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Building an organization and management structure to create, launch, utilize and protect a satellite solar power energy system will require a global policy for the beneficial use of SSP. The fundamental organizational tasks are: (1) R&D, achieved through a project organization characterized by the integrated management of applied science, development research and construction engineering; (2) investment, generated by a series of groups creating financial vehicles for public and private investment; (3) transmission and distribution, characterized by attention to an engineering and maintenance process emphasizing high reliability; and (4) crisis response, demanding readiness for instant response to potential internal or external scenarios. A differentiated global organization spanning the long timeframe of SSP will need to have a central management core representative of all parts of the organization, with the capacity for self-renewal and re-adaptation. To be successful over its long timeframe, the SSP organization will need to build continuity and public confidence through intergenerational communication, public education, and community outreach. Integrating structures must be created at all levels of the organization, and should encompass joint work tasks and information-sharing among both industrial and government members. Developmental and alliance partners who support the formation and financing of a differentiated satellite solar power organization will share commensurately in the technologies and competencies that are created.  相似文献   
本文研究的是以MCS-51系列单片机为核心的计算机控制系统,用以实现化工催化剂活性检测过程床层温度程序控制。被控对象是具有3~8分钟的纯滞后,时变,非线性特性的催化剂电加热炉。控制难度大。 采用了广义最小方差自校正控制算法,具有时变滞后的极点自校正PID算法,极点对消直接PID三种算法进行了仿真与现场试验研究。前两种,由于工作过程允许的信号对系统激励不够充分,对象在线辩识有困难,试验结果表现,不能实现预期的控制要求。最终采用了极点对消直接PID算法,成功地实现了催化剂活性温度自动控制。该系统工作稳定、可靠,控制精度达到了检测标准要求。  相似文献   
本文提出一种适合于多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的多层模糊逻辑控制器(MLFLC),该控制器由若干个多输入单输出(MISO)模糊控制器构成,每个MISO模糊控制器由许多单输入单输出(SISO)模糊控制器组成。该控制器采用互补型隶属函数,具有一组零控制面,只要使量化因子满足一定的条件,控制系统就是渐近稳定的。最后将上述控制器用于二节机械手中进行仿真试验,验证了上述算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
目前,利用机器视觉系统监测生产过程和进行质量控制是一个非常活跃的研究领域。当把视觉系统用于几何量测量时,必须解决其硬件的分辨力极限所带来的问题:测量精度高意味着测量范围小,或者,测量范围大意味着测量精度低。提出了解决上述问题的方法:一个由步进电机驱动的XY工作台与图象处理系统相结合。产生出一个多坐标系统结构。测量参数在两个坐标系之间传送,并在100mm×100mm范围内,在X和Y两个方向,达到的测量精度为0.02mm。  相似文献   
Environmental reference systems for large-scale spaces   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Human navigation in well-known environments is guided by stored memory representations of spatial information. In three experiments (N = 43) we investigated the role of different spatial reference systems when accessing information about familiar objects at different locations in the city in which the participants lived. Our results indicate that two independent reference systems underly the retrieval of spatial knowledge. Environmental characteristics, e.g., the streets at an intersection, determine which headings are easier to imagine at a given location and lead to differences in accessibility of spatial information (orientation-specific behavior). In addition, access to spatial information depends on the relative direction of a location with respect to the imagined heading, such that information about locations imagined in front of oneself is easier to access than about locations towards the back. This influence of an egocentric reference system was found for environmental knowledge as well as map-based knowledge. In light of these reference system effects, position-dependent models of spatial memory for large-scale environments are discussed. To account for the simultaneous effect of an environmental and an egocentric reference system, we present a 2-level model of spatial memory access.  相似文献   
This paper investigates a time-varying anti-disturbance formation problem for a group of quadrotor aircrafts with time-varying uncertainties and a directed interaction topology. A novel Finite-Time Convergent Extended State Observer(FTCESO) based fully-distributed formation control scheme is proposed to enhance the disturbance rejection and the formation tracking performances for networked quadrotors. By adopting the hierarchical control strategy, the multiquadrotor system is separated into two ...  相似文献   
以Lyapunov方法为基础,讨论了载体姿态与位置均不受控制的双臂空间机器人系统的避障碍分级非完整运动规划问题.该方法充分利用系统的非完整动力学性质,以系统动量矩守恒关系及运动Jacobi关系为基础,建立控制设计所需的系统状态方程及控制输出方程;并在Lyapunov函数的选取上采用两级采取方式,即初级Lyapunov函数确保双臂空间机器人的两个末端抓手从初始位置运动到指定的终点位置,次级Lyapunov函数则确保两个末端抓手避开工作空间中的障碍区域;两级合成则使双臂空间机器人的两个末端抓手既实现了指定的位置移动又避开了障碍区域.系统数值仿真,证明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   
In this article, we develop an online robust actor-critic-disturbance guidance law for a missile-target interception system with limited normal acceleration capability. Firstly, the missiletarget engagement is formulated as a zero-sum pursuit-evasion game problem. The key is to seek the saddle point solution of the Hamilton Jacobi Isaacs(HJI) equation, which is generally intractable due to the nonlinearity of the problem. Then, based on the universal approximation capability of Neural Networks(N...  相似文献   
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