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The state-space representation (SSR) product of satellite orbit and clock is one of the most essential corrections for real-time precise point positioning (RTPPP). When it comes to PPP ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR), the fractional cycle bias (FCB) matters. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has developed a multi-GNSS (i.e., global navigation satellite system) advanced demonstration tool for orbit and clock analysis (MADOCA), providing free and precise orbit and clock products. Because of the shortage of relevant studies on performance evaluation, this paper focuses on the performance assessment of RTPPP and PPP-AR by real-time and offline MADOCA products. To begin with, the real-time MADOCA products are evaluated by comparing orbit and clock with JAXA final products, which gives an objective impression of the correction. Second, PPP tests in static and simulated kinematic mode are conducted to further verify the quality of real-time MADOCA products. Finally, the offline MADOCA products are assessed by PPP and PPP-AR comparisons. The results are as follows: (1) Orbit comparisons produced an average error of about 0.04–0.13 m for the global positioning system (GPS), 0.14–0.16 m for the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS), and 0.07–0.08 m for the quasi-zenith satellite system (QZSS). The G15 satellite had the most accurate orbit, with a difference of 0.04 m between the JAXA orbit products and MADOCA’s counterpart, while the R07 satellite had the least accurate orbit with a difference of 0.16 m. Clock products had an accuracy of 0.4–1.3 ns for GPS, 1.4–1.6 ns for GLONASS, and 0.7–0.8 ns for QZSS in general. The G15 satellite had the most accurate clock with a difference of only 0.40 ns between the JAXA clock products and MADOCA products, and the R07 satellite had the least accurate clock with a difference of 1.55 ns. The orbit and clock products for GLONASS performed worse than those of GPS and QZSS. (2) After convergence, the positioning accuracy was 3.0–8.1 cm for static PPP and 8.1–13.7 cm for kinematic PPP when using multi-GNSS observations and precise orbit and clock products. The PFRR station performed the good performance both in static and kinematic mode with an accuracy of 2.99 cm and 8.08 cm, respectively, whereas the CPNM station produced the worst static performance with an error of 8.09 cm, and the ANMG station produced the worst kinematic performance with a counterpart of 13.69 cm. (3) The PPP-AR solution was superior to the PPP solution, given that, with respect to PPP, post-processing PPP-AR improved the positioning accuracy and convergence time by 13–32 % (3–89 %) in GPS-only mode by 2–15 % (5–60 %) in GPS/QZSS mode. Thus, we conclude that the current MADOCA products can provide SSR corrections and FCB products with positioning accuracy at the decimeter or even centimeter level, which could meet the demands of the RTPPP and PPP-AR solutions.  相似文献   
民航ATC系统中交通信息的数据融合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民航空中交通管理系统的核心是交通信息处理,随着我国民航建设事业的发展,各地区的网络的互联,雷达信息源的分布数量的增加,自动相关监视技术的逐步应用,传统的交通信息处理模式技术已经不再适应新的形势的需要,根据民航空中交通管理系统的特点,对交通数据融合在民航空中交通管制系统(ATC)中的一些应用前景作了一些探讨。  相似文献   
民航空中交通管理系统的核心是信息处理,根据民航用空中交通管理系统与军方用空中交通管理系统的不同特点,通过对一个可能的ADS-SSR数据融合模型的探讨,给出了此模型的具体算法。本算法综合了两者的优点,可实现整个飞行过程的无间断的可靠的监视,并且在高密度终端区提供必要的数据精度  相似文献   
通过IGS分析中心实时播发的SSR(State Space Representation)信息修正广播星历轨道和钟差,使用扩展Kalman滤波数据处理方法仿真实时精密单点定位。结果表明:经过实时SSR修正后的广播星历钟差与IGS最终钟差产品相比,精度优于0.15ns。广播星历SSR修正的实时精密单点定位单天解ENU方向RMS优于20cm,其优于超快速预报星历的实时精密单点定位结果,低于基于IGS最终精密星历的动态精密单点定位精度。  相似文献   
对目前低轨卫星实时定位的方法进行了研究,现在通常采用GPS定位,使用广播星历和普通晶振,实时定位精度一般在10m以内,不能满足高精度实时定位的需求。IGS组织在全球范围内对GPS跟踪分析,生成精密星历、精密钟差产品、按SSR格式的广播星历和钟差修正产品并在网上发布。对这些IGS产品进行了调查,提出在现有测控支持情况下,可以通过高密度上注SSR信息流实现在轨高精度定位。以某型号低轨微小卫星在轨导航增强载荷为应用背景,用IGS03产品中的1057和1058数据对双频GPS接收机的星历和钟差进行修正,采用递推最小二乘估计和LAMDA模糊度固定过对载波相位和伪距信息进行处理,在短时间内获得亚米级定位结果。  相似文献   
二次雷达较之一次雷达有许多优点,使其在军用和民用领域得到广泛应用。但当装有航管二次雷达的飞机在海面低飞时,会出现常见的多径效应现象。文章详细分析了飞机机体和海面对航管二次雷达方向图的影响,并利用HFSS软件对飞机在海面低飞时航管二次雷达方向图进行仿真。结果表明,海面影响航管二次雷达的方向图并导致根据其分叉变形,根据平面对天线方向图的影响及其计算公式,对不同飞行高度的方向图进行了计算,得出了在海面低飞时的最佳飞行高度。  相似文献   
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