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One of the primary mission risks tracked in the development of all spacecraft is that due to micro-meteoroids and orbital debris (MMOD). Both types of particles, especially those larger than 0.1 mm in diameter, contain sufficient kinetic energy due to their combined mass and velocities to cause serious damage to crew members and spacecraft. The process used to assess MMOD risk consists of three elements: environment, damage prediction, and damage tolerance. Orbital debris risk assessments for the Orion vehicle, as well as the Shuttle, Space Station and other satellites use ballistic limit equations (BLEs) that have been developed using high speed impact test data and results from numerical simulations that have used spherical projectiles. However, spheres are not expected to be a common shape for orbital debris; rather, orbital debris fragments might be better represented by other regular or irregular solids. In this paper we examine the general construction of NASA’s current orbital debris (OD) model, explore the potential variations in orbital debris mass and shape that are possible when using particle characteristic length to define particle size (instead of assuming spherical particles), and, considering specifically the Orion vehicle, perform an orbital debris risk sensitivity study taking into account variations in particle mass and shape as noted above. While the results of the work performed for this study are preliminary, they do show that continuing to use aluminum spheres in spacecraft risk assessments could result in an over-design of its MMOD protection systems. In such a case, the spacecraft could be heavier than needed, could cost more than needed, and could cost more to put into orbit than needed. The results obtained in this study also show the need to incorporate effects of mass and shape in mission risk assessment prior to first flight of any spacecraft as well as the need to continue to develop/refine BLEs so that they more accurately reflect the shape and material density variations inherent to the actual debris environment.  相似文献   
宫中伟  莫蓉  杨海成  陈涛 《航空学报》2013,34(3):677-685
 针对航空产品工程变更不易预测传播路径的问题,本文利用信息论和统计学的有关原理,提出了一套基于经验的工程变更传播路径预测方法。利用熵和互信息的概念,从海量经验数据中获取在预测过程中起到重要作用的参数;以其为样本空间,提出了一种从语义和变更影响两个角度计算变更参数相似度的算法;基于贝叶斯公式,分析了多因素情况下,相关参数的被影响概率,以此作为判断变更路径的依据;最后,以某型号航空涡轮叶盘为例对本文方法进行了验证,结果表明本文方法具有一定的准确度和优越性。  相似文献   
联合截获威胁下的雷达射频隐身目标搜索算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李寰宇  查宇飞  李浩  杨源  杨丽薇 《航空学报》2015,36(6):1953-1963
针对基于射频(RF)隐身需求的机载雷达目标搜索问题进行了研究。通过分析实际作战中射频辐射面临的截获威胁,提出了一种基于联合截获威胁的射频隐身性能表征方法,并给出了具体的值估算方法;对机载雷达搜索任务中辐射参数的优化问题进行了建模,并采用优化算法对目标函数进行求解。通过分析典型情景下解集的分布特点,给出了从最优解集中选取最终解的方法。结果表明,提出的射频隐身性能表征方法能更好地反映截获实现过程的多域需求,提出的雷达搜索方法能够在保证探测性能的同时,提高射频隐身性能和搜索速度,能够为相控阵雷达搜索任务中参数的优化控制提供方法和依据。  相似文献   
对于大幅值的输入信号,三阶多项式缩比法易产生信号畸变且参数配置复杂;而Hermite缩比函数法的触发速度较慢.提出两种改进的缩比方法:基于三阶多项式缩比法的最优参数配置法和加入线性缩比的非线性缩比法.前一种方法通过参数的优化配置最大化稳定区,以防止信号的畸变;后一种方法则利用线性缩比的特性将缩比度限制在稳定区内.仿真结果表明:线性缩比的加入可以防止三阶多项式缩比法信号的畸变;最优配置参数法应用方便且整体效果较好.为航天飞行模拟提供了更有效的缩比策略.  相似文献   
整机条件下涡扇发动机部件特征参数辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决整机条件下难于直接获得部件全部特征参数的问题,在计算发动机部件特征参数对整机性能敏感度的基础上,利用条件数分析参数之间的相关性最终确定可修正参数数量.这样即可构造工程上可解的辨识问题,并通过最小二乘法求解.仿真计算结果显示:高压压气机效率为0.982与初设值0.98一致,说明该方法从理论上是可行的.从具体实例的辨识结果来看,有压气机后温度测试时部件效率降低量值符合实际结果;无压气机后温度测试时高压压气机效率较设计状态偏高12.7%,不符合实际发动机工作情况.显然辨识问题是病态的,为此可修正参数不应超过6个.   相似文献   
轻质复合材料发射箱盖结构设计与参数优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 针对国内现阶段复合材料发射箱盖研制领域中所存在的一些缺陷,通过设计一种方形轻质复合材料发射箱盖结构提出解决方案。首先提出了结构中薄弱区与抛出部分的初步设计方案;然后对导弹发射时燃气流冲击箱盖过程进行了瞬态数值模拟,并根据数值模拟结果对箱盖结构参数进行了优化;最后针对优化结构冲破过程进行了数值模拟,结果表明,按优化后方案设计的箱盖结构既能实现结构的轻质化,又能在开盖过程中保证较好的冲破性能。  相似文献   
The flight control system of a fly-by-wire (FBW) passenger airliner with a complex frame-work and high feedback gain augmentation would change the original characteristic of a loaded signal and suppress the excitation of an airplane's pertinent motion modes. Taking a research example of an FBW passenger airliner model with longitudinal relaxed-static-stability, a new method of signal type selection and signal parameter design is proposed, through analysis of signal energy distribution and plane body's frequency response. According to CCAR60--the Appraisal and Use Regulation of Flight Simulator Device, the simulation validation of the FBW passenger airliner's longitudinal aerodynamic parameters identification is put forward. The validation result indicates that the designed signal could excite the longitudinal motion mode of the FBW passenger airliner adequately and the multiparameter comparison in simulation meets the objective test request of CCAR60. Meanwhile, the relative errors of aerodynamic parameters are less than 10%.  相似文献   
基于动力学仿真技术的TC4整体叶轮铣削参数优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对某航空发动机TC4整体叶轮在数控加工过程中存在颤振、加工效率低及因加工变形而导致局部超差等问题,提出了相应的铣削参数优化解决方案。在进行切削力系数辨识试验获取TC4材料的切削力系数及锤击试验获取加工系统动力学特性参数的基础上,通过综合使用自行开发的铣削加工动力学仿真软件SimuCut和国外的CutPro软件进行动力学仿真与优化,获得了优化的切削参数。使用优化的切削参数进行加工,有效地消除了颤振和因加工变形引起的局部超差,提高了加工效率。  相似文献   
Aerodynamic modeling and parameter estimation from quick accesses recorder (QAR) data is an important technical way to analyze the effects of highland weather conditions upon aerodynamic characteristics of airplane. It is also an essential content of flight accident analysis. The related techniques are developed in the present paper, including the geometric method for angle of attack and sideslip angle estimation, the extended Kalman filter associated with modified Bryson-Frazier smoother (EKF-MBF) method for aerodynamic coefficient identification, the radial basis function (RBF) neural network method for aerodynamic modeling, and the Delta method for stability/control derivative estimation. As an application example, the QAR data of a civil airplane approaching a high-altitude airport are processed and the aerodynamic coefficient and derivative estimates are obtained. The estimation results are reasonable, which shows that the developed techniques are feasible. The causes for the distribution of aerodynamic derivative estimates are analyzed. Accordingly, several measures to improve estimation accuracy are put forward.  相似文献   
经纬仪坐标测量系统检测方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要分析了国内外大尺寸坐标测量系统使用和检测研究现状,叙述了经纬仪测量系统的组成。测量方法和误差来源,根据我国使用现状和现有水平,提出了经纬仪测量系统性能参数、检测标准实物,适用于室内检测和现场检测,给出了室内大尺寸标准研制和现场标准实物研制的途径。  相似文献   
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