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Blade-health monitoring is intensely required for turbomachinery because of the high failure risk of rotating blades. Blade-Tip Timing (BTT) is considered as the most promising technique for operational blade-vibration monitoring, which obtains the parameters that characterize the blade condition from recorded signals. However, its application is hindered by severe undersampling and stringent probe layouts. An inappropriate probe layout can make most of the existing methods invalid or inaccurate. Additionally, a general conflict arises between the allowed and required layouts because of arrangement restrictions. For the sake of economy and safety, parameter identification based on fewer probes has been preferred by users. In this work, a spatial-transformation-based method for parameter identification is proposed based on a single-probe BTT measurement. To present the general Sampling-Aliasing Frequency (SAFE) map definition, the traditional time–frequency analysis methods are extended to a time-sampling frequency. Then, a SAFE map is projected onto a parameter space using spatial transformation to extract the slope and intercept parameters, which can be physically interpreted as an engine order and a natural frequency using coordinate transformation. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method are verified by simulations and experiments under uniformly and nonuniformly variable speed conditions.  相似文献   
王纯  张林让  罗丰 《航空学报》2013,34(6):1414-1423
 考虑到惯导信息辅助GPS(GPS/INS)接收机对干扰抑制实时性的要求,提出一种基于Kalman滤波的GPS/INS接收机自适应干扰抑制方法。自适应广义旁瓣相消(GSC)多采用低复杂度最小均方(LMS)算法更新权矢量,收敛速率较低,严重时会导致接收机定位中断。首先利用Householder变换构建GSC下支路的阻塞矩阵,用于阻塞任意二维阵型阵列接收的期望信号;再用Kalman滤波自适应更新下支路权矢量,从而有效提高阵列输出信干噪比(SINR)。理论分析和仿真结果说明本文方法可有效抑制干扰对接收机的影响,且具有实时性高的特点。  相似文献   
对于航天工程而言,无论是航天器的发射,卫星轨道设计,地面测控系统的跟踪、定轨和预报.还是卫星在轨运行过程中的轨道控制策略等,均需了解卫星轨道变化的规律。为此,本文对人造卫星(包括中心天体为快自转天体和慢自转天体两种引力源的绕飞轨道器)的轨道变化特征以及轨道寿命进行系统的综合分析。为各种应用提供简明信息。  相似文献   
基于CST方法的高空低雷诺数吸附式叶型耦合优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李俊  刘波  杨小东  张鹏 《航空动力学报》2016,31(7):1704-1711
研究了一种基于类别形状函数变换(CST)方法的吸附式叶型优化设计方法,该方法可以在高空低雷诺数条件下对叶型和抽吸方案耦合优化.结果表明:优化之后在20km高空低雷诺数条件下总压损失降低了65%,静压升提高了0.02,气动性能得到较大提升.而且由于优化过程中罚函数的引入使得优化后吸附式叶型在地面条件下性能也有所提高.对于高空低雷诺数条件下吸附式叶型在抽吸位置之前适当的增加叶型负荷,再通过抽吸来控制附面层,效果最优.并且最佳抽吸位置位于层流分离泡作用区域内.在层流分离泡作用区域内抽吸可以完全消除层流分离泡对叶型性能的影响,并且可以较好控制附面层位移厚度和动量厚度的增加,有效地减小附面层内的动量损失.   相似文献   
罗盛茂  李红 《航天控制》2005,23(6):35-40
通过施加冲量的方法消除J2项摄动和大气阻力摄动对编队飞行的影响,在编队的相对构型和整体绝对位置得到控制后,研究了低轨卫星编队飞行的地面覆盖问题,最后通过算例给出了卫星编队在南北纬86°之间全球覆盖所需的时间、周期、圈数和覆盖角。计算结果表明,对于偏心率较小的低轨编队飞行,根据本文所推导公式计算出的结果是比较可靠的。  相似文献   
宋晨  万轲  杨超  陈晨 《飞机设计》2019,39(5):19-26
以典型舵面为对象研究适用于飞行器部件的结构参数化建模方法及应用。首先,提出一种基于有限元方法,及映射变换法则的,由二维网格参数化剖分向三维外形展开的,参数化描述思路,通过Matlab编程实现其流程算法;然后,将舵面参数化建模,与结构动力学及颤振分析相结合,分别将结构模型、气动网格和插值结点做参数化描述,进而实现舵面颤振分析模型的参数化;最终,将参数化建模方法,与遗传算法优化流程相结合,实现舵面外形及结构参数的优化设计。以某全动尾翼模型为例,应用文中方法极大提高了结构建模效率;与遗传算法相结合,在满足约束条件的前提下,实现了该舵面初始方案47%的结构减重效果。研究成果可为概念设计阶段的舵面设计提供指导。  相似文献   
In order to establish a continuous GEO satellite orbit during repositioning maneuvers, a suitable maneuver force model has been established associated with an optimal orbit determination method and strategy. A continuous increasing acceleration is established by constructing a constant force that is equivalent to the pulse force, with the mass of the satellite decreasing throughout maneuver. This acceleration can be added to other accelerations, such as solar radiation, to obtain the continuous acceleration of the satellite. The orbit determination method and strategy are illuminated, with subsequent assessment of the orbit being determined and predicted accordingly. The orbit of the GEO satellite during repositioning maneuver can be determined and predicted by using C-Band pseudo-range observations of the BeiDou GEO satellite with COSPAR ID 2010-001A in 2011 and 2012. The results indicate that observations before maneuver do affect orbit determination and prediction, and should therefore be selected appropriately. A more precise orbit and prediction can be obtained compared to common short arc methods when observations starting 1 day prior the maneuver and 2 h after the maneuver are adopted in POD (Precise Orbit Determination). The achieved URE (User Range Error) under non-consideration of satellite clock errors is better than 2 m within the first 2 h after maneuver, and less than 3 m for further 2 h of orbit prediction.  相似文献   
针对叶片截面型线测量点云数据与理论点云数据的配准问题,研究了将ICP算法应用于叶型点云数据配准的方法。首先概述了叶型测量数据与理论数据的匹配问题;然后阐述了基于ICP算法的叶型点云数据配准方法,并在MATLAB平台进行了配准实现;最后给出了配准实例,并将配准结果与点云处理软件CloudCompare的匹配结果进行了对比,验证了该方法的准确性。  相似文献   
Wang  Liu   《中国航空学报》2009,22(3):334-338
The influences of rare earth element Nd on the phase transformation and the microstructure of Ti50Ni48−xFe2Ndx shape memory alloys are investigated by means of electrical resistivity, optical microscopy, electron probe microanalyzer, and X-ray diffraction. The results show that TiNiFe alloys with different Nd contents exhibit two-step martensitic transformation. The start temperature of martensitic transformation increases sharply from 212 K to 267 K when 0.1 at.% Nd is added in, and then decreases gradually if Nd content further increases. The microstructure of TiNiFeNd quaternary alloys consists of TiNi matrix, Ti2Ni second phase, and Nd3Ni intermetallic compound. The spherical Nd3Ni precipitate-particles evenly disperse in the matrix.  相似文献   
针对空间目标TLE拟合过程中可能出现的奇点问题,提出了基于无奇异变换的空间目标双行轨道根数(TLE)生成算法. 为提高观测平台对空间目标状态估计效率,提出带有自适应遗忘因子的非线性最小二乘递推算法,利用最速下降法在线修正遗忘因子,使得估计值有较快的跟踪速度和较小的稳态误差. 仿真结果表明,该TLE生成算法的数据处理速度和轨道预报误差满足要求,可用于低轨目标的天基监视.  相似文献   
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