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Space radiation has been monitored successfully using the Radiation Risks Radiometer-Dosimeter (R3D) installed at the ESA EXPOSE-R (R3DR) facility outside of the Russian Zvezda module of the International Space Station (ISS) between March 2009 and January 2011. R3DR is a Liulin type spectrometer–dosimeter with a single Si PIN detector 2 cm2 of area and 0.3 mm thick. The R3DR instrument accumulated about 2 million measurements of the absorbed dose rate and flux of 10 s resolution. The total external and internal shielding before the detector of R3DR device is 0.41 g cm−2. The calculated stopping energy of normally incident particles to the detector is 0.78 MeV for electrons and 15.8 MeV for protons. After the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) at 09:54 UTC on 3 April 2010, a shock was observed at the ACE spacecraft at 0756 UTC on 5 April, which led to a sudden impulse on Earth at 08:26 UTC. Nevertheless, while the magnetic substorms on 5 and 6 of April were moderate; the second largest in history of GOES fluence of electrons with energy >2 MeV was measured. The R3DR data show a relatively small amount of relativistic electrons on 5 April. The maximum dose rate of 2323 μGy day−1 was reached on 7 April; by 9 April, a dose of 6600 μGy was accumulated. By the end of the period on 7 May 2010 a total dose of 11,587 μGy was absorbed. Our data were compared with AE-8 MIN, CRESS and ESA-SEE1 models using SPENVIS and with similar observations on American, Japanese and Russian satellites.  相似文献   
For the first time, the spin axis orientation of an inactive box-wing geosynchronous satellite has been estimated from ground-based optical photometric observations of Echostar-2’s specular reflections. Recent photometric light curves obtained of Echostar-2 over four years suggest that unusually bright and brief specular reflections were occurring twice within an observed spin period. These bright and brief specular reflections suggested two satellite surfaces with surface normals separated by approximately 180°. The geometry between the satellite, the Sun, and the observing location at the time of each of the brightest observed reflections, was used to estimate Echostar-2’s equatorial spin axis orientation coordinates. When considering prograde and retrograde rotation, Echostar-2’s spin axis orientation was estimated to have been located within 30° of either equatorial coordinate pole. Echostar-2’s spin axis was observed to have moved approximately 180° in right ascension, within a time span of six months, suggesting a roughly one year spin axis precession period about the satellite’s angular momentum vector.  相似文献   
深空通信极远的传输距离导致链路误码率高,使文件的可靠传输需要较多的重传次数,而其传播时延长的特点,进一步加大了文件传输时延。研究以CCSDS(空间数据系统咨询委员会)文件传输协议的存储-转发机制,提出一种R-CFDP(中继型CFDP协议),设计了3种中继"存储-转发"策略,并数学建模推导了R-CFDP协议的文件传输时延理论计算式。仿真证明R-CFDP协议相对于CFDP(CCSDS文件传输协议)协议在传输时延方面具有优势。  相似文献   
空间实验室大面积太阳电池阵技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了空间实验室大面积太阳电池阵的方案构型,并进行了模态分析、热结构耦合分析和动力学仿真分析。生产出了全尺寸的集成演示样机,进行了展开试验、主展开机构的模态试验,以及半刚性太阳电池板和二自由度驱动机构的振动试验。计算和试验结果表明,技术方案是可行的。  相似文献   
介绍了中国在20世纪发射的返回式航天器和光学型对地观测类卫星、研制成功的航天光学遥感器和建成的卫星对地观测信息应用系统 ,展示了中国在航天返回与遥感领域取得的进展  相似文献   
防静电白色热控涂层的空间环境性能试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在氧化锌晶格中掺入重金属离子,得到具有防静电功能的白色颜料,再以丙烯酸树脂为粘合剂制备出空间飞行器外表面用的ACR-1防静电白色热控涂层;研究了空间环境效应(包括紫外辐照,电子和质子辐照)对该热控涂层太阳吸收率的影响并与有机硅白色热控涂层进行了比较,地面模拟空间环境试验研究结果证明,ACR-1防静电白色热控涂层具有良好的空间稳定性。  相似文献   
提出了一种同时考虑大气层外拦截弹中段和末段飞行过程的拦截优化方法.首先建立了大气层外拦截弹中段和末段飞行的动力学模型,并设计了速度增益中制导律和鲁棒变结构末制导律;然后确定了影响拦截性能的优化控制参数及其约束条件,以拦截过程的燃料消耗质量和脱靶量最小为组合性能指标;最后采用具有全局最优性的遗传算法对这一拦截优化问题进行了仿真研究,并与复形调优算法的结果进行了比较.仿真结果表明,遗传算法与传统优化方法相比在解决大气层外拦截弹带约束复杂非线性组合优化问题时,能更好地收敛到全局最优值,并能有效降低大气层外拦截的燃料消耗和脱靶量.  相似文献   
彭坤  杨雷 《宇航学报》2018,39(5):471-481
为提高空间站利用率,降低载人登月任务成本,有效开发地月空间,研究了基于地月空间不同轨道空间站的载人登月飞行模式。首先对比直接往返登月飞行模式,对基于空间站的载人登月飞行模式进行任务分析,通过空间站将载人登月任务解耦为载人天地往返任务和登月任务两部分;其次通过轨道设计和稳定性分析提出考虑登月任务需求的地月间空间站可运行轨道和停泊点;最后建立一套飞行模式评价模型,从速度增量需求、飞行时间、空间环境、登月任务窗口、测控条件、交会对接技术难度、后续任务支持性和任务可靠性方面对6种不同位置空间站的登月飞行模式进行分析和定量评价。评价结果表明基于L2点Halo轨道空间站的载人登月飞行模式为更优飞行模式。  相似文献   
To evaluate the effects of ionizing radiation (IR) on murine preosteoblastic cell differentiation, we directed OCT-1 cells to the osteoblastic lineage by treatment with a combination of β-glycerophosphate (β-GP), ascorbic acid (AA), and dexamethasone (Dex). In vitro mineralization was evaluated based on histochemical staining and quantification of the hydroxyapatite content of the extracellular bone matrix. Expression of mRNA encoding Runx2, transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1), osteocalcin (OCN), and p21CDKN1A was analyzed. Exposure to IR reduced the growth rate and diminished cell survival of OCT-1 cells under standard conditions. Notably, calcium content analysis revealed that deposition of mineralized matrix increased significantly under osteogenic conditions after X-ray exposure in a time-dependent manner. In this study, higher radiation doses exert significant overall effects on TGF-β1, OCN, and p21CDKN1A gene expression, suggesting that gene expression following X-ray treatment is affected in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, we verified that Runx2 was suppressed within 24 h after irradiation at 2 and 4 Gy. Although further studies are required to verify the molecular mechanism, our observations strongly suggest that treatment with IR markedly alters the differentiation and mineralization process of preosteoblastic cells.  相似文献   
本文综述空间交会对接技术目前发展概况,着重讨论自主交会对接控制技术,敏感器和对接面结构型式。  相似文献   
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