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M-型皱褶芯材夹层板吸能性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周华志  王志瑾 《航空学报》2016,37(2):579-587
作为先进复合材料夹层结构,皱褶夹层板是一种具有众多优点的新型夹层板结构。本文建立了带有缺陷的皱褶芯材有限元模型,对M-型皱褶芯材的能量吸收率和几何参数之间的关系进行了研究。压缩试验仿真结果与CELPACT项目中的试验结果相符。与蜂窝芯材相比,皱褶芯材在吸能性能上表现出了很大的优势,其能量吸收率是蜂窝芯材的两倍多。此外,本文采用响应面法获得了M-型皱褶芯材几何参数和吸能性能指标之间的关系。最后,以吸能性能最优为目标,采用拉丁超立方抽样(LHS)方法获得初始样本,以多目标非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)对皱褶芯材进行了优化。  相似文献   
The present paper proposes to discuss the ionospheric absorption, assuming a quasi-flat layered ionospheric medium, with small horizontal gradients. A recent complex eikonal model (Settimi et al., 2013b) is applied, useful to calculate the absorption due to the ionospheric D-layer, which can be approximately characterized by a linearized analytical profile of complex refractive index, covering a short range of heights between h1 = 50 km and h2 = 90 km. Moreover, Settimi et al. (2013c) have already compared the complex eikonal model for the D-layer with the analytical Chapman’s profile of ionospheric electron density; the corresponding absorption coefficient is more accurate than Rawer’s theory (1976) in the range of middle critical frequencies. Finally, in this paper, the simple complex eikonal equations, in quasi-longitudinal (QL) approximation, for calculating the non-deviative absorption coefficient due to the propagation across the D-layer are encoded into a so called COMPLEIK (COMPLex EIKonal) subroutine of the IONORT (IONOspheric Ray-Tracing) program ( Azzarone et al., 2012). The IONORT program, which simulates the three-dimensional (3-D) ray-tracing for high frequencies (HF) waves in the ionosphere, runs on the assimilative ISP (IRI-SIRMUP-P) discrete model over the Mediterranean area ( Pezzopane et al., 2011). As main outcome of the paper, the simple COMPLEIK algorithm is compared to the more elaborate semi-empirical ICEPAC formula (Stewart, undated), which refers to various phenomenological parameters such as the critical frequency of E-layer. COMPLEIK is reliable just like the ICEPAC, with the advantage of being implemented more directly. Indeed, the complex eikonal model depends just on some parameters of the electron density profile, which are numerically calculable, such as the maximum height.  相似文献   
New outcomes are proposed for ionospheric absorption starting from the Appleton–Hartree formula, in its complete form. The range of applicability is discussed for the approximate formulae, which are usually employed in the calculation of non-deviative absorption coefficient. These results were achieved by performing a more refined approximation that is valid under quasi-longitudinal (QL) propagation conditions. The more refined QL approximation and the usually employed non-deviative absorption are compared with that derived from a complete formulation. Their expressions, nothing complicated, can usefully be implemented in a software program running on modern computers. Moreover, the importance of considering Booker’s rule is highlighted. A radio link of ground range D = 1000 km was also simulated using ray tracing for a sample daytime ionosphere. Finally, some estimations of the integrated absorption for the radio link considered are provided for different frequencies.  相似文献   
以丁羟推进剂为研究对象,进行了10、30、50℃3种温度多种相对湿度条件下的吸湿试验;采取吸湿率、平衡含湿率作为表征参数,研究了丁羟推进剂吸湿的规律。结果表明,吸湿初期吸湿率随吸湿时间增加而增大,推进剂试样的吸湿在一段时间后可达到平衡,平衡含湿率主要取决于环境相对湿度,受温度的影响较小;通过对吸湿试验所得数据的分析,得到了丁羟推进剂吸湿时的温度和相对湿度条件对其扩散系数的影响规律,给出了扩散系数的温湿度修正模型,用该模型表示扩散系数与温度和相对湿度的关系时,最大相对误差仅为7.11%。  相似文献   
基于高激发里德堡原子的微波电场测量技术与传统金属天线相比有诸多优越性,是未来微波电场高精度测量的重要方案之一。采用全红外光激发里德堡原子的方案不再依赖复杂而昂贵的短波长激光器,大大减小了激光器系统的体积与能耗。在三红外光级联激发里德堡铷原子的过程中,发现了中间态对应的双光梯形电磁诱导透明光学参数对三光激发里德堡态电磁诱导吸收峰信噪比具有重要影响,因此采用光失谐方法能很好地优化三光EIA光谱。利用微波场下的Autler-Townes分裂效应和标准天线方法对微波喇叭天线发射的微波电场实现精确的校准,并以此为基础通过超外差接收技术成功探测到本地场与信号场所形成的拍频信号,得到了拍频光电信号与信号场强度之间的线性关系。最终通过实验噪声基底的噪声功率谱得到三红外光里德堡铷原子微波测量的极限灵敏度为37.5(5.5) nV·■。采用三束红外光激发的方法为研制小型里德堡原子微波电场探测仪器奠定了物理基础。  相似文献   
张大义  杨诚  林丹  夏颖  朱彬  洪杰 《航空动力学报》2019,34(6):1185-1192
针对国内高涵道比涡扇发动机风扇叶片的设计亟需,分析得到槽间垫片功用及设计要求,并通过机理试验揭示了槽间垫片减振机理。研究结果表明:在常规简谐激励作用于风扇叶片时,槽间垫片并不能提供有效阻尼,无法起到减振作用。在高能冲击载荷作用于风扇叶片时,槽间垫片可以起到较好的阻尼作用,快速地衰减自由振动,降低疲劳损伤积累。金属橡胶或橡胶槽间垫片能使叶片的冲击响应时间减少50%以上。槽间垫片应设计足够大的预紧力以实现叶片稳定的径向定位,降低风扇叶片在风车状态时的晃动幅值,减小榫头榫槽接触磨损;应具备足够大的柔度,确保高能冲击载荷下允许叶片偏摆一定的角度,通过垫片变形吸收冲击能量,从而降低叶片根部应力峰值。   相似文献   
MICAS is an integrated multi-channel instrument that includes an ultraviolet imaging spectrometer (80–185 nm), two high-resolution visible imagers (10–20 μrad/pixel, 400–900 nm), and a short-wavelength infrared imaging spectrometer (1250–2600 nm). The wavelength ranges were chosen to maximize the science data that could be collected using existing semiconductor technologies and avoiding the need for multi-octave spectrometers. It was flown on DS1 to validate technologies derived from the development of PICS (Planetary Imaging Camera Spectrometer). These technologies provided a novel systems approach enabling the miniaturization and integration of four instruments into one entity, spanning a wavelength range from the UV to IR, and from ambient to cryogenic temperatures with optical performance at a fraction of a wavelength. The specific technologies incorporated were: a built-in fly-by sequence; lightweight and ultra-stable, monolithic silicon-carbide construction, which enabled room-temperature alignment for cryogenic (85–140 K) performance, and provided superb optical performance and immunity to thermal distortion; diffraction-limited, shared optics operating from 80 to 2600 nm; advanced detector technologies for the UV, visible and short-wavelength IR; high-performance thermal radiators coupled directly to the short-wave infrared (SWIR) detector optical bench, providing an instrument with a mass less than 10 kg, instrument power less than 10 W, and total instrument cost of less than ten million dollars. The design allows the wavelength range to be extended by at least an octave at the short wavelength end and to ∼50 microns at the long wavelength end. Testing of the completed instrument demonstrated excellent optical performance down to 77 K, which would enable a greatly reduced background for longer wavelength detectors. During the Deep Space 1 Mission, MICAS successfully collected images and spectra for asteroid 9969 Braille, Mars, and comet 19/P Borrelly. The Borrelly encounter was a scientific hallmark providing the first clear, high resolution images and excellent, short-wavelength infrared spectra of the surface of an active comet’s nucleus.  相似文献   
Due to high stable rotations, timing of pulsars provides a natural tool to correct the frequency deviation of spaceborne atomic clocks. Based on processing the observational data about a year of Crab pulsar given by XPNAV-1 satellite, we study the possibility of correcting the frequency deviation of spaceborne atomic clocks using pulsar timing. According to the observational data in X-ray band and the timing model parameters from radio observations, the pre-fit timing residuals with a level of 6...  相似文献   
To strengthen Specific Energy-Absorption (SEA) behavior of Sandwich Composite Structure (SCS), a kind of light-weight vertical stiffener is proposed for the corrugated core. The vertical stiffener, embedded in the corrugated core, can not only absorb part of energy but also simultaneously enhance Energy-Absorption (EA) of other components. The Hashin damage model considering the shear stress and ductile damage model is adopted to predict the failure of carbon fiber face-sheets and aluminum-core, respectively. The perfect bonding is modeled for interfaces between the face-sheet and core due to little realistic debonding. The finite element model is verified by available data of conventional SCS. To obtain more design ideas, several stiffeners with different thicknesses, numbers, and positions are investigated. From the predicted results, both the flexural load and deformation of SCS correlate well with experimental results. It is highlighted that the SCSs with different vertical stiffeners exhibit 9.74%–58.48% higher SEA than the SCS without stiffener. The complex reinforcement mechanisms are extensively revealed by underlying coupling EA and deformation mechanisms. Structural parameter analysis shows that the thickness and number have significant effects on the flexural behavior and SEA of reinforced SCS.  相似文献   
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