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罗笑 《长沙航空职业技术学院学报》2014,(1):20-22
聋哑人作为社会的弱势群体,在接受高等教育之后,同样需要面临着就业问题,由十其身体的缺陷造成的心理的问题,对于其就业产生了极大的问题和障碍,因此,在高职聋哑学校对学生的就业指导中加强思想政治教育就显的十分重要。本文就高职聋哑生就业指导中的思想政治教育对策相关内容进行了研究。 相似文献
The terminal guidance problem for an unpowered lifting reentry vehicle against a sta- tionary target is considered. In addition to attacking the target with high accuracy, the vehicle is also expected to achieve a desired impact angle. In this paper, a sliding mode control (SMC)-based guidance law is developed to satisfy the terminal angle constraint. Firstly, a specific sliding mode function is designed, and the terminal requirements can be achieved by enforcing both the sliding mode function and its derivative to zero at the end of the flight. Then, a backstepping approach is used to ensure the finite-time reaching phase of the sliding mode and the analytic expression of the control effort can be obtained. The trajectories generated by this method only depend on the initial and terminal conditions of the terminal phase and the instantaneous states of the vehicle. In order to test the performance of the proposed guidance law in practical application, numerical simulations are carried out by taking all the aerodynamic parameters into consideration. The effec- tiveness of the proposed guidance law is verified by the simulation results in various scenarios. 相似文献
针对反战术弹道式导弹(TBM)拦截弹杀伤增强器设计方法中存在的不足,提出了拦截平面内最优合成迎角数学模型,在此基础上建立了拦截弹杀伤增强器综合设计模型.该模型以杀伤增强器参数为输入量,可在设计拦截弹时对其进行可用过载估计与制导精度限制,并通过最优合成迎角控制来近一步增强拦截弹对TBM的杀伤性能.以PAC-3拦截弹及某典型TBM弹头为例进行仿真验证,结果表明采用综合设计模型后PAC-3杀伤概率平均高于原弹约7%,使用该模型对PAC-3杀伤增强器进行优化,优化结果明显提高了PAC-3拦截弹的作战性能. 相似文献
针对舰空导弹协同制导仿真系统的设计问题,通过给定舰舰协同和空舰协同这两种典型协同制导作战模式的作战流程,对仿真系统的组成及组成单元的模型构成进行了深入的分析。基于高层体系结构HLA(High Level Architecture)分布式仿真技术,对分布式半实物的协同制导仿真系统进行了方案设计,并且通过采用实时操作系统内核和半实物仿真代理联邦成员的方法,有效地解决了半实物仿真的实时性要求和半实物仿真与分布式仿真的互操作等关键问题。 相似文献
Salvo attacking a surface target by multiple missiles is an effective tactic to enhance the lethality and penetrate the defense system. However, existing cooperative guidance laws in the mid-course or terminal course are not suitable for long- and medium-range missiles or stand-off attacking. Because the initial conditions of cooperative terminal guidance that are generally generated from the mid-course flight may not lead to a successful cooperative terminal guidance without proper mid-course flight adjustment. Meanwhile, cooperative guidance in the mid-course cannot solely guarantee the accuracy of a simultaneous arrival of multiple missiles. Therefore, a joint mid-course and terminal course cooperative guidance law is developed. By building a distinct leader-follower framework, this paper proposes an efficient coordinated Dubins path planning method to synchronize the arrival time of all engaged missiles in the mid-course flight. The planned flight can generate proper initial conditions for cooperative terminal guidance, and also benefit an earliest simultaneous arrival. In the terminal course, an existing cooperative proportional navigation guidance law guides all the engaged missiles to arrive at a target accurately and simultaneously. The integrated guidance law for an intuitive application is summarized. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed method can generate fast and accurate salvo attack. 相似文献
针对高超声速飞行器由滑翔段转入下压段的过程中运动状态无法快速与制导律进行匹配,从而引起弹道震荡的问题,设计了一种带有过渡因子的下压指令,改善了飞行器的过渡品质。首先,分析了高超声速飞行器平衡滑翔弹道,提出了平滑过渡的基本条件,并引入了一次函数、多项式、正弦、指数形式的过渡因子;然后,设计了3种带有过渡因子的下压指令;最后,通过仿真验证了下压指令的合理性。结果表明,该算法设计出的下压指令计算量小、制导精度高,且具有一定工程应用价值。 相似文献