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The geoid can be used to validate the satellite gravity gradiometry data. Validation of such data is important prior to their downward continuation because of amplification of the data errors through this process. In this paper, the second-order radial derivative of Abel–Poisson’s formula is modified stochastically to reduce the effect of the far-zone geoid and generate the second-order radial derivative of geopotential at 250 km level. The numerical studies over Fennoscandia show that this method yields the gradients with an error of 10 mE and when the long wavelength of geoid is removed from the estimator and restored after the computations (remove–compute–restore) the error will be in 1 mE level. We name this method semi-stochastic modification. The best case scenario is found when the degree of modification of the integral formula is 200 and the long wavelength geoid to degree 100 is removed and restored. In this case the geoid should have a resolution of 15′ × 15′ and the integration should be performed over a cap size of 3°.  相似文献   
One of global processes in ionosphere–thermosphere–magnetosphere system is the geomagnetic storms. It is of great importance to develop an algorithm that auto-detects sudden commencement because it could be an indicator of onset of the geomagnetic storm. Automatic detection of geomagnetic sudden commencement is based on time–frequency clusters generated by spectrogram. Proposed algorithm is tested on data set collected from stations belong to the international real-time magnetic observatory network (INTERMAGNET). Maximum standard deviation of algorithm detection times is observed to be one minute of the corresponding arrival times published by National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).  相似文献   
图结构异常检测可以发现金融欺诈行为、网络入侵和可疑的社交行为。针对当前检测图异常算法的计算复杂度高、不能处理大规模动态图的缺点,研究并提出了一种增量并行式的算法以便更有效地发现和检测大规模动态图中的异常。该算法使用时间滑动窗口对图进行划分,在初始化阶段选取N个子图,使用最小描述长度(MDL)原理并行检测正常模式和异常模式,并行迭代地检测其他子图中的正常结构和异常结构。在多个大规模图数据集上的实验结果表明,检测动态图结构异常准确率达到96%,召回率达到85%,运行时间减少了一个数量级。同时还讨论了滑动窗口大小和并行数量对算法运行时间的影响。  相似文献   
速度多假目标欺骗干扰下,当雷达对机动目标进行跟踪时,会遇到虚假航迹较多、真假目标鉴别难度较大、真实目标跟踪不稳定等难题。针对这些问题,提出了速度多假目标欺骗干扰下基于速度估计径向投影和运动状态计数延迟的目标跟踪算法。首先,采用速度量测和位置量测相结合的双通道机动检测方法,保证速度欺骗干扰下模型切换的准确性和及时性;然后,利用运动状态计数延迟的方法确定目标模型切换后跟踪稳定的时刻;最后,利用基于位置信息的速度估计径向投影构造检验统计量对速度欺骗干扰进行识别。仿真实验表明,该算法有较好的稳健性。  相似文献   
A nonparametric method termed as manifold structure preservative (MSP) is proposed in this paper for hyperspectral target detection. MSP transforms the feature space of data to maximize the separation between target and background signals. Moreover, it minimizes the reconstruction error of targets and preserves the topological structure of data in the projected feature space. MSP does not need to consider any distribution for target and background data. So, it can achieve accurate results in real scenarios due to avoiding unreliable assumptions. The proposed MSP detector is compared to several popular detectors and the experiments on a synthetic data and two real hyperspectral images indicate the superior ability of it in target detection.  相似文献   
Unwanted contrast in high resolution satellite images such as shadow areas directly affects the result of further processing in urban remote sensing images. Detecting and finding the precise position of shadows is critical in different remote sensing processing chains such as change detection, image classification and digital elevation model generation from stereo images. The spectral similarity between shadow areas, water bodies, and some dark asphalt roads makes the development of robust shadow detection algorithms challenging. In addition, most of the existing methods work on pixel-level and neglect the contextual information contained in neighboring pixels. In this paper, a new object-based shadow detection framework is introduced. In the proposed method a pixel-level shadow mask is built by extending established thresholding methods with a new C4 index which enables to solve the ambiguity of shadow and water bodies. Then the pixel-based results are further processed in an object-based majority analysis to detect the final shadow objects. Four different high resolution satellite images are used to validate this new approach. The result shows the superiority of the proposed method over some state-of-the-art shadow detection method with an average of 96% in F-measure.  相似文献   
针对胚胎电子细胞阵列中测试结构与故障检测和定位方法受电子细胞和阵列结构限制较大,故障检测和定位能力有限,硬件消耗大等问题,提出一种由可配置边界扫描结构和可配置内部扫描结构组成的新的测试结构。基于这种测试结构,提出了寄存器传输级故障检测和细胞级故障定位相结合的故障检测和定位方法。仿真实验以s27电路为例,详细介绍了故障检测和定位的具体过程并对测试结构的硬件消耗进行了分析。仿真和分析结果表明,本文方法可有效检测并在细胞级定位故障,而且随着阵列规模增大,测试结构的硬件消耗所占比例明显下降,适用于大规模胚胎电子细胞阵列。  相似文献   
摘要: 白昼恒星探测技术是船载星光定向仪海上应用的关键技术之一.本文基于实测星图给出白昼恒星探测技术的理论公式和实现方案.该技术针对实测红外星图中的背景噪声、伪星点、坏像素、对灰度背景的适应性问题,分别设计星图滤波算法、多帧伪星点剔除算法、坏像素索引表以及多梯度渐进积分时间调整算法.通过外场观星和组合导航实验验证该技术的有效性和精度.  相似文献   
电子经纬仪是一种高精度的测角仪器,由多台高精度电子经纬仪构成的测量系统可以实现三维坐标测量,用于对大型工业产品的几何检测。但经纬仪在测量过程中仍然需要人工瞄准目标,存在速度慢、效率低、人为因素影响大等不足。实现经纬仪自动照准目标功能将是一个新的发展方向。提出一种基于图像的自动瞄准技术,通过在经纬仪上安装一台相机获取待测目标点的图像,利用图形目标识别技术获取目标点图像坐标,依据相机与经纬仪的空间关系可以获得各目标点相对于经纬仪的初始角度,从而实现目标点的快速概略定位,理论推导及实验证明本方法能够准确有效的获得目标点的概略位置。  相似文献   
基于实时观测数据的大气密度模式修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国际大气密度模式NRLMSISE-00, 以中国神舟飞船探测数据为基础, 提出一种基于实时大气密度观测数据的模式修正方法. 通过计算分析模式计算结果与探测数据的误差分布特征, 针对地磁相对平静期(Ap≤ 30)模式计算的误差特点, 建立了一种平均误差修正方法, 即认为在相对平静期, 在相同纬度和地方时, 模式误差基本相同, 某一时刻模式预测误差可以近似用与其相同纬度和地方时的平均误差来替代, 从而对模式预测结果进行修正. 以神舟4号探测数据为基础, 通过对模式预测结果采用两种方式进行修正, 可以看到模式误差得到了一定的改善. 采用误差库累积准实时修正, 修正后的误差由原来的20 %降至6 %; 采用误差库5天滑动预报修正后, 模式提前1, 2, 3天的预测误差由原来的20 %分别降至7.8 %, 9.4 %和10.5%.  相似文献   
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