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分析了刷式密封吹下效应理论模型,建立基于arbitrary Lagrange-Euler(ALE)流固耦合方法的刷式密封吹下效应三维瞬态数值模型,在验证数值模型准确性的基础上,分别研究了刷丝轴向、径向和截面变形特性,量化分析了刷丝径向吹下量,揭示了刷式密封吹下效应诱发机理.研究表明:刷式密封吹下效应会减小刷丝径向间隙,...  相似文献   
为了抑制圆柱-翼型干涉噪声,提出了仿生多孔前缘结构的降噪措施,并在0.55 m×0.4 m声学风洞中进行了实验验证。针对典型构型,对比确定了多孔金属泡沫降低圆柱-翼型干涉峰值噪声和中高频噪声的效果。3种不同ppi(pores per inch)值多孔金属泡沫的详细声学测量结果表明,所提出的多孔前缘结构能在翼型迎角为0°和10°时,分别降低最多4.10 dB和4.67 dB的圆柱-翼型干涉峰值噪声,且能明显降低峰值频率右侧的中高频噪声;多孔材料的占比越大、ppi值越小,整体降噪效果越好。  相似文献   
一种基于肤色和脸部特征的人脸特征点检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人脸检测通常是人机系统中人机交互的第一步,像人机系统中基于人体特征的用户身份识别,计算机对用户感情和意图的理解等.本文提出了一种用于办公室环境下的彩色图像中人脸检测算法.基于一种新的肤色检测算法,对图像进行肤色区域检测.算法通过构建眼,嘴模板来进行人脸的校验.实验结果表明,该算法可以实现在图像中出现照明,人脸表情,尺度较大范围变化情况下的人脸检测.  相似文献   
本文通过运载火箭模型的跨声速风洞试验,研究了运用激波-边界层被动控制降低模型表面脉动压力和阻力的效果,并得出了开孔区表面的开孔率、开孔方式和空腔深度对脉动压力系数的影响规律,探讨了激波-边界层被动控制的机理。  相似文献   
Aerodynamic force can lead to the strong structural vibration of flying aircraft at a high speed. This harmful vibration can bring damage or failure to the electronic equipment fixed in aircraft. It is necessary to predict the structural dynamic response in the design course. This paper presents a new numerical algorithm and scheme to solve the structural dynamics responses when considering fluid–structure interaction(FSI). Numerical simulation for a free-flying structural model in transonic speed is completed. Results show that the small elastic deformation of the structure can greatly affect the FSI. The FSI vibration tests are carried out in a transonic speed windtunnel for checking numerical theory and algorithms, and the wind-tunnel test results well accord with that of the numerical simulation. This indicates that the presented numerical method can be applied to predicting the structural dynamics responses when containing the FSI.  相似文献   
介绍弹丸前体喷流实验方法及喷流对弹丸气动性能的影响。实验M数为2,迎角α=0°~6°,喷嘴倾角θ=30°,喷流压力比P0j/P∞=0~102.6,喷流介质为冷空气。实验结果表明,随着增加P0j/P∞,弹丸前体阻力系数CDF下降,升力系数CL上升,压心 XCP明显后移,并做了简要分析。  相似文献   
介绍了10个压缩角模型在M数为2.011、2.504、3.015时产生的激波/边界层干扰的非定常特性的试验研究结果.压缩角模型的流向压缩角分别为15°、20°、24°,后掠角分别为0°、20°、40°、60°.实验结果表明(a)所有无后掠压缩角和大多数20°后掠压缩角产生柱形干扰,而大后掠压缩角则产生锥形干扰;降低来流M数或增大模型后掠角有利于从柱形干扰转变为锥形干扰.(b)间隙区内的压力脉动出现低频峰值,此峰值随着模型后掠角增大或流向压缩角减小而减小;然而随着来流M数增大,此峰值在柱形干扰区减小,而在锥形干扰区略增大.对于锥形干扰,无粘激波的平均激波强度是控制其干扰特性的主要因素.  相似文献   
针对四足机器人在辅助作业背景下,通过远程遥控或地面站控制难以满足人机灵活交互需求的问题,在研究实现四足机器人基本步态控制基础上,结合无线定位和激光雷达感知环境赋予机器人避障和人员跟随功能,采用Openpose姿态识别方法,通过视觉传感器进行人机交互,实现不同姿态对机器人基本运动行为和跟随任务的控制,并基于ROS系统开展不同环境条件下交互识别和控制效果测试,姿态识别速度为20帧/s,理想环境下准确度大于90%,机器人反应时间小于1 s。  相似文献   
首先利用弹簧效能系数折减法对某大型整流罩的弹性有限元模型进行合理简化,然后基于耦合欧拉-拉格朗日(Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian, CEL)算法对其地面分离试验进行仿真预示,获得了整流罩分离过程中的流场分布规律和分离特性,并分别与传统方法及地面试验进行对比,发现基于CEL算法的仿真结果比传统方法更接近试验结果,可作为工程应用的参考方法。  相似文献   
Effect of pitch angle on initial stage of a transport airplane ditching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Airworthiness regulations require that the transport airplane should be proved to ensure the survivability of the ditching for the passengers. The planned ditching of a transport airplane on the calm water is numerically simulated. The effect of pitch angle on the impact characteristics is especially investigated by a subscaled model. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations of unsteady compressible flow are solved and the realizable j-e equations are employed to model the turbulence. The transformation of the air-water interface is tracked by volume of fluid (VOF) model. The motion of the rigid body is modeled by dynamic mesh method. The initial ditching stage of the transport airplane is analyzed in detail. The numerical results show that as the pitching angle increases, the maximal normal force decreases and the pitching motion becomes much gentler. The aft fuselage would be sucked down by the water and lead to pitching up, whereas the low horizontal tail prevents this trend. Consequently, the transport aircraft with low horizontal tail should ditch on the water at an angle between 10 and 12 as a recommendation.  相似文献   
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