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Monthly median values of foF2, hmF2 and M(3000)F2 parameters, with hourly time interval resolution for the diurnal variation, obtained with DPS-4 digisonde observations at Hainan (19.4°N, 109.0°E) are used to study the low latitude ionospheric variation behavior. The observational results are compared with the International Reference Ionospheric Model (IRI) predictions. The time period coverage of the data used for the present study is from March 2002 to February 2005. Our present study showed that: (1) In general, IRI predictions using CCIR and URSI coefficients follow well the diurnal and seasonal variation patterns of the experimental values of foF2. However, CCIR foF2 and URSI foF2 IRI predictions systematically underestimate the observed results during most time period of the day, with the percentage difference ΔfoF2 (%) values changing between about −5% and −25%, whereas for a few hours around pre-sunrise, the IRI predictions generally overestimate the observational ones with ΔfoF2 (%) sometimes reaching as large as ∼30%. The agreement between the IRI results and the observational ones is better for the year 2002 than for the other years. The best agreement between the IRI results and the observational ones is obtained in summer when using URSI coefficients, with the seasonal average values of ΔfoF2 (%) being within the limits of ±10%. (2) In general, the IRI predicted hmF2 values using CCIR M(3000)F2 option shows a poor agreement with the observational results. However, when using the measured M(3000)F2 as input, the diurnal variation pattern of hmF2 given by IRI2001 has a much better agreement with the observational one with the detailed fine structures including the pre-sunrise and post-sunset peaks reproduced reasonably well. The agreement between the IRI predicted hmF2 values using CCIR M(30,000)F2 option and the observational ones is worst for the afternoon to post-midnight hours for the high solar activity year 2002. During daytime hours the agreement between the hmF2 values obtained with CCIR M(30,000)F2 option and the observational ones is best for summer season. The discrepancy between the observational hmF2 and that obtained with CCIR M(30,000)F2 option stem from the CCIR M(3000)F2 model, which does not produce the small scale structures observed in the measured M(3000)F2.  相似文献   
尺寸参数对气动液阀启动特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为气动液阀的启动过程建立了数学模型,分析了尺寸参数对该阀启动特性的影响。计算结果表明:在保证必要的工作寿命的前提下,适当地增大控制腔气孔的直径或增大靠近控制腔的活塞端面直径有利于提高该阀的响应能力。本文所得的结论有利于此类阀门的设计。  相似文献   
We describe work that has recently been completed on deriving the fundamental parameters of eight WR stars through the photoionization modelling of their surrounding nebulae using non-LTE WR flux distributions. The resulting effective temperatures range from 57 000–71 000 K for the WN4-5 stars and <30 000–42 000 K for the WN6-8 stars. The derived stellar parameters are compared with those obtained from stellar emission line modelling. We find good agreement for the hot early WN stars, indicating that the non-LTE WR flux distributions have essentially the correct shape in the crucial far-UV region. We find lower temperatures for the four cooler late WN stars, particularly for the two WN6 stars. For the nebulae surrounding these stars, we find that the model flux distributions produce too much nebular ionization. We suggest that these discrepancies arise because of the lack of line-blanketing in the WR atmospheres. For the WO1 central star of G2.4+1.4, with strong nebular He II 4686 A emission, we derive a temperature of 105 000 K, somewhat less than previous estimates. The positions of our eight WR stars on the H-R diagram are compared with the evolutionary tracks of Maeder (1990) for solar metallicity. In common with previous workers, we find that our derived luminosities are too low, giving an initial mass range of 25–40 M, below that expected for the majority of WR stars.  相似文献   
超声速进气道内特性数值模拟及性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用张涵信院士提出的无波动NND格式计算了某二级斜板可调的二元混压式超声速进气道的内部湍流流场 ,较好地模拟了激波间的干扰及激波 -附面层的相互作用 ,并在解法上运用了矢通量分裂算法 ,提高计算的效率、精度和稳定性。通过数值模拟 ,预测了其内流场主要性能参数 ,并分析了飞行条件、几何尺寸调节参数等因素对其性能参数的影响  相似文献   
真实气体流动的相似规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从具有化学反应的NS方程出发导出了真实气体流动的相似律,分别给出了高温空气非平衡流、平衡流和冻结流的相似参数。文中还讨论了航天飞机轨道器各种Mach数范围内的真实气体流动的相似参数和实验模拟问题。  相似文献   
几何量纳米计量方法及仪器   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
几何量计量已经走进纳米空间,本文在讨论纳米计量的必要性、可能性和特殊性的基础上介绍并总结了几何量纳米计量的基本方法和仪器。  相似文献   
A method of using AGNs as cosmological probes and some recent results are discussed. The method is based on fitting the Hedgehog model to observations of spectra, structure and polarization of AGN radio emission and time variations of the observed quantities. If red shifts of selected AGNs are known, extragalactic distances, the Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter of the Universe can be measured using only radio observations. Recent results may give new strong arguments for the basic model to be in agreement with observations of variable spectra and structure of many AGNs, and may allow preliminary selection of AGNs for further use.  相似文献   
用正交法对斜齿圆柱齿轮传动进行参数优化设计 ,用方差分析法找出对质量影响最显著的因素 ,最后 ,由信噪比作为指标选出最佳参数组合 ,这是一种快速创新开发产品的设计方法。  相似文献   
为提高铯束管跃迁信号强度,在束光学参数设计中,用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算铯原子通过率和未跃迁比例。通过改变模拟计算中的束光学参数,分析铯原子通过率、未跃迁比例和倍增器首极电流的变化趋势,得到了主要束光学参数的合理取值范围。在铯束管实际装配和试验中使用束光学参数设计结果,有效地增加了倍增器首极电流。  相似文献   
针对铣削加工中成本最低的优化问题,采用一种改进的人工蜂群(SP-ABC)算法对铣削参数进行优化.在基本ABC算法的基础上,嵌入粒子群(PSO)算法,以提高算法的局部寻优能力.此外,不同于传统的单工序优化,建立的优化目标模型,在考虑实际生产过程中的各种约束条件下,可同时对粗、精两个阶段多道工序同步进行优化.计算机仿真结果表明,相较其他的基本算法,该算法能够找到更优的铣削参数组合,从而实现铣削加工过程的成本最低化.  相似文献   
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