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面向空间太阳能电站应用,进行了固态体制微波能量传输技术研究。针对能量传输波束扩散导致收集效率低的问题,研究了基于人工媒质理论设计的完美匹配层的能量接收整流表面,通过调节人工媒质单元的结构参数实现天线输出阻抗与整流电路输入阻抗的共轭匹配,同时抑制整流电路高次谐波,省去原有匹配及低通滤波器,简化电路结构、实现高效微波能量吸收与转换。以空间太阳能电站规定的波束中心传输微波功率密度限制作为能量接收整流表面设计的约束条件,设计能量接收整流表面,结合固态体制微波能量发射端,搭建5.8GHz小规模微波能量传输系统开展了地面试验验证,实测结果显示整流表面能量转换效率最高为57.7%。此次试验验证了先进的固态能量传输试验系统,为空间太阳能地面缩比试验及未来空间太阳能电站的建设提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
介绍了空间飞行器典型电源系统组成,通过对影响太阳能源输出的各项参数因素分析,提出了空间飞行器太阳能源计算方法,该方法包括由功率计算所需太阳阵面积的公式和由太阳阵面积计算输出功率的公式,达到了准确计算太阳能源的效果,解决了以往空间飞行器太阳能源估算误差大,在总体回路设计中电源参数难以闭环的问题。  相似文献   
Long-term balloon observations have been performed by the Lebedev Physical Institute since 1957 up to the present time. The observations are taken several times a week at the polar and mid latitudes and allow us to study dynamics of galactic and solar cosmic ray as well as secondary particle fluxes in the atmosphere and in the near-Earth space. Solar energetic particles (120) – mostly protons – (SEP) events with >100 MeV proton intensity above 1 cm−2 s−1 s−1 were recorded during 1958–2006. Before the advent of the SEP monitoring on spacecraft these results constituted the only homogeneous series of >100 MeV SEP events. The SEP intensities and energy spectra inferred from the Lebedev Physical Institute observations are consistent with the results taken in the adjacent energy intervals by the spacecraft and neutron monitors. Joint consideration of the SEP events series recorded by balloons and by neutron monitors during solar cycles 20–23 makes it possible to restore the probable number of events in solar cycle 19, which was not properly covered by observations. Some correlation was found between duration of SEP event production in a solar cycle and sunspot cycle characteristics.  相似文献   
In this article, we study fast shocks at CIR boundaries during an extended interval of 15 consecutive major high speed solar wind streams in 1992–1993. Ulysses was 4–5 AU from the sun. The Abraham-Schrauner shock normal method and the Rankine-Hugoniot relations were used to determine fast shock directions and speeds. Out of 33 potential CIR shocks, 14 were determined to be fast forward shocks (FSs) and 14 were fast reverse shocks (RSs). Of the remaining 5 events, 2 were forward waves and 3 were reverse waves. CIR edges at latitudes below ∼30o were, for the most part, bounded by fast magnetosonic shocks. The forward shocks were generally quasi-perpendicular (average θnBo = 67o). The reverse shocks were more oblique (average θnBo = 52o), but they extended to all angles. Both FSs and RSs had magnetosonic Mach numbers ranging from 1 to 5 or 6. The average Mach numbers were 2.4 and 2.6 for FSs and RSs, respectively. The shock Mach numbers were noted to generally decrease with increasing latitude. The non-shock events or waves were noted to occur preferentially at high (∼−30° to −35°) heliolatitudes where stream-stream interactions were presumably weaker. These results are consistent with expectations, indicating the general accuracy of the Abraham-Schrauner technique.  相似文献   
An algorithm has been developed that retrieves water vapour profiles in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from optical depth spectra obtained by the Measurements of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Troposphere Retrieved by Occultation (MAESTRO) instrument onboard the SCISAT satellite as part of the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) mission. The retrieval relies on ro-vibrational absorption of solar radiation by water vapour in the 926–970 nm range. During the iterative inversion process, the optical depth spectra are simulated at the spectral resolution and sampling frequency of MAESTRO using the correlated-k approximation. The Chahine inversion updates the water vapour volume mixing ratio (VMR), adjusting all retrieval layers simultaneously, to match the observed differential optical depth due to absorption by water vapour and ozone at each tangent height. This approach accounts for significant line saturation effects. Profiles are typically obtained from ∼22 km down to the cloud tops or to 5 km, with relative precision as small as 3% in the troposphere. In the lower stratosphere, the precision on water vapour VMR is ∼1.3 μmol/mol in an individual retrieval layer (∼1 km thick). The spectral capability of MAESTRO allows for the clear separation of extinction due to water vapour and aerosol, and for the fitting quality to be quantified and used to determine an altitude-dependent convergence criterion for the retrieval. In the middle troposphere, interhemispheric differences in water vapour VMR are driven by oceanic evaporation whereas in the upper troposphere, deep convection dominates and a strong seasonal cycle is observed at high latitudes.  相似文献   
胡圣波  孟新  赵娜 《宇航学报》2011,32(2):361-366
为提高探测器发射机功率利用率,在探测器和地球间建立可靠的传输链路,弱太阳闪烁中的深空信道的自适应控制十分重要。根据CCSDS规范,提出了一种基于连续功率控制和离散速率控制策略的深空信道自适应控制方法。数学分析和计算机仿真表明,(1) 太阳闪烁越强,自适应功率控制效果越明显;(2) 当太阳闪烁引起的信号衰减不大,小于9.4dB时,MPSK自适应控制信道容量高于非自适应控制信道容量。
The RESIK is a high sensitivity, uncollimated bent crystal spectrometer which successfully operated aboard Russian CORONAS-F solar mission between 2001 and 2003. It measured for the first time in a systematic way solar soft X-ray spectra in the four wavelength channels from 3.3 Å to 6.1 Å. This range includes characteristic strong lines of H- and He-like ions of K, Ar, Cl, Si, S and Al in the respective spectral channels. A distinguishing feature of RESIK is its possibility of making reliable measurements of the continuum radiation in flares. Interpretation of line and the continuum intensities observed in vicinity of respective strong lines provides diagnostics of plasma temperature and absolute abundances of K, Ar, Cl, S, Si and Al in several flares. We analyzed the observed intensities of spectral lines and the nearby continuum using the CHIANTI v5.2 atomic data package. A specific, so-called “locally isothermal” approach has been used in this respect allowing us to make not only flare-averaged abundance estimates, but also to look into a possible variability of plasma composition during the course of flares.  相似文献   
Variations in the abundances of short-lived radionuclides such as 26Al (τ1/2 ≈ 0.74 Ma) and 53Mn (τ1/2 ≈ 3.7 Ma) in meteoritic solids may be used to infer relative formation intervals of these solids in the nebula at precisions of less than 1 Ma. In a strict chronometric interpretation of the isotopic variations, whereby criteria such as spatial and temporal isotopic homogeneity and closed system isotopic evolution are met, solid formation occurred in the nebula for at least several million years. This is longer than some theoretical and astronomical estimates for the duration of the active nebula. The evidence for live 41Ca (τ1/2 ≈ 0.10 Ma) in meteoritic inclusions further indicates that the onset of solid formation occurred quite early, perhaps within a few hundred thousand years after the onset of the collapse of the sun's parent molecular cloud. Failure of the chronometric interpretation may arise for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, the late, inhomogeneous injection of material from a nearby stellar source or the local production of short-lived radionuclides by an energetic particle irradiation, e. g., from T Tauri (X-wind) or galactic cosmic ray sources. Although some isotopic evidence exists that the criteria required for a strict chronometric interpretation are not met by each of the short-lived chronometers, there is no compelling reason to shorten the interval of solid formation in the nebula to less than 1 Ma. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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