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介绍了国防无线电计量发展历程、发展现状、计量体系基本结构以及发展方向,提出了未来的发展目标。  相似文献   
The point source list of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is a uniform, all-sky catalogue of bright sources with flux density measurements at high (up to 94 GHz) radio frequencies. We investigated the five-year WMAP list to compile a new catalogue of bright and compact extragalactic radio sources to be potentially studied with Very Long Baseline Interferometry at millimeter wavelengths (mm-VLBI) and Space VLBI (SVLBI). After comparing the WMAP data with the existing mm-VLBI catalogues, we sorted out the yet unexplored sources. Using the 41, 61 and 94 GHz WMAP flux densities, we calculated the spectral indices. By collecting optical identifications, lower-frequency radio flux densities and VLBI images from the literature, we created a list of objects which have not been investigated with VLBI at 86 GHz before. With total flux density at least 1 Jy and declination above −40°, we found 37 suitable new targets. It is a nearly 25% addition to the known mm-VLBI sources. Such objects are also potentially useful as phase-reference calibrators for the future Japanese SVLBI mission ASTRO-G at its highest observing frequency (43 GHz). The phase-referencing capability of ASTRO-G would allow long integrations and hence better sensitivity for observing faint target sources close to suitable phase calibrators in the sky.  相似文献   
GPS/LEO无线电掩星技术反演地球大气参数剖面已经具有较高的精度. 国外开展了多个GPS/LEO掩星项目, 但中国还尚未深入进行相关的实验, 这制约了中国掩星技术的发展. 本文提出基于STK进行GPS/LEO掩星技术研究的方法; 根据GPS/LEO掩星的原理, 推导出掩星事件发生的条件和掩星切点的计算公式; 利用STK对掩星过程进行模拟, 得到掩星数据. 在大气球对称假设和大气模型已知的条件下, 反演得到中性大气折射指数. 通过比较模型和反演数据, 表明反演数据精度较高, 验证了利用STK模拟GPS/LEO掩星实验方法的可行性.  相似文献   
历经25年的发展,基于GNSS的无线电掩星技术已经成为一种有效的临近空间探测手段,但是在无线电大气掩星观测及数据处理过程中不可避免地会受到各种误差的影响,其中,电离层是重要误差源之一。由于电离层小尺度因素的存在,GNSS信号在穿越电离层过程中会受到影响,表现为振幅和相位上的振荡,并最终影响反演所得的大气弯曲角产品。文章基于COSMIC大气弯曲角数据,研究电离层小尺度因素中扩展E层(Es层)及F层不均匀体在中低纬地区对无线电大气掩星的影响,通过计算不同高度区间内的弯曲角偏差标准差统计研究电离层Es层及F层不均匀体发生率与大气弯曲角振荡的关系。结果表明,Es层及F层不均匀体能够引起大气弯曲角振荡,表现出弯曲角随纬度、磁地方时及季节变化的特性,且这些电离层小尺度因素能够影响到的高度区间为35~80 km。该研究有助于进一步认识电离层小尺度因素对GNSS无线电大气掩星探测技术的影响,以及后续提高大气掩星产品的数据质量。  相似文献   
基于AADL语言和GSPN模型面向DIMA系统开展任务可靠性建模研究,考虑系统的容错特征及其模式转移逻辑,建立AADL系统建模语言与GSPN模型的转化规则,进行系统可靠性定量分析,并以典型航电产品为例进行了方法应用和仿真。本文提出的方法和规则可实施性强,为存在重构或备份等容错技术的航电产品进行多模式转移 的系统任务可靠性建模提供参考。  相似文献   
利用COSMIC掩星数据监测电离层的异常变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析了COSMIC掩星数据反演电子密度的方法,利用实例研究反演方法的特点,并采用ISR非相干散射雷达获取的电子密度数据进行验证,进而反演了长三角区域SHAO(IGS)站上空在日全食和太阳风暴期间的电子密度廓线图. 通过与平静日期间电离层电子密度进行比较,发现日全食及太阳风暴导致电离层发生的异常变化,从而提出COSMIC掩星数据反演电子密度在监测电离层变化时所具有的优势.  相似文献   
无线电导航系统作为飞机的重要导航设备,其仿真的逼真度将对飞行员的训练效果构成直接影响。在对无线电通信导航系统总体仿真框架设计的基础上,详细论述了系统软硬件组成及设计,给出了各种导航设备的实现方法,并重点在对导航系统测向误差产生的原因进行分析的基础上,设计了相应的仿真模型,将多种环境影响因素考虑到仿真模型中,提高了无线电导航系统的仿真精度。目前,系统已应用于某型飞机飞行训练模拟器中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
文章在研究深空通信信道的统计特性的基础上,建立了可变参数AWGN(VPAWGN)模型来模拟深空通信信道,主要考虑噪声功率、多普勒频移和路径损耗等参数对信道特征的影响。进一步在Visual C++环境下搭建VPWAGN模型,并对各参数对信道的影响进行验证。  相似文献   
We present the results of low frequency radio observations of the X-ray binaries, Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3, during different X-ray states. The low frequency observations were made for the first time for these sources at 0.61 and 1.28 GHz using the Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) between 2003 and 2004. Both Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3 are highly variable at low radio frequencies. We also compare our data with the observations at 15 GHz conducted by the Ryle telescope. Spectral turnover is seen for both the sources below 2 GHz. The data suggest that the change in the radio flux density in both the sources is correlated to the X-ray hardness ratio and follows a similar behavior pattern.  相似文献   
Among the multiple questions that the CASSINI/HUYGENS mission tries to answer is the likelihood of electric discharges in Titan's atmosphere. The instruments “Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument” and “Radio and Plasma Wave Science” will probe the electromagnetic emissions during the Huygens descent and Cassini flybys, respectively. Although no lightning was observed during Voyager's encounters with Titan in 1980 and 1981, this does not exclude the existence of lightning phenomena. Recent investigations show that lightning discharges could occur in the lower atmosphere, such as the detection of methane condensation clouds in the troposphere and the theoretical prediction of an electric field that would be sufficient enough to cause lightning. We present a numerical model of Titan's atmosphere with the aim of calculating the resonance frequencies and the atmospheric transparency to electromagnetic waves. The detection and measurement of these resonances, Schumann frequencies, by the Huygens probe, would show the existence of electric activity connected with lightning discharges in the atmosphere. As it happens with the Schumann frequencies of Earth, losses associated with the electric conductivity will make these frequencies to be lower than the theoretically predicted, the fundamental one being located between 11 and 15 Hz. An analytical study shows that the strong losses associated with the high conductivity make it impossible that an electromagnetic wave generated near the surface with a frequency of 10 MHz or lower reaches the outer part of Titan's atmosphere. Therefore the detection of electromagnetic waves coming from Titan's lower atmosphere by the RPWS instrument is very unlikely.  相似文献   
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