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航天器是在地球大气层以外运动的飞行器,也包括部分从宇宙空间返回地球的飞行器。在航天器的飞行过程中,惯性敏感器是实现航天器姿态确定、速度变化测量的关键敏感器之一。随着航天器任务的不断扩展,航天器对惯性器件的使用日趋复杂,高精度定姿、惯性导航、组合导航等技术在应用深度和广度上不断发展。以此为背景,对航天器惯性技术的发展脉络进行了全面的梳理和总结,包括惯性技术的使用方式、技术现状以及未来发展等几个方面的内容。  相似文献   
NASA 二级轻气炮设备简介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着人类航天活动日益频繁,地球轨道上空间碎片总数逐年增长。航天器表面空间碎片防护工作受到各航天大国的高度重视。航天器针对毫米级空间碎片主要采用被动防护方式。超高速撞击实验是防护方案设计工作的基础。NASA 在毫米级弹丸超高速撞击实验中采用的主要发射装置为二级轻气炮。本文对美国 NASA 和相关单位二级轻气炮设备及其未来发展趋势进行简要介绍,同时对我国相关单位超高速撞击实验设备进行分析,并对发展趋势进行讨论。  相似文献   
段逊  岳晓奎  党朝辉 《宇航学报》2020,41(1):118-124
本文研究了太阳帆航天器在光压因子、锥角和钟角共同作用下的三维人工平动点的变化特性。在光压因子较小的时候,五个平动点会拓展成五个不相连的“人工”平动点面。随着光压因子增大,平动点面SL 3 ,SL 4 和SL5将逐渐扩大并互相融合,最终延展至SL 1 与之融合。而平动点面SL2则始终保持独立的球面,只随着光压因子的增大而扩大但不与其它平动点面发生融合。平动点位置的改变,意味着对应的周期轨道也随之改变,这为平动点周期轨道的转移等任务提供了有效参考。  相似文献   
蒸汽压缩热泵是未来大型航天器热控系统和制冷设备的新方案。介绍了国际上的研究情况,阐明了此技术的优越性和可行性。分析了航天用蒸汽压缩热泵的关键技术,包括微重力相变换热器及其研究方法、无润滑高转速压缩机等。在此基础上给出了中国开展航天领域蒸汽压缩热泵的研究方案。  相似文献   
Highly efficient low-thrust propulsion is increasingly applied beyond commercial use, also in mainstream and flagship science missions, in combination with gravity assist propulsion. Another recent development is the growth of small spacecraft solutions, not in size but in numbers and individual capabilities.Just over ten years ago, the DLR-ESTEC Gossamer Roadmap to Solar Sailing was set up to guide technology developments towards a propellant-less and highly efficient class of spacecraft for solar system exploration and applications missions: small spacecraft solar sails designed for carefree handling and equipped with carried application modules.Soon, in three dedicated Gossamer Roadmap Science Working Groups it initiated studies of missions uniquely feasible with solar sails such as Displaced L1 (DL1) space weather advance warning and monitoring, Solar Polar Orbiter (SPO) delivery to very high inclination heliocentric orbit, and multiple Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) rendezvous (MNR). Together, they demonstrate the capability of near-term solar sails to achieve at least in the inner solar system almost any kind of heliocentric orbit within 10 years, from the Earth-co-orbital to the extremely inclined, eccentric and even retrograde. Noted as part of the MNR study, sail-propelled head-on retrograde kinetic impactors (RKI) go to this extreme to achieve the highest possible specific kinetic energy for the deflection of hazardous asteroids.At DLR, the experience gained in the development of deployable membrane structures leading up to the successful ground deployment test of a (20 m)2, i.e., 20 m by 20 m square solar sail at DLR Cologne in 1999 was revitalized and directed towards a 3-step small spacecraft development line from as-soon-as-possible sail deployment demonstration (Gossamer-1) via in-flight evaluation of sail attitude control actuators (Gossamer-2) to an envisaged proving-the-principle flight in the Earth-Moon system (Gossamer-3). First, it turned the concept of solar sail deployment on its head by introducing four separable Boom Sail Deployment Units (BSDU) to be discarded after deployment, enabling lightweight 3-axis stabilized sailcraft. By 2015, this effort culminated in the ground-qualified technology of the DLR Gossamer-1 deployment demonstrator Engineering Qualification Model (EQM). For mission types using separable payloads, such as SPO, MNR and RKI, design concepts can be derived from the BSDU characteristic of DLR Gossamer solar sail technology which share elements with the separation systems of asteroid nanolanders like MASCOT. These nano-spacecraft are an ideal match for solar sails in micro-spacecraft format whose launch configurations are compatible with ESPA and ASAP secondary payload platforms.Like any roadmap, this one contained much more than the planned route from departure to destination and the much shorter distance actually travelled. It is full of lanes, narrow and wide, detours and shortcuts, options and decision branches. Some became the path taken on which we previously reported. More were explored along the originally planned path or as new sidings in search of better options when circumstance changed and the project had to take another turn. But none were dead ends, they just faced the inevitable changes when roadmaps face realities and they were no longer part of the road ahead. To us, they were valuable lessons learned or options up our sleeves. But for future sailors they may be on their road ahead.  相似文献   
针对航天器动态特性分析过程中遇到的建模过程复杂、处理速度较慢、分析结果不易进行直观解释等问题,通过借鉴符号化近似思想,提出了一种基于时序形态的航天器动态模式提取方法。该方法首先采用分段线性化算法获取一系列分割线段以近似表示遥测序列形态,然后使用系统聚类分析技术对分割线段进行分类,最后基于分类结果将遥测时间序列数据转化为蕴含形态信息的符号序列。验证结果表明该方法简单、有效,所提取的动态模式符号序列不仅可体现遥测时序数据的显著变化,也可表征遥测序列的细微变化,可作为遥测序列识别与异常检测的依据。  相似文献   
非合作航天器姿态接管无辨识预设性能控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
殷泽阳  罗建军  魏才盛  王嘉文 《航空学报》2018,39(11):322011-322022
在对非合作航天器进行姿态接管控制时,可能面对目标航天器参数未知、构型改变引起的不确定性及目标施加的非合作控制输入等挑战。针对上述问题提出了一种基于预设性能控制理论的非合作航天器姿态接管控制方法。首先,建立了姿态跟踪运动的非奇异拉格朗日型模型;然后,利用跟踪微分器构造不包含角速度信息的广义状态量,设计无需参数辨识的非奇异预设性能控制器,并证明了系统状态变量的有界性和控制系统在预设的性能指标以内。最后,通过数值仿真验证了所提出方法的有效性及其对时变参数不确定性和非合作控制输入的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
This article introduces the working principles of a spacecraft hatch including its operating process and moving trajectory. On this basis, an operating mechanism is designed to execute automatic open and close action of the hatch and measure the operating torques. Analysis on the mechanism's configuration and topological structure of each phase of movement proves that it is a typical variable freedom mechanism. The mechanism manipulates the hatch in accordance with the moving trajectory requirements through configuration transformation. Kinematic analysis and simulation of some typical configurations show that the velocity differences among mechanism components themselves and the components and their abutting components could exert influences on its working stability during configuration transformation. To solve the problem, stability conditions of configuration transformation are proposed. Appropriate control models are established for the output velocity curves of the driving servo motor and solved based on the stability conditions and rules of movement. Results from another simulation demonstrate that the proposed control models ensure smooth configuration transform and stable operation.  相似文献   
微型航天器与空间非合作目标交会制导方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔乃刚  张立佳 《航空学报》2009,30(8):1466-1471
星载设备能力有限的微型航天器在与空间非合作目标交会任务开始前,存放在空间轨道平台内,为了使其完成此项任务,需要设计制导方法。本文首先根据希尔(C-W)方程,设计了初制导律,然后在视线坐标系内建立了微型航天器与非合作目标间的相对运动方程,并设计了空间交会自寻的末制导律。交会任务开始时,为节省微型航天器的燃料,轨道平台根据初制导律以一定速度及释放角度释放微型航天器,微型航天器进入交会轨道,在初制导的作用下,经过若干个过渡轨道周期后接近空间非合作目标,并为末制导提供良好的交班条件,当末制导导引设备捕获并跟踪目标后可通过自寻的末制导最终完成与空间非合作目标交会任务。  相似文献   
根据货运飞船热平衡实验中对温湿度测量的需求,设计并搭建了一种以控制器局域网络(CAN)总线通信技术和智能温湿度传感器SHT15为核心的分布式测量系统,温湿度测量模块将采集到的温湿度数据通过CAN总线经分线器传递给下位机,进一步传输给上位机,实现了对数据的补偿、显示和保存等功能,给出了系统中软件的设计思路和流程图.并对该系统进行了真空贮存实验和标定实验,实验结果表明:该系统具有高可靠性和高测量精度,相对湿度的测量误差在2%以内,且使用方便,易于扩展节点,现已成功运用于实际的测量工作中.   相似文献   
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