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齐林  刘瑜  任华龙  何友 《航空学报》2018,39(3):321691-321691
基于高斯随机矢量统计特性,推导出一种适用于探测距离较远、系统误差时变、雷达上报目标不一致等复杂环境的空基多雷达航迹抗差关联算法。分解航迹距离矢量,对消系统误差矢量得出适用于3个及3个以上雷达的航迹抗差关联条件和流程。分别设置了目标密集程度、随机误差和系统误差适应性实验验证算法性能。仿真结果表明所提算法的关联准确性和复杂环境适应性相比现有的基于参照拓扑特征的航迹关联算法(RET算法)和基于距离检测的可信关联算法(confidential算法)有较大幅度的提升。  相似文献   
Dual-Frequency Ground-Based Augmentation Systems(GBAS) can be affected by receiver Inter-Frequency Bias(IFB) when Ionosphere-Free(Ifree) smoothing is applied. In the framework of the proposed GBAS Approach Service Type F(GAST-F), the IFB in the Ifree smoothed pseudorange can be corrected. However, IFB residual uncertainty still exists, which may threaten the integrity of the system. This paper presents an improved algorithm for the airborne protection level considering the residual uncertainty o...  相似文献   
安泽  熊芬芬  梁卓楠 《航空学报》2020,41(5):323606-323606
凸优化由于求解效率高在飞行器轨迹规划和制导中得到广泛研究应用。但是,由于火箭垂直返回制导需要考虑气动力带来的非线性,现有的凸优化求解方法或简单地采取逐次线性化近似凸化最优控制问题,经常出现收敛性问题;或需针对具体问题进行相应的系列凸化剪裁,虽然改善了收敛性,但不同模型的凸化剪裁方法差别很大,通用性较差。为此,将偏置比例导引与凸优化相结合,用以求解存在落角、落速和推力范围约束的火箭垂直返回定点软着陆制导问题。提出的制导方法将该制导问题分解为法向满足落角与落点约束的偏置比例导引,以及切向满足速度与推力约束的凸优化和滚动时域控制制导。在切向制导中,提出利用三次多项式近似飞行轨迹以方便凸优化求解,并建立剩余飞行时间的估算方法以提供给比例导引。仿真结果表明,提出的制导方法能有效满足各种约束,实现火箭精确着陆。与现有的直接采取逐次线性化近似的凸优化方法相比,提出的方法由于将制导进行切向和法向分解,大为简化了凸优化模型,显著提高了求解效率和收敛性。此外,提出的方法无需复杂繁琐的凸化处理,对于一般的推力可控且对末速存在约束的固定终端位置的制导问题皆适用。  相似文献   
The design of the retroreflector array (RRA) of the fast spinning Experimental Geodetic Satellite (Ajisai) allows to determine orientation of its spin axis by means of frequency analysis. Moving spectral analysis (MSA) of the simulated Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data gives information about frequencies which can be obtained for the whole range of the incident angle between the laser beam vector and the spin axis of the spacecraft. This frequency signal changes as the incident laser beam crosses consecutive rings of the RRA.  相似文献   
基于陀螺和四元数的EKF卫星姿态确定算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱庆华  李英波 《上海航天》2005,22(4):1-5,59
为保证卫星姿态确定的高精度,利用星敏感器提供的姿态四元数,结合扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)对陀螺漂移和安装误差进行实时补偿。建立了滤波器数学模型,并通过数学仿真获得了算法的理论精度,同时分析了星敏感器安装误差对姿态确定的影响。  相似文献   
主要研究了基于陀螺和星敏感器配置的卫星姿态确定算法.为保证卫星姿态确定的高精度,利用星敏感器提供的姿态四元数结合扩展卡尔曼滤波,对陀螺漂移进行实时补偿.并利用在轨数据,通过matlab数学仿真,验证了高精度滤波算法的有效性.所设计的滤波器能准确估计陀螺漂移,估计误差优于5.56×10-5(°)/s;姿态估计误差优于0....  相似文献   
张钰玺  张小红  朱锋 《宇航学报》2018,39(11):1292-1298
为了评估不同小数偏差产品的数据质量和模糊度固定效果,比较了2016年全年的SGG FCB产品和CNES产品,结果表明两种产品具有很高的一致性,SGG FCB产品的数据完整性更好。应用两种产品进行精密单点定位(PPP)固定解的静态结果平面位置精度可以达到1 cm以内,高程位置精度可以达到1~2 cm,采用两种产品获得的PPP模糊度固定率十分接近,动态模式下处理静态数据的位置结果可以达到平面2~3 cm,高程5 cm以内的精度,两组固定解的位置误差结果差异不超过5 mm,模糊度固定成功率分别为92.37%和92.14%,两种小数偏差产品在23分钟左右完成首次固定,能够有效提高PPP的收敛速度。使用两种小数偏差产品得到的机载动态数据结果也非常相近。  相似文献   
There are code biases on the pseudo-range observations of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) that range in size from several decimeters to larger than one meter. These biases can be divided into two categories, which are the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Inclined Geo-Synchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites and the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites. In view of the code bias of the IGSO/MEO satellites, the code bias correction model is established using the weighted least square curve fitting method. After the correction, the code biases of the IGSO and MEO satellites are clearly mitigated. A methodology of correcting GEO code bias is proposed based on the empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-wavelet transform (WT) coupled model. The accuracies of the GEO multipath combination of the B1, B2 and B3 frequencies are improved by 39.9%, 17.9%, and 29.4%, respectively. Based on the corrections above, the ten days observations of three Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) stations are processed. The results indicate that the convergence time of the precise point positioning (PPP) can be improved remarkably by applying a code bias. The mean convergence time can be improved by 14.67% after the IGSO/MEO code bias correction. By applying the GEO code bias, the mean convergence time can be further improved by 17.42%.  相似文献   
To ensure the compatibility and interoperability with modernized GPS, Galileo satellites are capable of broadcasting navigation signals on carrier phase frequencies that overlap with GPS, i.e., GPS/Galileo L1-E1/L5-E5a. Moreover, the GPS/Galileo L2-E5b signals have different frequencies with wavelength differences smaller than 4.2?mm. Such overlapping and narrowly spaced signals between GPS and Galileo bring the opportunity to use the tightly combined double-differenced (DD) model for precise real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning, resulting in improved performance of ambiguity resolution and positioning with respect to the classical standard or loosely combined DD model. In this paper, we focus on the model and performance assessment of tightly combined GPS/Galileo L1-E1/L2-E5b/L5-E5a RTK for short and long baselines. We first investigate the tightly combined GPS/Galileo DD observational model for both short and long baselines with simultaneously considering the GPS/Galileo overlapping and non-overlapping frequencies. Particularly, we introduce a reparameterization approach to solve the rank deficiency that caused by the correlation between the DISB parameters and the DD ionospheric parameters for both overlapping and non-overlapping frequencies. Then we present performance assessment for the tightly combined GPS/Galileo RTK model with real-time estimation of the differential inter-system bias (DISB) parameters for short and long baselines in terms of ratio value, ambiguity dilution of precision (ADOP), ambiguity conditional number, decorrelation number, search count, empirical success rate, time-to-first-fix (TTFF), and positioning accuracy. Results from both static and kinematic experiments demonstrated that compared to the loosely combined model, the tightly combined model can deliver improved performance of ambiguity resolution and precise positioning with different satellite visibility. For the car-driven short baseline experiment with 10° elevation cut-off angle, the tightly combined model can not only significantly increase the ratio value by approximately 27.5% (from 16.0 to 20.4), but also reduce the ambiguity ADOP, the conditional number, and the search count in LAMBDA by approximately 22.2% (from 0.027 to 0.021 cycles), 14.9% (from 199.2 to 169.6), and 25.4% (from 150.1 to 112.0), respectively. Comparable decorrelation number, empirical success rate, and positioning accuracy are also obtained. For the car-driven long baseline experiment, it is also observed that the ambiguity resolution performance in terms of the ratio value, the decorrelation number, the condition number, and the search count are significantly improved by approximately 18.5% (from 2.7 to 3.2), 22.0% (from 0.186 to 0.227), 55.9% (from 937.6 to 413.7), and 10.3% (from 43.8 to 39.3), respectively. Moreover, comparable ADOP, empirical success rate, and positioning accuracy are obtained as well. Additionally, the TTFF can be reduced (from 54.1 to 51.8 epochs with 10° elevation cut-off angle) as well from the results of static experiments.  相似文献   
Global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based attitude determination has been widely adopted in a wide variety of terrestrial, sea, air, and space applications. Recently, the emergence of commercial multi-GNSS common-clock receivers has brought new opportunities for high-precision GNSS-based attitude determination with single-differenced (SD) model. However, the key requirement of using this approach is the accurate estimation of the troublesome line bias (LB) in real-time. In this contribution, we propose a particle filter-based real-time phase LB estimation approach that apply to SD model with single-system single-frequency observations from common-clock receiver. We first analyzed the relationship between the integer ambiguity ratio value and the phase LB. It is proved that the accuracy of a given phase LB value can be qualified by the related ambiguity resolution ratio value, and the normalized ratio value can therefore be used to represent the likelihood function of observations. Then, we presented the particle filter-based real-time phase LB estimation procedure, and assessed its performance using GPS L1/BDS B1I observations from two datasets collected with different types of common-clock receivers in terms of the accuracy and convergence time of phase LB estimation, the computation load, and the positioning and attitude determination accuracy with respect to the double-differenced (DD) model. Experimental results demonstrated that the phase LB could be accurately estimated with short convergence time (generally within 15 epochs). Moreover, compared with the classical DD approach, the particle filter-based SD approach delivers comparable positioning root-mean-square (RMS) errors in the North and East components but significantly smaller RMS errors in the Up component. Accordingly, the achievable yaw accuracy is comparable whereas the pitch accuracy is remarkably improved. The improvements of positioning accuracy in the Up component and pitch accuracy are approximately 35.7 % to 63.7 %, and 33.3 % to 63.1 %, respectively. Additionally, the single-epoch computation time with our particle filter-based SD approach is generally 0.08 s, which is obviously larger than the DD approach but could still meet the requirements of real-time applications below 10 Hz sampling.  相似文献   
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