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深空探测器需要定位在日-地(月)系的共线平动点L1或L2附近执行探测任务,但由于共线平动点的不稳定性,必须在运行期间进行轨控。对于条件周期轨道(如晕轨道)必须在控制过程中考虑高次项,控制条件复杂,技术上实现相对困难。而某些探测任务,探测器定位在共线平动点附近的条件拟周期轨道(对应L issajous轨道)上亦可以。这种类型的轨道可以离共线平动点较近,那么只需要在控制过程中考虑线性项即可,控制条件简单。以圆型限制性三体问题作为基本模型,采用预估-校正法逼近线性化模型下的目标轨道,给出在轨运行期间的轨控策略亦是可取的,这种控制措施相对而言较简单,容易实现。仿真计算结果表明是可行的,能够提供较高的位置精度。  相似文献   
为提高换热强度、解决设备内部高热流密度散热问题,采用实验方法研究R141b在不同直径(D=0.5mm和1.0mm)水平圆形微通道内的沸腾换热特性,分析了热流密度(q=2.0kW/m~2~47.6kW/m~2)、质量干度(x=0~0.6)、质量流速(G=111.11kg/(m~2·s)~333.33kg/(m~2·s))的变化对平均传热系数h的影响,探究不同情况下影响沸腾换热的主导因素。实验研究表明:平均传热系数h随热流密度q的增加而减小,在不同范围内减小速率有明显差异;热流密度q=2kW/m~2~5kW/m~2时质量流速G对平均传热系数h影响较明显,热流密度较高时质量流速G对换热影响很小;在质量流速G=111.11kg/(m~2·s)~333.33kg/(m~2·s),质量干度x0.3时,平均传热系数h随质量干度x增加而明显下降,在设计微通道换热器时应尽量使R141b处于初始沸腾阶段以获得更好换热效果,并采取一定措施预防干度过高引起的换热恶化。  相似文献   
The purpose of this work is to compute transfer trajectories from a given Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to a nominal Lissajous quasi-periodic orbit either around the point L1 or the point L2 in the Earth–Moon system. This is achieved by adopting the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP) as force model and applying the tools of Dynamical Systems Theory.  相似文献   
仿生导航是在仿生技术基础上发展起来的新型导航技术方法,该方法融合了仿生技术的优点,因其抗干扰性强、适应范围广的特点,迎来了研究的热潮。从仿生光流导航、仿生偏振光导航、仿生类脑导航和仿生地磁导航四个角度对近年来大量的相关文献进行了综合性地整理和分析,阐述了其导航原理、发展现状和动态,对其未来的发展前景进行了展望,指出了限制现有技术的难点和瓶颈,对未来仿生导航技术的发展提供了参考,有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
一种星载GPS接收天线   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据星载 GPS接收天线的主要技术要求 ,给出了谐振式四臂螺旋天线用于星载 GPS天线的设计思路与设计过程 ,并给出了最后的测试结果。结果表明 :该天线具有十分优良的圆对称半球波束特性、良好的广角圆极化特性和优良的阻抗匹配 ,结构紧凑 ,集成度高 ,并通过了环境鉴定试验 ,为星载 GPS应用提供了一种性能优良的天线  相似文献   
廖轶  孟自强  周松  邢孟道  保铮 《宇航学报》2016,37(1):127-134
在宽测绘带圆迹环扫合成孔径雷达(CSSAR)中,目标斜距表示形式复杂,测绘带内距离徙动(RCM)变化剧烈均给成像处理引入难点。针对上述问题,根据圆迹环扫SAR平台的运动特性,使用高阶逼近的方法建立圆弧曲线模型下的回波信号斜距方程,并以导出的二维频谱高阶近似解析表达式为基础,考虑大场景下的距离徙动空变问题,对空变的斜距历程进行详细的分析,并提出了一种适用于大场景圆迹环扫SAR的改进线性调频变标(CS)成像算法。仿真结果说明,曲线模型的斜距方程精度较高,该算法能够精确校正空变的距离徙动,对较大场景取得了较好的成像效果。  相似文献   
电离层测高仪系统中,O波与X波的分离非常重要.本文提出一种新的O波与X波分离的实现方法,根据电离层回波的极化特性,通过在接收电路上采用数字方法合成圆极化波的方式,实现了对O波与X波的有效分离.与现有DPS-4测高仪系统采用模拟域电信号合成圆极化波的方法相比,本文方法通过在数字下变频处理过程中引入±90°相移,消除了在模拟域电信号合成方法中相移器的带宽限制和非线性问题.另外,该方法在实现发射和接收信号的极化状态转换时不需要连续切换多个模拟开关,从而提高了整个系统的稳定性.  相似文献   
Collinear Earth–Moon libration points have emerged as locations with immediate applications. These libration point orbits are inherently unstable and must be maintained regularly which constrains operations and maneuver locations. Stationkeeping is challenging due to relatively short time scales for divergence, effects of large orbital eccentricity of the secondary body, and third-body perturbations. Using the Acceleration Reconnection and Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) mission orbit as a platform, the fundamental behavior of the trajectories is explored using Poincaré maps in the circular restricted three-body problem. Operational stationkeeping results obtained using the Optimal Continuation Strategy are presented and compared to orbit stability information generated from mode analysis based in dynamical systems theory.  相似文献   
Circular thin-plate electrostatic sensors are promising in gas path monitoring due to their advantages of non-intrusiveness and easy installation. The spatial sensitivity and filtering effect are two important performance parameters. In this paper, an analytically mathematical model of induced charge on a circular thin-plate electrode is first derived. Then the spatial sensitivity and filtering effect of the circular electrostatic sensor are investigated by numerical calculations. Finally,experimental studies are performed to testify the theoretical results. Both theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that circular thin-plate electrostatic sensors act as a low-pass filter in the spatial frequency domain, and both the spatial filtering effect and the temporal frequency response characteristics depend strongly on the spatial position and velocity of the charged particle. These conclusions can provide guidelines for the optimal design of circular thin-plate electrostatic sensors.  相似文献   
本文应用广义阶梯函数对承受边缘弯矩和局部线性分布荷载的筒支圆板进行塑性极限分析,文中考虑了局部线性分布荷载的4种可能分布形式,给出了简支圆板在Tresca屈服条件下边缘弯矩和线性荷载所满足的关系式。  相似文献   
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