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分布式卫星系统在空间科学领域具有广泛的应用前景,同时也对概念设计阶段的分析工作提出了更高的要求.在分布式卫星系统概念设计阶段,评价不确定性参数对于最终探测效能的影响有着重要的工程应用价值.传统的不确定性分析方法存在解析困难、数值模拟计算效率低且耦合关系表征不明确的缺点.本文结合概念设计阶段不确定性分析的特点和需求,提出一种线性回归近似替代模型,将不确定性参数对于探测效能影响的结果计算降维为一个线性组合系数的求解问题.利用一个空间多点探测物理场分界面任务作为典型事例进行仿真验证,结果表明,相比传统数值模拟方法,本文方法在计算效率上具有明显优势且对关键不确定性参数有一定识别作用.  相似文献   
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of plasma and magnetic field that can produce adverse space weather at Earth and other locations in the Heliosphere. Due to the intrinsic multiscale nature of features in coronagraph images, wavelet and multiscale image processing techniques are well suited to enhancing the visibility of CMEs and suppressing noise. However, wavelets are better suited to identifying point-like features, such as noise or background stars, than to enhancing the visibility of the curved form of a typical CME front. Higher order multiscale techniques, such as ridgelets and curvelets, were therefore explored to characterise the morphology (width, curvature) and kinematics (position, velocity, acceleration) of CMEs. Curvelets in particular were found to be well suited to characterising CME properties in a self-consistent manner. Curvelets are thus likely to be of benefit to autonomous monitoring of CME properties for space weather applications.  相似文献   
The amount of data on gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and the detected afterglows observed by the Swift satellite contributed significantly to the understanding of the phenomenon. The behavior of the early afterglow rises some interesting questions. With the early afterglow localizations of gamma-ray burst positions made by Swift, the clear delimitation of the prompt phase and the afterglow is not so obvious any more. There are hints of a canonical X-ray afterglow lightcurve with segments of different slopes. Not all bursts necessarily show all the segments. It is important to see if the prompt phase and the afterglow has the same origin or they stem from different parts of the progenitor system. We will combine the of gamma-ray burst data from BAT and XRT and compare the extrapolated gamma-ray flux to the X-ray in a sample of bursts and find that there is a good agreement between the two measurements. This indicates that the physical process shaping burst and the early afterglow are the same.  相似文献   
由于在复杂FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array,现场可编程门阵列)设计中存在跨时钟域,通常会产生亚稳态现象.为有效地预防和解决该问题,分析FPGA设计中亚稳态的产生机理及其对数字信号处理系统的影响.根据不同的信号同步类型,针对单比特电平信号、脉冲信号和边沿信号,分别给出基于触发器级联的跨时钟域信号同步方法;针对并行信号,提出基于异步FIFO (First In First Out,先进先出队列)和握手协议的跨时钟域同步方法;并通过仿真手段分析信号同步方法的有效性及其适用范围.结果表明:这些方法能够正确有效地完成跨时钟域信号同步,预防可能出现的亚稳态问题,从而提高复杂FPGA设计的可靠性和稳定性.  相似文献   
以数控系统的PLC控制为基础,设计HED-21S机械笔控制系统结构,它可控制电磁铁的动作,执行画笔的上下运动。这支笔在X、Z型十字窗格可以绘制任意几何形状,该设计符合要求的快速定位数控直线移动,及圆弧插补功能,有助于提高数控编程效率和数控教学质量。  相似文献   
针对航天测控领域中上行遥控业务的协议体系选择与可靠性设计问题,在对我国现行国军标技术指标要求与现有航天测控系统天地基遥控技术特点进行归纳梳理的基础上,基于空间段信息传输无线链路特点与CCSDS(Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems,空间数据系统咨询委员会)标准规范,研究给出了适用于我国航天测控任务的空间段遥控协议体系与可靠性措施,利用梳理统计方法对上行遥控体制进行了数学建模分析,并与CCSDS给出的应用算例进行了对比分析.分析结果表明,所涉及的上行遥控体制与CCSDS标准规范的工作效能基本相当,能够满足我国航天任务上行遥控任务使用需求.  相似文献   
为了研究翼吊发动机安装结构隔振特性并优化其隔振器设计,建立了发动机安装节-吊架-机翼结构理论分析及有限元模型.利用有限元方法进行了模态验证并分析了安装结构的隔振特性.进行发动机3种典型工况下的结构动响应分析确定了振动传递的主路径.基于振动传递路径法研究了隔振器参数和安装位置对安装系统隔振性能的影响规律.结果表明:振动载荷经安装结构后低压转子转频和高压转子转频峰值响应分别降低22.03%和14.65%.低压转子转频振动传递主路径为发动机-前安装节-吊架-机翼,高压转子转频为发动机-后安装节-上连杆-机翼.通过合理设置隔振器位置可以使安装系统隔振率达到50.41%,隔振器的频率比为5和阻尼比为0.25时安装系统隔振率可达70.67%.为了优化整个发动机安装系统的隔振效果,设计隔振器时必须选取合适的安装位置和参数.   相似文献   
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