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The progress on Chinese Space Solar Telescope (SST) in 2004-2006 is introduced. The scientific objectives are further clarified and the ground operation system has been planned. The 7 key technical problems of SST satellite platform and payloads have been tackled, which lay solid scientific and technological foundations for engineering prototype phase of the SST project. At present the SST project undergoes evaluation by CNSA and CAS so as to enter the engineering prototype phase of the SST project if it is finally approved.  相似文献   
We present a preliminary version of a potential tool for real time proton flux prediction which provides proton flux profiles and cumulative fluence profiles at 0.5 and 2 MeV of solar energetic particle events, from their onset up to the arrival of the interplanetary shock at the spacecraft position (located at 1 or 0.4 AU). Based on the proton transportation model by Lario et al. [Lario, D., Sanahuja, B., Heras, A.M. Energetic particle events: efficiency of interplanetary shocks as 50 keV E < 100 MeV proton accelerators. Astrophys. J. 509, 415–434, 1998] and the magnetohydrodynamic shock propagation model of Wu et al. [Wu, S.T., Dryer, M., Han, S.M. Non-planar MHD model for solar flare-generated disturbances in the Heliospheric equatorial plane. Sol. Phys. 84, 395–418, 1983], we have generated a database containing “synthetic” profiles of the proton fluxes and cumulative fluences of 384 solar energetic particle events. We are currently validating the applicability of this code for space weather forecasting by comparing the resulting “synthetic” flux profiles with those of several real events.  相似文献   
The designs of cold space telescopes, cryogenic and radiatively cooled, are similar in most elements and both benefit from orbits distant from the Earth. In particular such orbits allow the anti-sunward side of radiatively-cooled spacecraft to be used to provide large cooling radiators for the individual radiation shields. Designs incorporating these features have predictedT tel near 20 K. The attainability of such temperatures is supported by limited practical experience (IRAS, COBE). Supplementary cooling systems (cryogens, mechanical coolers) can be advantageously combined with radiative cooling in hybrid designs to provide robustness against deterioration and yet lower temperatures for detectors, instruments, and even the whole telescope. The possibility of such major additional gains is illustrated by the Very Cold Telescope option under study forEdison, which should offerT tel5 K for a little extra mechanical cooling capacity.  相似文献   
模拟地球同步轨道辐照环境对光学太阳反射镜性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了模拟地球同步轨道辐照环境对卫星用温控涂层-光学太阳反射镜(OSR)性能的影响。对所研制的两类OSR 片进行的辐照试验项目有,真空紫外辐照、低能电子和两种能量的质子辐照。此外还进行了等离子体环境条件下的表面充/放电效应试验。经过相当于安装在地球同步轨道卫星南北极位置处,在空间七年所受到的电子、质子和紫外辐照总剂量的辐照后,导电型OSR 的太阳光谱吸收率α_s 由0.068增加到0.078,法向发射率ε_n 由0.83降低到0.72;而非导电型OSR的α_s 由0.066增加到0.085,ε_n 由0.82降低到0.76。表面充/放电试验的结果表明:导电型OSR 的充电电位仅在15~40V 之间,而非导电型OSR 的充电电位则可高达13kV。因此导电型OSR能有效地控制表面的充/放电现象。  相似文献   
On 14 October 1999, the Chinese-Brazil earth resource satellite (CBERS-1) was launched in China. On board of the satellite there was an instrument designed at Peking University to detect the energetic particle radiation inside the satellite so the radiation fluxes of energetic particles in the cabin can be monitored continuously. Inside a satellite cabin, radiation environment consists of ether penetrated energetic particles or secondary radiation from satellite materials due to the interactions with primary cosmic rays.Purpose of the detectors are twofold, to monitor the particle radiation in the cabin and also to study the space radiation environment The data can be used to study the radiation environment and their effects on the electronics inside the satelhte cabin. On the other hand, the data are useful in study of geo-space energetic particle events such as solar proton events, particle precipitation and variations of the radiation belt since there should be some correlation between the radiation situation inside and outside the satellite.The instrument consists of two semi-conductor detectors for protons and electrons respectively. Each detector has two channels of energy ranges. They are 0.5-2MeV and ≥2MeV for electrons and 5-30MeV and 30-60MeV for protons. Counting rate for all channels are up to 104/(cm2@s)and power consumption is about 2.5 W. There are also the additional functions of CMOS TID (total integrated dose) effect and direct SEU monitoring. The data of CBMC was first sent back on Oct. 17 1999 and it's almost three years from then on. The detector has been working normally and the quality of data is good.The preliminary results of data analysis of CBMC not only reveal the effects of polar particle precipitation and radiation belt on radiation environment inside a satellite, but also show some important features of the geo-space energetic particle radiation.As one of the most important parameters of space weather, the energetic charged particles have great influences on space activities and ground tech nology. CBMC is perhaps the first long-term on-board special equipment to monitor the energetic particle radiation environment inside the satellite and the data it accnmulated are very useful in both satellite designing and space research.  相似文献   
The status of institutional arrangements and of the hardware development for Space Telescope are highlighted. After a brief summary of instrument characteristics, some examples are given on the possible use of the ST to study objects of interest to cosmology.  相似文献   
空间科学任务协同设计过程优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了对概念设计阶段空间科学任务协同设计过程进行合理规划, 减少设计反馈, 降低系统耦合度, 提出了设计结构矩阵(DSM)过程建模和遗传算法(GA) 过程优化算法. 该方法采用DSM对空间科学任务设计活动序列进行建模, 通过DSM描述设计活动间的信息依赖关系, DSM上三角之和代表该设计活动序列设计反馈次数; 将 DSM对应的设计活动序列视为染色体, 采用GA进行序列优化, 最小化设计反馈次数. 通过过程优化算法获取最佳设计活动序列, 优化设计过程, 降低系统耦合度. 空间科学任务实例分析结果表明, 该方法能够有效应用于空间科学任务协同设计的过程建模和过程优化, 指导设计过程的制定.  相似文献   
The miniature design technology is an important trend in space exploration. Mass spectrometer is used extensively in the space environment detection. The miniature ion mass spectrometer utilizes a 127° cylindrical electrostatic analyzer accompanied with a Time of Flight (TOF) unit based on ultrathin carbon foil to measure the energy spectra and composition of space plasma. The Time of Flight technique has been used broadly in space plasma measurement. A new type of miniature method for the ion mass spectrometer is introduced. The total mass of the instrument is 1.8 kg and the total power consumption is 2.0W. The calibration results show that the energy measurement range is 8.71~43550eV, the energy resolution is 1.86% and the ion mass from 1 amu (1 amu = 1.67 × 10-27 kg) to 58 amu can be resolved by the miniature mass spectrometer. The miniature ion mass spectrometer also has a potential to be increased in the field of view by an electrostatic deflecting system to extend its application in space plasma detection. The miniature ion mass spectrometer has been selected for pre-study of Chinese Strategic Priority Research Program on Space Science.  相似文献   
针对目前通常采用计算碰撞概率来进行空间目标碰撞预警的方法,为提高其评判标准的精度以达到提高航天器精准预警的目的,分析了目前空间目标碰撞概率阈值确定过程的总体框架.对阈值确定过程中所涉及的误差协方差矩阵确定方法、碰撞概率计算以及碎片通量计算方法进行了研究.以国际空间站(ISS)为例,通过计算其所在空间的碎片通量,分析其轨道受空间环境的影响情况,并与早期结果进行比较,得出其以往的碰撞概率阈值可能被高估的结论.  相似文献   
空间碎片光谱特性获取与分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
空间碎片的反射光谱是碎片表面材料与太阳光谱共同作用的结果,能够反映碎片的材料性质,为空间碎片的光学特性研究提供依据. 将观测获得的空间碎片反射光谱进行预处理后,与已知空间材料样本的光谱进行比对,比较两者间光学特性差异,包括连续反射光谱曲线中的峰值、斜率、形态、特征窄波段、吸收谱线和多波段反射光谱间的成像差异、色指数、特征温度等,分辨碎片表面可能的材料,最终实现对空间碎片光学特性的研究.  相似文献   
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