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高校财务预算是财务管理的核心,一切财务活动都是对预算执行情况的反映。因此,编制科学、合理的预算,就要遵循一定的编制原则,按照一定的方法,使预算更加接近实际,切实可行。  相似文献   
一种兼顾卫星导航系统星间观测及通信的链路分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星导航系统星间采用点波束建立星间链路时,由于星上波束数量小于可建立星间链路的卫星数量,因此便产生了如何有效分配有限波束来建立星间链路的问题。针对该问题首先利用星座运行的周期性提出了一种适用于星间观测及星间通信的拓扑处理方式,并以该拓扑处理方式为基础提出了一种链路分配算法。算法在保证星间观测数量最大化的前提下,以降低整网通信代价为优化目标,尽管为了保证星间观测数量会不可避免地导致通信性能的部分损失,但是仿真结果表明算法的性能整体上优于铱星系统所采用的网状链路分配方法的性能。  相似文献   
针对深空激光通信的应用环境和特性,分析了通信链路中的关键性能指标,考虑了距离光斑扩散衰减、指向控制精度衰减、大气衰减、太阳辐射、探测器暗电流噪声等因素后,确定了通信速率和通信误码率的具体计算方法。对通信链路进行建模,分析了各个参数的计算方法;通过公式推导分析了发射端望远镜口径(激光束散角)与指向控制精度对最大通信距离的影响,以数值仿真进行佐证并进一步分析了发射端望远镜口径(激光束散角)与指向控制精度的约束关系,提出了深空激光通信参数设计的方法。在此基础上进一步计算了现有激光通信能力在地月空间、地火空间场景下的激光链路性能。  相似文献   
“2019全国时间频率学术会议”是由四个专业委员会联合每两年举办一次的20周年纪念会。20年来,我国原子钟事业已有长足发展,成为世界上原子钟研制与开发的大国。但总体上说,我们的工作还是以跟随为主,真正属于自主创新的较少。不改变这种局面,我们还难以成为独立自主的时间频率强国,为国家经济和国防建设作出应有贡献。本文回顾了我国原子钟研发的情况,提到一些从基础研究上属于原始创新的案例。阐述了这些案例是在简陋的实验条件下依靠对原子钟内各类实验现象进行深入的物理分析基础上出现的。同时,也指出了在比较粗糙的工艺条件下实现精细的技术指标中能工巧匠所起的特殊作用。文章也约略提到国内各单位间无私协作的崇高精神。本文将讲述一些故事,并就原子钟产业的问题表示一点看法。中国要实现“强国梦”,阻力和困难还很多很艰巨,我们必须拥有丰富的原始创新来加以克服。为此,坚韧的奋斗钻研精神和传统仍不失借鉴与继承意义。  相似文献   
Considering the KuaFu mission, state of the energy release of substorm and storm is simply presented and it’s improvements by KuaFu mission are investigated. The KuaFu mission will provide us an opportunity to improve our understanding of the energy release during the storm and the substorms. The two KuaFu-B satellites flying in 180° phase-lagged formation in a polar orbit will allow synoptic observations of the auroral oval, central plasma sheet, ring current and other regions. It can monitor the polar region 24/7 continuously. The advantage of the KuaFu mission is to provide the data during all phases of storm and substorm time that can be used to study the global energy release during all phases continuously. The data from auroral imager and other in-situ instruments on board KuaFu-B can be used to study the auroral dynamics and Joule heating during a storm and substorm. The data from the neutral atom imager instrument can be used to study the dynamics and the energy release in the ring current region from sudden commencement to complete storm recovery. Furthermore the data from KuaFu-A, which is around L1 point, can be used to study the interplanetary conditions along with the data from the plasma sheet to study the triggering process and energy release during a substorm. So, KuaFu mission with its continuous time monitoring facilities would enable us to make much progress towards solving the underlying problems.  相似文献   
针对测控雷达外测精度评估和任务中测距数据系统差超差的问题,进行多项试验和测试,并从机理上进行分析,找出了问题原因,并提出了有效的解决办法。  相似文献   
In the phase of redefinition of the EUMETSAT ground segment seven so called Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) each of them serving dedicated user groups have been established in Europe. The SAF on climate monitoring (CM-SAF) will deliver a comprehensive set of climate variables, including from different cloud products, radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere, surface radiation budget and tropospheric humidity. A consistent dataset of cloud and radiation products in a high spatial resolution on a uniform grid is derived. The CM-SAF is a joint project of the German Meteorological Service, EUMETSAT and five other European Meteorological Services. It is dedicated to produce climate datasets using data from instruments onboard of METEOSAT Second Generation and polar orbiting satellites NOAA and METOP. After the development phase, the CM-SAF has started its initial operational phase in the end of 2003. In this context, the algorithms have been implemented at the processing centres and the processing of satellite data from the polar orbiting satellites of NOAA has commenced. This paper gives an overview of the first products of surface radiative fluxes and their validation with selected surface sites.  相似文献   
某天线系统同步铰链接头在进行展开试验时发生接头齿轮断裂。试验结果表明,其原材料的金相组织、化学成分和力学性能均满足标准要求,通过扫描电镜对断齿断口进行微观形貌观察发现,其中一断齿的裂纹源区有明显的疲劳条带,其他断齿均为塑性过载断裂形貌,结合天线系统试验过程,判断其失效机理为个别轮齿疲劳开裂引起其他齿塑性过载断裂,最终导致整体铰链接头的失效。  相似文献   
在对CCSDS(Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems,空间数据咨询委员会)制定的SLE(Space Link Extension,空间链路扩展)的标准API(Application Program Interface,应用程序接口)设计开发过程中,需要对各种不同服务类型的操作进行ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation One,抽象语法标记1)编码译码,使用一般方法处理会存在大量的冗余且可扩展性不强。因此,设计了基于Traits技术的SLE API编码译码泛化模型,该模型从服务、协议数据单元、操作等3个层级,以及编码、译码这2个方向分别定义模板,并进行特化、偏特化以及萃取,从而实现了对编码、译码过程的泛化,并通过实例描述了应用过程。该模型有效提高了SLE API设计的灵活性、层次性、通用性,以及SLE服务的可拓展性。  相似文献   
首先提出了衡量企业竞争优势有两大指标:"市场占有率"、"净资产收益率",指出获取企业竞争优势的工具是以作业为基础的"价值链";然后分别对"市场占有率"为基点的经营活动价值链和以"净资产收益率"为基点的财务活动价值链进行了分析,最后提出通过全面预算管理与平衡计分卡两项工具来执行与落实上述价值链,构建企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   
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