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针对超声波加工中振幅衰减和振幅不稳定现象,通过超声振子的静态加载试验,分析了轴向与径向加工负载力对超声振子电学特性的影响规律,以及超声振子电学参数的变化对超声振幅的影响机制。结果表明,超声振子的电学参数在径向负载力与轴向负载力的影响下有相似的变化趋势,即超声振子谐振频率与动态电阻随着负载力的增加而单向增大,动态电感与动态电容有相反的变化趋势,二者的综合效果使谐振频率随着负载力的增加而增大,静态电容在一定范围内波动,当超声振子所受的负载力增大到一定值时,超声振子的低频谐振点会消失。依据理论分析与试验研究结果,提出了改善振幅衰减和振幅不稳定现象的措施。  相似文献   
In this paper, taking two degrees of freedom on the armature–flapper assembly into account, a seventh-order model is deduced and proposed for the dynamic response of a two-stage electro-hydraulic servo valve from nonlinear equations. These deductions are based on fundamental laws of electromagnetism, fluid, and general mechanics. The coefficients of the proposed seventhorder model are derived in terms of servo valve physical parameters and fluid properties explicitly.For validating the results of the proposed model, an AMESim simulation model based on physical laws and the existing low-order models validated by other researchers through experiments are used to compare with the seventh-order model. The results show that the seventh-order model can reflect the physical behavior of the servo valve more explicitly than the existing low-order models and it could provide guidance more easily for a linear control design approach and sensitivity analysis than the AMESim simulation model.  相似文献   
以2005年陕西城镇居民消费支出的截面数据为样本,运用扩展线性支出系统对陕西城镇家庭的基本支出、边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性、需求价格弹性、消费结构的变化趋势进行了实证分析。分析显示,不同收入层次家庭的消费水平、消费类别存在明显差异,居民消费结构呈现多层次的新特点。  相似文献   
对星载磁悬浮单框架控制力矩陀螺,建立其转子的平动与转动的动力学方程。所建模型反映了转子的动、静不平衡特性,以及转子运动与框架、星体运动的耦合关系。模型是主动磁悬浮控制与动框架效应分析的基础。对动、静不平衡量未知的转子,设计了自适应对中控制器。在分散PD、比例交叉反馈控制器与高低通滤波器的基础上,通过动、静不平衡量的辨识与补偿控制,使转子绕其惯量主轴旋转,衰减角动量交换执行机构高速转子因不平衡而对基座产生的干扰力,消除星上主要颤振源,达到降低卫星姿态抖动的目的。  相似文献   
卫星运行需要地面测控系统的支持.通过对某些卫星运行与地面测控系统支持方面的实际分析,总结其设计研制和协调中不足,研究卫星系统与地面测控系统的协调设计,并提出相应建议,为我国的卫星发展作一些借鉴.  相似文献   
3F(FRACAS、FMEA、FTA)技术。对出现的故障(缺陷)要按FRACAS进行处理。要"需求牵引",尽可能使利益相关方的需求完备,还应充分考虑反向需求,提出潜在需求。对需求(包括潜在需求)及设计进行FMEA,对多个故障(缺陷)同时出现会导致严重(安全)后果的事件作FTA分析。  相似文献   
文章提出了一种基于DSP的高效低成本的视频压缩方法的实现.硬件采用TI公司DM642 DSP,其具有成本低的特点,视频压缩采用MPEG4算法,实现复杂度适中,可高效满足用户需求.文章通过研究DSP的硬件架构,软件上采用调整程序结构、存储器优化、流水线技术、线性汇编等优化方法对移植成功的MPEG4 C语言程序进行优化.经测试,该系统优化前为2秒一帧,经优化后达到了标清25帧每秒的压缩任务,可满足军用或民用视频压缩领域的高效低成本应用需求.  相似文献   
星载微波散射计是目前唯一能够同时全天候、全天时、高精度、高分辨率和短周期测量海洋表面风场矢量的有源微波遥感器,这一能力已在美国Seasat-1[1]、欧空局ERS-1/2[1]、日本ADEOS-1/2[1]、中国HY-2等卫星装载的微波散射计上得到了充分的证明。双波段、扇形波束圆锥扫描星载微波散射计是一种具有国际先进水平的星载微波散射计,具有测风范围大、测量精度高的优点。文章简要分析了该微波散射计的工作原理、总体方案设计、关键技术、及初步性能评估等。  相似文献   
One of the biggest challenges of the exploration of the Moon is the survival of the crew and the lunar assets during the lunar night. The environmental conditions on the lunar surface and its cycle, with long periods of darkness, make any long mission in need of specific amounts of heat and electricity to be successful. We have analyzed two different systems to produce heat and electricity on the Moon's surface. The first system consists of Thermal Wadis, sources of thermal power that can be used to supply heat to protect the exploration systems from the extreme cold during periods of darkness. Previous results showed that Wadis can supply enough heat to keep lunar devices such as rovers above their minimum operating temperature (approximately 243 K). The second system studied here is the Thermal Energy Storage (TES), which is able to run a heat engine during the lunar night to produce electricity. When the Sun is shining on the Moon's surface, the system can run the engine directly using the solar power and simultaneously heat a thermal mass. This thermal mass is used as a high temperature source to run the heat engine during the night. We present analytical and numerical calculations for the determination of an appropriate thermal mass for the TES system.  相似文献   
基于UML的电力调度管理信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析了UML的建模机制的基础上,以UML为工具进行电力调度管理系统的建模设计,给出了设计过程中的用例图、类图和交互图,并在C/S和B/S模式相结合的方式下,开发出了电力调度信息管理系统的软件。  相似文献   
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