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摘要: 针对受到潜在模型不确定性影响的系统,设计一种并行模型自适应估计(PMAE)算法.以往基于不确定性系统模型设计的滤波算法,在模型精确的情况下,性能往往不及传统卡尔曼滤波(KF).为了解决该问题,设计基于多个并行滤波器的自适应状态估计算法,其中一个滤波器为KF,用于在未出现模型不确定性的情况下,对系统进行最优状态估计;另一个滤波器为扩维卡尔曼滤波(AKF),用于在出现模型不确定性的情况下,对不确定性模型参数进行辨识.以空间目标监视为例,分析算法的性能.仿真结果表明,利用PMAE算法能够自适应地对两个并行滤波器进行切换和折衷,从而有效应对模型中存在不确定性和不存在不确定性两种情况.  相似文献   
吴洪涛  赵修斌  庞春雷  张良  冯波 《航空学报》2018,39(6):321850-321850
多天线增强了全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)单频单历元姿态测量解算模型的强度,但随着天线数量增加,模糊度维数成倍增加,从模糊度域确定搜索空间的计算量将显著增长。基于此,提出了基于值域的多约束多天线GNSS单频单历元姿态测量新算法:该算法将姿态约束融入值域搜索模型,利用姿态约束条件推导搜索步长,通过姿态域三维搜索确定模糊度搜索空间,以基于最优条件姿态解非迭代近似估计的方法固定模糊度。实验结果表明,新算法中模糊度搜索效率较原方法提高约65.8%,固定模糊度效率较标准迭代算法提高约95.3%,且与标准迭代算法性能相当;所提算法能够实现GNSS单频单历元的模糊度固定和载体全姿态测量,具有较高的正确率。  相似文献   
In this paper, the relative sliding motion between the target and the manipulator’s end-effector is considered and characterized as a unilateral contact constraint. A new possible solution is presented to estimate the inertial parameters of a non-cooperative target while the relative sliding motion exists. First, the detailed analysis of the dynamical model is presented, and a parameter-explicit linear time-varying model is obtained. Then, an extended state observer is constructed based on the new model, which can effectively estimate the unknown inertial parameters of the target when relative sliding motion exists. As the modified reactionless controller requires the knowledge of inertial parameters, a hybrid post-capture control scheme is also established based on the switch law between different controllers. The correctness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm are validated by numerical simulation, which proves a potential framework for the non-cooperative target post-capture operation.  相似文献   
一种高光谱图像的双压缩感知模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯燕  王忠良  王丽 《航空学报》2015,36(9):3041-3049
高光谱图像因其海量数据性,给存储、传输及后续分析处理带来了挑战。压缩感知理论提供了一种全新的信号采集框架。针对高光谱数据的三维特性,提出一种双压缩感知的采样与重构模型。该模型在采样阶段兼顾高光谱数据的空间和谱间稀疏特性,构造了能同时实现空间和谱间压缩采样的感知矩阵;重构阶段不同于传统的压缩感知重构方法直接重构高光谱数据,而是将高光谱数据分离成端元和丰度分别进行重构,然后利用重构的端元和丰度信息合成高光谱数据。实验结果表明,所提双压缩感知在低采样率下重构精度较三维压缩采样提高了10 dB以上,更为显著的是运算速度提升了3个数量级,同时该方法还便于获得端元和丰度信息。  相似文献   
Precise satellite orbit and clocks are essential for providing high accuracy real-time PPP (Precise Point Positioning) service. However, by treating the predicted orbits as fixed, the orbital errors may be partially assimilated by the estimated satellite clock and hence impact the positioning solutions. This paper presents the impact analysis of errors in radial and tangential orbital components on the estimation of satellite clocks and PPP through theoretical study and experimental evaluation. The relationship between the compensation of the orbital errors by the satellite clocks and the satellite-station geometry is discussed in details. Based on the satellite clocks estimated with regional station networks of different sizes (∼100, ∼300, ∼500 and ∼700 km in radius), results indicated that the orbital errors compensated by the satellite clock estimates reduce as the size of the network increases. An interesting regional PPP mode based on the broadcast ephemeris and the corresponding estimated satellite clocks is proposed and evaluated through the numerical study. The impact of orbital errors in the broadcast ephemeris has shown to be negligible for PPP users in a regional network of a radius of ∼300 km, with positioning RMS of about 1.4, 1.4 and 3.7 cm for east, north and up component in the post-mission kinematic mode, comparable with 1.3, 1.3 and 3.6 cm using the precise orbits and the corresponding estimated clocks. Compared with the DGPS and RTK positioning, only the estimated satellite clocks are needed to be disseminated to PPP users for this approach. It can significantly alleviate the communication burdens and therefore can be beneficial to the real time applications.  相似文献   
In the present paper, an artificial neural network (ANN) based technique has been developed to estimate instantaneous rainfall by using brightness temperature from the IR sensors of SEVIRI radiometer, onboard Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite. The study is carried out over north of Algeria. For estimation of rainfall, weight matrices of two ANNs namely MLP1 and MLP2 are developed. MLP1 is to identify raining or non-raining pixels. When rainy pixels are identified, then for those pixels, instantaneous rainfall is estimated by using MLP2. For identification of raining and non raining pixels, 7 input parameters from the IR sensors are utilized. Corresponding data of raining/non-raining pixels are taken from radar. For instantaneous rainfall estimation, 14 input parameters are utilized, where 7 parameters are information about raining pixels and 7 parameters are related with cloud features. The results obtained show the neural network performs reasonably well.  相似文献   
The spatial truncation error (STE) is a significant systematic error in the integral inversion of satellite gradiometric and orbital data to gravity anomalies at sea level. In order to reduce the effect of STE, a larger area than the desired one is considered in the inversion process, but the anomalies located in its central part are selected as the final results. The STE influences the variance of the results as well because the residual vector, which is contaminated with STE, is used for its estimation. The situation is even more complicated in variance component estimation because of its iterative nature. In this paper, we present a strategy to reduce the effect of STE on the a posteriori   variance factor and the variance components for inversion of satellite orbital and gradiometric data to gravity anomalies at sea level. The idea is to define two windowing matrices for reducing this error from the estimated residuals and anomalies. Our simulation studies over Fennoscandia show that the differences between the 0.5°×0.5°0.5°×0.5° gravity anomalies obtained from orbital data and an existing gravity model have standard deviation (STD) and root mean squared error (RMSE) of 10.9 and 12.1 mGal, respectively, and those obtained from gradiometric data have 7.9 and 10.1 in the same units. In the case that they are combined using windowed variance components the STD and RMSE become 6.1 and 8.4 mGal. Also, the mean value of the estimated RMSE after using the windowed variances is in agreement with the RMSE of the differences between the estimated anomalies and those obtained from the gravity model.  相似文献   
多退化变量下基于Copula函数的陀螺仪剩余寿命预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对惯性导航系统中陀螺仪多退化变量条件下的剩余寿命(RUL)预测问题,提出了一种基于Copula函数的多退化变量剩余寿命预测方法。首先,针对退化变量间不同的退化轨迹,采用不同的方法进行退化建模,并对于陀螺漂移系数样本标准差数据波动性随时间递增的特性,提出了一种方差时变的正态随机过程退化建模方法,得到了陀螺仪剩余寿命的边缘分布函数。然后,通过Copula函数来描述退化变量之间的相关性,将得到的剩余寿命的边缘分布进行融合,得到了陀螺仪剩余寿命的联合分布函数。最后,通过陀螺仪实例分析验证了方法的适用性和可行性。  相似文献   
简化的混合估计算法及其在GPS/SINS深组合中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决GPS/SINS深组合导航系统滤波的非线性和噪声的不确定性的问题,针对深组合模型特点,设计了一种简化的基于U滤波的多模型混合估计滤波器。根据系统模型中状态方程是线性方程、观测方程是非线性方程的特点,提出了一种简化的U滤波算法(Ultra tight coupling unscented Kalman filter,UTCUKF),然后针对噪声变化建立了非线性模型,多模型混合估计滤波器的输出为各滤波器的概率加权融合,因此模型概率是根据噪声变化而调整的,从而也使系统输出对噪声变化具有一定自适应能力。最后进行了仿真,并与基于普通U滤波的多模型混合估计算法进行了比较。结果表明,本文算法的解算时间短,模型切换速度更快,而估计的精确度与同条件下的基于普通U滤波的多模型混合估计算法相当,更符合深组合系统高动态的要求。  相似文献   
朱丰超  姚敏立  贾维敏 《宇航学报》2011,32(8):1728-1733
针对动中通测控系统中低成本陀螺和倾角仪的姿态估计和陀螺误差校正问题,提出一种利用UKF(Uncented Kalman Filter)滤波器对载体姿态角进行估计,然后利用互补滤波器对陀螺漂移进行估计的算法。该算法通过设计三维完全可观测UKF滤波方程和陀螺误差校正模型对姿态角和陀螺漂移分别进行估计,有效避免了利用卡尔曼滤波进行姿态估计和陀螺漂移误差估计时由于误差模型不准确而产生的发散问题,同时降低了滤波器维数。试验中姿态角估计误差在1°以内,x轴陀螺漂移估计误差为0.0148°/s,y轴陀螺漂移估计误差为0.0017°/s,试验结果表明该算法能有效提高姿态角估计和陀螺漂移估计的精度。  相似文献   
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