employed to diagnose the physical conditions and processes. One of such methods, solar atmospheric seismology, makes use of observed and theoretically predicted properties of waves to infer plasma and magnetic field properties. A recent development in solar atmospheric seismology consists in the use of inversion and model comparison methods based on Bayesian analysis. In this paper, the philosophy and methodology of Bayesian analysis are first explained. Then, we provide an account of what has been achieved so far from the application of these techniques to solar atmospheric seismology and a prospect of possible future extensions.  相似文献   
The analysis of turbulent processes in sunspots and pores which are self-organizing long-lived magnetic structures is a complicated and not yet solved problem. The present work focuses on studying such magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) formations on the basis of flicker-noise spectroscopy using a new method of multi-parametric analysis. The non-stationarity and cross-correlation effects taking place in solar activity dynamics are considered. The calculated maximum values of non-stationarity factor may become precursors of significant restructuring in solar magnetic activity. The introduced cross-correlation functions enable us to judge synchronization effects between the signals of various solar activity indicators registered simultaneously.  相似文献   
对卫星入轨后捕获太阳的方法进行了研究 ,并对一种有效的控制规律进行了分析计算 ,最后对卫星的运动过程进行了仿真验证  相似文献   
本文给出了用于ZN3火箭姿态测量太阳角计的原理和测量结果,讨论了背景抑制和标定方法,分析了误差来源。该仪器采用选取适当探测波段和比值测量方法较好地消除了地外太阳辐照和大气消光的影响,也有效地抑制了背景辐射的干扰,大大提高了测量精度。实测结果表明,火箭姿态角测量的均方根误差约为0.7°。这一方法适用于各种自旋稳定飞行器的姿态测量。  相似文献   
太阳矢量在行星际探测器姿态估计中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基于矢量观测的行星际探测器姿态确定中,参考矢量的几何关系是影响姿态估计精度的一个重要因素。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种利用太阳矢量来提高探测器姿态估计精度的最优算法。该方法在引入太阳矢量的基础上,将星敏感器测得的姿态四元数转化为两个互相垂直的参考矢量,并根据敏感器的测量精度计算相应的规范化权值系数;结合姿态四元数估计算法,给出最小二乘意义下的探测器最优姿态估计。最后,以深度撞击任务的实际飞行数据对本文所提算法进行验证。仿真结果表明,引入太阳矢量后的三轴姿态角估计误差小于150μrad,完全满足深度撞击任务的要求。  相似文献   
江霆  李昊  陆国平  王彦  周徐斌 《宇航学报》2018,39(9):1022-1030
提出并设计了一种基于混杂非对称复合材料层合板的新型自适应对日定向器。该对日定向器采用混杂非对称复合材料层合板作为驱动元件,利用在轨光照条件的变化引起复合材料层合板温度变化,进而使其产生热变形并驱动太阳翼发生偏转。提出的自适应对日定向器结合传统的单自由度对日定向机构,能够实现太阳能帆板的双自由度对日定向。介绍了自适应对日定向器的基本原理,并结合地球静止轨道的光照条件进行了具体设计。利用能量变分原理建立了混杂非对称复合材料的热变形模型,分析其热变形特点,并利用有限元方法对定向器在地球静止轨道上的温度场特性、热变形及对日定向转动角度进行分析。有限元分析结果表明,通过合理设计,自适应对日定向器的转角能够随太阳光入射角变化呈线性变化,定向精度可达±1°。  相似文献   
为提高大型可展开天线的指向控制精度,并适应喷气卸载等在轨工况,基于Craig-Bampton法建立了表征柔性天线指向的动力学模型,在此基础上提出了一种采用信标的大天线指向控制方法.该方法先基于卡尔曼滤波,对大天线的振动状态进行检测,若天线未出现明显振动,则通过信标敏感器修正天线指向偏差,同时引入星本体姿态敏感器以保证稳定性;若天线振动超过阈值,则仅引入星本体敏感器以衰减振动,直至天线未出现明显振动.最后利用瑟拉亚(Thuraya)卫星的在轨实测热变形数据进行了仿真验证.结果表明,在未受到喷气扰动时,大天线指向精度优于±0.02°,在受到喷气扰动后,系统可正确检测并切换跟踪输入.这说明,该指向控制方法在保证稳定性的同时,可以有效修正大天线指向偏差,并能适应在轨位保、卸载喷气工况.  相似文献   
Parameters of expanding magnetic loops and arches and of mass flows generated by them in the corona have been computed in a 1D two-fluid approximation. Two possible trigger mechanisms of the coronal transients have been considered: (i) sudden increase of the background magnetic field strength, and (ii) heating and compression plasma inside these magnetic structures. We discuss the formation of shock waves and their dependence on dynamics and geometry of the magnetic structures.  相似文献   
Understanding properties of solar energetic particle (SEP) events associated with coronal mass ejections has been identified as a key problem in solar-terrestrial physics. Although recent CME shock acceleration models are highly promising, detailed agreement between theoretical predictions and observations has remained elusive. Recent observations from ACE have shown substantial enrichments in the abundances of 3He and He+ ions which are extremely rare in the thermal solar wind plasma. Consequently, these ions act as tracers of their source material, i.e., 3He ions are flare suprathermals and He+ ions are interstellar pickup ions. The average heavy ion composition also exhibits unsystematic differences when compared with the solar wind values, but correlates significantly with the ambient suprathermal material abundances. Taken together these results provide compelling evidence that CME-driven shocks draw their source material from the ubiquitous but largely unexplored suprathermal tail rather than from the more abundant solar wind peak. However, the suprathermal energy regime has many more contributors and exhibits much larger variability than the solar wind, and as such needs to be investigated more thoroughly. Answers to fundamental new questions regarding the preferred injection of the suprathermal ions, the spatial and temporal dependence of the various sources, and the causes of their variability and their effects on the SEP properties are needed to improve agreement between the simulations and observations.  相似文献   
Electrons with near-relativistic (E≳30 keV, NrR) and relativistic (E≳0.3 MeV) energies are often observed as discrete events in the inner heliosphere following solar transient activity. Several acceleration mechanisms have been proposed for the production of those electrons. One candidate is acceleration at MHD shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with speeds ≳1000 km s−1. Many NrR electron events are temporally associated only with flares while others are associated with flares as well as with CMEs or with radio type II shock waves. Since CME onsets and associated flares are roughly simultaneous, distinguishing the sources of electron events is a serious challenge. On a phenomenological basis two classes of solar electron events were known several decades ago, but recent observations have presented a more complex picture. We review early and recent observational results to deduce different electron event classes and their viable acceleration mechanisms, defined broadly as shocks versus flares. The NrR and relativistic electrons are treated separately. Topics covered are: solar electron injection delays from flare impulsive phases; comparisons of electron intensities and spectra with flares, CMEs and accompanying solar energetic proton (SEP) events; multiple spacecraft observations; two-phase electron events; coronal flares; shock-associated (SA) events; electron spectral invariance; and solar electron intensity size distributions. This evidence suggests that CME-driven shocks are statistically the dominant acceleration mechanism of relativistic events, but most NrR electron events result from flares. Determining the solar origin of a given NrR or relativistic electron event remains a difficult proposition, and suggestions for future work are given.  相似文献   
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