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谐振是机电一体化的普通现象,致其产生的因素有很多,其中最为常见的是电机与负载之间的力矩传递.谐振的发生不仅会损害本体,还会对安装平台造成不良影响,甚至恶化平台上其他仪器的性能.以二维驱动机构的机电一体化谐振问题为例,通过高频(100kHz)采样伺服电机相电流及角度传感器的信号,分析了电机三相电流和角度传感器的频谱成份,...  相似文献   
基于遗传算法的测站资源优化分配方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对测站级测控资源分配中存在的测控任务冲突问题,根据资源分配的一般原则及最优准则,建立资源分配优化模型,利用遗传算法给出该模型的求解方法及步骤。通过实例分析,证明该方法用于解决资源分配问题行之有效。  相似文献   
Distant Retrograde Orbits (DROs) in the Earth-Moon system have great potential to support varieties of missions due to the favorable stability and orbital positions. Thus, the close relative motion on DROs should be analyzed to design formations to assist or extend the DRO missions. However, as the reference DROs are obtained through numerical methods, the close relative motions on DROs are non-analytical, which severely limits the design of relative trajectories. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to construct the analytical solution of bounded close relative motion on DROs. The linear dynamics of relative motion on DRO is established at first. The preliminary forms of the general solutions are obtained based on the Floquet theory. And the general solutions are classified as different modes depending on their periodic components. A new parameterization is applied to each mode, which allows us to explore the geometries of quasi-periodic modes in detail. In each mode, the solutions are integrated as a uniform expression and their periodic components are expanded as truncated Fourier series. In this way, the analytical bounded relative motion on DRO is obtained. Based on the analytical expression, the characteristics of different modes are comprehensively analyzed. The natural periodic mode is always located on the single side of the target spacecraft on DRO and is appropriate to be the parking orbits of the rendezvous and docking. On the basis of quasi-periodic modes, quasi-elliptical fly-around relative trajectories are designed with the assistance of only two impulses per period. The fly-around formation can support observations to targets on DRO from multiple viewing angles. And the fly-around formation is validated in a more practical ephemeris model.  相似文献   
以CompactRIO作为硬件平台,采用基于图形的LabVIEW编程语言,开发了适用于脉冲工作模式下的同步发电机励磁调节器。该调节器主要包括上位机和嵌入式实时系统,实时控制和监测每一次脉冲期间的工作状态以及电压、电流波形,控制周期精确至1 ms。采用数字增量式PID算法,达到对电压脉冲的精确控制,满足了脉冲发电机励磁周期投入和退出的间歇式工作模式及励磁波形调节的要求。  相似文献   
发射原点是飞行器试验中非常重要的参数,在某些特殊试验中,发射原点往往是不能准确给出的,为此,本文详细推导了发射原点误差对发射方位角和弹道精度的影响公式。仿真计算结果证明,原点误差对发射方位角影响较大,而原点误差和发射方位角误差的共同作用对发射系下的弹道精度影响很大,对于此类高精度的飞行器试验必须考虑原点误差对弹道精度的影响。  相似文献   
卫星相对运动的新解法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
卫星相对运动的研究在航天飞行中有着较为广泛的应用价值。C- W的解对于计算两星近距离的相对运动是很有效的, 但是, 当两星距离变大时其误差就不断地放大。文章采用一种新解法: 首先建立相对运动的解析关系; 然后利用椭圆运动的结果导出三维的近似分析解。它可以精确到偏心率和倾角差的一阶项, 而且不再包括长期误差。理论分析和数值检验的结果表明, 整个新的解的精度大大高于C- W 解的精度。  相似文献   
卫星无线电测控的特点,变化及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从卫星无线电测控发展进程可知,由于早期卫星是在各国火箭技术的基础上发展起来的,因此早期卫星的测控带有火箭测控的烙印。美国由于电子技术先进,较早发展了适合于卫星特点的测控;前苏联则由于技术和体制机制的原因持较长时间受火箭控的影响;中国实际上亦为如此。该文阐明了卫星测控的特点变化及发展趋势。认为测控系统在射频及视频的综合性是技术发展必然也是由卫星本身的特点所决定。研制部门的体制和业务项目的分工应适应的  相似文献   
The feasibility of using electrostatic forces to stabilize a close-proximity leader-follower formation is investigated. The leader craft is equipped with a set of affixed spheres whose charge is modulated to hold the charged follower craft along a proscribed trajectory to its nominal leader-relative position. This charge structure and the follower craft are constrained to remain in the plasma wake generated behind all LEO craft because the more-dense ambient plasma outside the wake prevents object charging and electric field propagation. Once the formation is achieved, a controlled electric field is generated by the leader to counter relative accelerations from perturbations like differential drag and solar radiation pressure, holding the follow near its nominal position. Two controllers are derived for the system described, incorporating Coulomb accelerations and linearized gravity and drag accelerations. Simulations are run under unmodeled perturbations and sensor noise for different scenarios, demonstrating the challenges and benefits associated with electrostatic actuation.  相似文献   
This work describes the design and optimization of spacecraft swarm missions to meet spatial and temporal visual mapping requirements of missions to planetary moons, using resonant co-orbits. The algorithms described here are a part of Integrated Design Engineering and Automation of Swarms (IDEAS), a spacecraft swarm mission design software that automates the design trajectories, swarm, and spacecraft behaviors in the mission. In the current work, we focus on the swarm design and optimization features of IDEAS, while showing the interaction between the different design modules. In the design segment, we consider the coverage requirements of two general planetary moon mapping missions: global surface mapping and region of interest observation. The configuration of the swarm co-orbits for the two missions is described, where the participating spacecraft have resonant encounters with the moon on their orbital apoapsis. We relate the swarm design to trajectory design through the orbit insertion maneuver performed on the interplanetary trajectory using aero-braking. We then present algorithms to model visual coverage, and collision avoidance in the swarm. To demonstrate the interaction between different design modules, we relate the trajectory and swarm to spacecraft design through fuel mass, and mission cost estimations using preliminary models. In the optimization segment, we formulate the trajectory and swarm design optimizations for the two missions as Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems. In the current work, we use Genetic Algorithm as the primary optimization solver. However, we also use the Particle Swarm Optimizer to compare the optimizer performance. Finally, the algorithms described here are demonstrated through numerical case studies, where the two visual mapping missions are designed to explore the Martian moon Deimos.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a two-phase framework to obtain a near-optimal solution of multi-target Lambert rendezvous problem. The objective of the problem is to determine the minimum-cost rendezvous sequence and trajectories to visit a given set of targets within a maximum mission duration. The first phase solves a series of single-target rendezvous problems for all departure-arrival object pairs to generate the elementary solutions, which provides candidate rendezvous trajectories. The second phase formulates a variant of traveling salesman problem (TSP) using the elementary solutions prepared in the first phase and determines the final rendezvous sequence and trajectories of the multi-target rendezvous problem. The validity of the proposed optimization framework is demonstrated through an asteroid exploration case study.  相似文献   
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