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This paper introduces the Sheffield Magnetohydrodynamics Algorithm Using GPUs (SMAUG+), an advanced numerical code for solving magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) problems, using multi-GPU systems. Multi-GPU systems facilitate the development of accelerated codes and enable us to investigate larger model sizes and/or more detailed computational domain resolutions. This is a significant advancement over the parent single-GPU MHD code, SMAUG (Griffiths et al., 2015). Here, we demonstrate the validity of the SMAUG?+?code, describe the parallelisation techniques and investigate performance benchmarks. The initial configuration of the Orszag-Tang vortex simulations are distributed among 4, 16, 64 and 100?GPUs. Furthermore, different simulation box resolutions are applied: 1000×1000,2044×2044,4000×4000 and 8000×8000. We also tested the code with the Brio-Wu shock tube simulations with model size of 800 employing up to 10?GPUs. Based on the test results, we observed speed ups and slow downs, depending on the granularity and the communication overhead of certain parallel tasks. The main aim of the code development is to provide massively parallel code without the memory limitation of a single GPU. By using our code, the applied model size could be significantly increased. We demonstrate that we are able to successfully compute numerically valid and large 2D MHD problems.  相似文献   
针对Turbo码译码过程需要占用大量存储资源的问题,在Max—Log-MAP算法的基础上介绍了一种节省存储资源的译码方法^[1]。通过逆运算在反向递推计算后向路径度量的过程中同时计算部分前向路径度量,节省了近50%前向路径度量的存储资源;通过使用一种性能良好的线性运算代替查表法求得Jacobian(雅可比)对数函数,避免了查找表资源的使用。在避免路径度量溢出进行的归一化操作中,采用了一种有效的方案,进一步节省了计算资源。实验表明,文章方法在有效节省存储资源的同时保证了良好的译码性能。  相似文献   
针对传统自动驾驶仪软件开发效率低、周期长、成本高及难度高的缺点,提出基于模型的自动驾驶仪软件开发方法。详细介绍了利用MatLab/Simulink自动代码生成技术进行自动驾驶仪软件开发的完整过程,对自动生成的代码进行了分析及整合,最后利用嵌入式平台MSP430进行功能性验证具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
主要介绍了在高度编码器的实现过程中,为了将其接收到的ARINC429数据转换为接收设备所能够接收的格雷码信号,通过高度编码器结合HS-3282集成电路芯片和C51单片机,实现了数据的转换。  相似文献   
针对近几年老龄飞机的线路故障比较突出的问题,提出采用风险指数法对飞机电气线路互联系统(Electrical Wiring Interconnection System,EWIS)进行风险评估,利用EWIS物理检查中获得的故障隐患数量,确定失效概率等级,利用专家判断确定失效后果严酷度等级,综合失效概率等级和失效严酷度等级,得到风险指数,从而确定风险评估矩阵。最后,利用提出的方法对某一飞机开展EWIS风险评估,并对故障隐患的风险等级进行排序,结果表明,该方法对EWIS风险评估是有效可行的。  相似文献   
The total electron content (TEC) estimation by the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be seriously affected by the differential code biases (DCB), referred to as inter-frequency biases (IFB), of the satellite and receiver so that an accuracy of GPS–TEC value is dependent on the error of DCBs estimation. In this paper, we proposed the singular value decomposition (SVD) method to estimate the DCB of GPS satellites and receivers using the Korean GPS network (KGN) in South Korea. The receiver DCBs of about 49 GPS reference stations in KGN were determined for the accurate estimation of the regional ionospheric TEC. They obtained from the daily solution have large biases ranging from +5 to +27 ns for geomagnetic quiet days. The receiver DCB of SUWN reference station was compared with the estimates of IGS and JPL global ionosphere map (GIM). The results have shown comparatively good agreement at the level within 0.2 ns. After correction of receiver DCBs and knowing the satellite DCBs, the comparison between the behavior of the estimated TEC and that of GIMs was performed for consecutive three days. We showed that there is a good agreement between KASI model and GIMs.  相似文献   
利用了有限域上的辛几何构造了一类Cartesian认证码,并且计算了其参数及模仿攻击成功的概率和替换攻击成功的概率.  相似文献   
利用有限域上奇异辛几何构造了一个新的带仲裁的认证码,并计算了这个码的参数。当收方和发方的编码规则按等概率分布选取时,计算出了各种攻击成功的概率。  相似文献   
与传统的线性预测编码相比,多脉冲激励线性预测编码(MPLPC)的合成语音质量有显著的改善,能在中等或低速率下合成出高质量的语音。本文介绍了用单片TMS32010组成的MPLPC语音合成器,数码率为9.6kbPS,激励脉冲的幅度和位置用最大互相关搜索算法确定。该系统结构简单,操作简便,通用性强,合成语音清晰、自然易懂,可广泛用于各种系统。文中给出了某些应用实例,经用户试用,效果良好,对合成语音质量感到满意。  相似文献   
应答接收机误码测试系统是在微波频段测试接收机误码率的测试设备.该设备由微波组件、编码组件、分析组件三部分组成,结构灵活、便于携带,适合外场测试;本系统可以模拟雷达发射信号、接收机输出信号,可以输出伪随码、固定码和各种轨迹数据,是应答机系统联试中重要的工具.描述了该测试系统的组成、原理、软件流程并给出应用结果.  相似文献   
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