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Comparative analysis of GPS TEC data and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation measurements was carried out for Japan region during period of the extremely prolonged solar minimum of cycle 23/24. COSMIC data for different seasons corresponded to equinox and solstices of the years 2007–2009 were analyzed. All selected electron density profiles were integrated up to the height of 700 km (altitude of COSMIC satellites), the monthly median estimates of Ionospheric Electron Content (IEC) were retrieved with use of spherical harmonics expansion. Monthly medians of TEC values were calculated from diurnal variations of GPS TEC estimates during considered month. Joint analysis of GPS TEC and COSMIC data allows us to extract and estimate electron content corresponded to the ionosphere (its bottom and topside parts) and the plasmasphere (h > 700 km) for different seasons of 2007–2009. Percentage contribution of ECpl to GPS TEC indicates the clear dependence from the time and varies from a minimum of about 25–50% during day-time to the value of 50–75% at night-time. Contribution of both bottom-side and topside IEC has minimal values during winter season in compare with summer season (for both day- and night-time). On average bottom-side IEC contributes about 5–10% of GPS TEC during night and about 20–27% during day-time. Topside IEC contributes about 15–20% of GPS TEC during night and about 35–40% during day-time. The obtained results were compared with TEC, IEC and ECpl estimates retrieved by Standard Plasmasphere–Ionosphere Model that has the plasmasphere extension up to 20,000 km (GPS orbit).  相似文献   
In this paper, we examine the nighttime ionosphere climatology structure in the low latitude region and discrepancies between Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) observations and the IRI model predictions using (1) the magnetic zonal mean of electron number density as a function of altitude and magnetic latitude, (2) vertical electron density profiles at various levels of F10.7 index, (3) nighttime descent and magnitude decrease of the ionosphere, (4) point-to-point comparisons of F-peak height (hmF2) and density (NmF2), and (5) the magnetic longitudinal variations of hmF2 and NmF2. The data collected from the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics, and Dynamics (TIMED) mission since its launch in December 2001 have provided great opportunities for many scientific investigations of the ionosphere. In this analysis, we investigate the climatology of the nighttime low-latitude ionosphere under low geomagnetic activity (kp ? 4) using the electron density profiles inferred from the airglow measurements obtained by the GUVI aboard the TIMED spacecraft and compared with the results obtained from IRI (International Reference Ionosphere) model-2001. The observed climatology is an essential tool for further understanding the electrodynamics in the low-latitude region and improving the model’s prediction capability. The time range of the GUVI data used in this study is from 2002 (day 053) to 2006 (day 304), and the IRI model predictions were produced at every GUVI location. The ionosphere observed is generally of greater density than what IRI predicts throughout the night for all four seasons for low and moderate solar activity while the model over-predicts the electron density near the F-region peak at high solar activity before midnight. Observations show that the height of the F-region peak has a steep descent from dusk to midnight and near midnight the height of layer is insensitive to solar conditions, significantly different than what is predicted by IRI. Longitudinal features shown in GUVI data are present in the low-latitude ionosphere after sunset and continue through to midnight after which the low-latitude ionosphere is largely zonally symmetric.  相似文献   
The ionospheric delay experienced by the satellite navigation signals depends upon the Total Electron Content (TEC) and needs to be corrected. While the single frequency receivers always use parametric models to correct this delay, dual frequency receivers, when suffers a loss of lock of one of its signal, also has to resort to these models. Here, an alternative method, based on Doppler, surrogated by range rate variation, has been attempted to estimate the ionospheric delay using a Kalman filter. GPS data have been used for all visible satellites over four days selected around the equinox and solstice with nominal geomagnetic conditions and estimations done in continuous and calibrated modes. Results of continuous estimation, obtained for a mid latitude station, showed moderate accuracy while it was significantly better for the calibrated mode with no seasonal dependence. Estimations done for station within the extent of equatorial anomaly, has not only resulted in relative deterioration in performance, but also shown seasonal dependence. Compared with estimates of Klobuchar model, the Calibrated estimation showed superior performance, conspicuously in the mid latitude station. However, for the continuous mode, performance was at par with the model at higher latitudes but inferior to it in regions within the extent of the equatorial anomaly.  相似文献   
A simple semi-empirical model to determine the maximum electron concentration in the ionosphere (NmF2NmF2) for South American locations is used to calculate NmF2NmF2 for a northern hemisphere station in the same longitude sector. NmF2NmF2 is determined as the sum of two terms, one related to photochemical and diffusive processes and the other one to transport mechanisms. The model gives diurnal variations of NmF2NmF2 representative for winter, summer and equinox conditions, during intervals of high and low solar activity. Model NmF2NmF2 results are compared with ionosonde observations made at Toluca-México (19.3°N; 260°E). Differences between model results and observations are similar to those corresponding to comparisons with South American observations. It seems that further improvement of the model could be made by refining the latitude dependencies of coefficients used for the transport term.  相似文献   
The height, hmF2, and the electron density, NmF2, of the F2 peak are key model parameters to characterize the actual state of the ionosphere. These parameters, or alternatively the propagation factor, M3000F2, and the critical frequency, foF2, of the F2 peak, which are related to hmF2 and NmF2, are used to anchor the electron density vertical profile computed with different models such as the International Reference Ionosphere ( Bilitza, 2002), as well as for radio propagation forecast purposes. Long time series of these parameters only exist in an inhomogeneous distribution of points over the surface of Earth, where dedicated instruments (typically ionosondes) have been working for many years. A commonly used procedure for representing median values of the aforementioned parameters all over the globe is the one recommended by the ITU-R ( ITU-R, 1997). This procedure, known as the Jones and Gallet mapping technique, was based on ionosondes measurements gathered from 1954 to 1958 by a global network of around 150 ionospheric stations (  and ). Even though several decades have passed since the development of that innovative work, only few efforts have been dedicated to establish a new mapping technique for computing hmF2 and NmF2 median values at global scale or to improve the old method using the increased observational database. Therefore, in this work three different procedures to describe the daily and global behavior of the height of the F2 peak are presented. All of them represent a different and simplified method to estimate hmF2 and are based on different mathematical expressions. The advantages and disadvantages of these three techniques are analyzed, leading to the conclusion that the recommended procedure to represent hmF2 is best characterized by a Spherical Harmonics expansion of degree and order equal to 15, since the differences between the hmF2 values obtained with the Jones and Gallet technique and those obtained using the abovementioned procedure are of only 1%.  相似文献   
Using the physics based model SUPIM and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron density data measured at the long deep solar minimum (2008–2010) we investigate the longitude variations of the north–south asymmetry of the ionosphere at low latitudes (±30° magnetic). The data at around diurnal maximum (12:30–13:30 LT) for magnetically quiet (Ap ? 15) equinoctial conditions (March–April and September–October) are presented for three longitude sectors (a) 60°E–120°E, (b) 60°W–120°W and (c) 15°W–75°W. The sectors (a) and (b) have large displacements of the geomagnetic equator from geographic equator but in opposite hemispheres with small magnetic declination angles; and sector (c) has large declination angle with small displacement of the equators; vertical E × B drift velocities also have differences in the three longitude sectors. SUPIM investigates the importance of the displacement of the equators, magnetic declination angle, and E × B drift on the north–south asymmetry. The data and model qualitatively agree; and indicate that depending on longitudes both the displacement of the equators and declination angle are important in producing the north–south asymmetry though the displacement of the equators seems most effective. This seems to be because it is the displacement of the equators more than the declination angle that produces large north–south difference in the effective magnetic meridional neutral wind velocity, which is the main cause of the ionospheric asymmetry. For the strong control of the neutral wind, east–west electric field has only a small effect on the longitude variation of the ionospheric asymmetry. Though the study is for the long deep solar minimum the conclusions seem valid for all levels of solar activity since the displacement of the equators and declination angle are independent of solar activity.  相似文献   
A 10.7 cm solar radio flux F10.7, geomagnetic planetary equivalent amplitude (Ap index), and period variations were considered in this paper to construct a linear model for daily averaged ionospheric total electron content (TEC). The correlation coefficient of the modeled results and International GNSS Service (IGS) observables was approximately 0.97, which implied that the model could accurately reflect the realistic variation characteristics of the daily averaged TEC. The influences of the different factors on TEC and its characteristics at different latitudes were examined with this model. Results show that solar activity, annual and semiannual cycles are the three most important factors that affect daily averaged TEC. Solar activity is the primary determinant of TEC during periods with high solar activity, whereas periodic factors primarily contribute to TEC during periods with minimum solar activity. The extent of the influences of the different factors on TEC exhibits obvious differences at varying latitudes. The magnitude of the semiannual variation becomes less significant with the increase in latitude. Furthermore, a geomagnetic storm causes an increase in TEC at low latitudes and a decrease at high latitudes.  相似文献   
本文第一部分研究了空间太阳能热发电,基于所提的评价动力系统的准则,比较了三种热力学系统,并给出了一些参数变化对闭式回热Brayton循环系统的影响,本文第二部分对微波速对电离层中电子的加速和受热进行了数值研究,得出了一些结果。  相似文献   
Ionospheric estimation is becoming more and more important for the new multifrequency positioning algorithms, since they can help to improve greatly the convergence time for acquiring a good positioning error. In this paper, an open source tool to estimate precise ionospheric estimates is presented, namely ESA UGI (Unified-GNSS-Ionosphere). The presentation is done jointly with a methodology to test ionospheric model using a modified NeQuick to generate synthetic data. The results with different option of the ESA UGI shows that it has a good performance below 1 TECU (Total Electron Content Units) in vTEC (vertical Total Electron Content) RMS (Root Mean Squared) for European networks, around 2 TECU in a well-covered African region and between 1 and 6 TECU globally with this synthetic data. It shows as well the capability of changing between different ionosphere models (voxel, multilayer and spherical harmonics) and configuration options. Finally, a test with uncombined PPP actual data is presented showing that instantaneous convergence below 30 cm in 3D RMS position error are achievable in a well sounded area in Europe.  相似文献   
This study analyzed the occurrence of ionospheric irregularities over South Korea and Japan (mid-latitudes) during the years 2010–2015. The irregularities were quantified using the rate of change of total electron content (TEC) index (ROTI), which detects irregularities with scale sizes in the range of 400 m–2.5 km. The ROTI threshold for an ionospheric irregularity to have occurred was set as 0.1 TECU/min. Results showed that ionospheric irregularities mostly occur during night-time and around local noon-time in the seasons of spring and summer. In addition, the percentage of ionospheric irregularities had a high positive correlation with solar flux (F10.7) (r > 0.72). For the first time, we showed good correspondence between ionospheric irregularities measured by the ROTI index and sporadic E (Es). The median ROTI associated with ionospheric irregularities over a South Korea station (DAEJ) and a Japan station (KGNI) were 0.131 and 0.125 TECU/min, respectively. However, in severe cases of ionospheric irregularities, the ROTI values over DAEJ (KGNI) can reach 0.246 (0.217) and 0.314 (0.339) TECU/min during day and night, respectively. These critical ROTI values can be important in interpreting and monitoring ionospheric irregularity occurrence over South Korea and Japan.  相似文献   
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