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The coaxial compound helicopter has two possible strategies for heading control: collective differential and rudder deflection. A flight dynamics model is developed to assess the effect of different heading control strategies. This includes the trim characteristics, steady flight performance,controllability, and manoeuvrability. The trim study demonstrates that heading control strategies are less influential on trim results, and the steady flight performance is also not significantly affected by the heading control strategy adopted. The controllability analysis shows although heading bandwidth and phase delay results at various speeds with different heading control strategies are all satisfied, the control derivative of the collective differential decreases as speed increases, and its heading aggressive agility is degraded into Level 3 in high-speed flight. In addition, using collective differential would lead to severe heading-rolling coupling as forward speed increases. On the contrary, the control derivative and aggressive agility of the rudder deflection is improved with forward speed, and there is no evidence of heading-rolling coupling. Finally, the transient turn MissionTask-Element(MTE) is utilized to investigate the heading manoeuvre characteristics in different heading control strategies, which indicates that the collective differential would add the amplitude of control input and the power consumption during this MTE.  相似文献   
全球尺度高时空分辨率海面风场探测是当前全球气象研究及预报预测领域的关注热点之一,传统海面风场探测技术存在测量区域有限,且受天气环境限制明显等问题.基于全球导航卫星系统-反射(GNSS-R)测量技术风速反演原理,以捕风一号1级数据产品为输入,欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析风速数据为参考风速,采用地球物理模型函数(GMF)方法...  相似文献   
针对目前时间触发控制器局域网(CAN,Controller Area Network)总线缺乏统一评估方法的现状,提出了一套系统建立与评估方案.采用均匀装载算法建立系统调度矩阵,实现了周期信息的实时传输.结合CAN总线的传输机制与时间触发的特点,改进了时间触发系统中非周期信息最坏延迟的计算方法.在此基础上针对不满足系统实时性要求的信息提出了计算其失效概率的方法,建立了时间触发CAN总线系统的设计与评估流程,提出了系统参数调整方案.评估方案能够提高设计效率,利用信息失效概率以及最坏延迟对系统实时性进行分析,使分析结果更加精确、实用.  相似文献   
以速度方向可操作度作为跳跃性能的评价指标,从机构设计角度寻求改善仿蛙跳跃机器人跳跃性能的方法.在仿蛙跳跃机器人机构模型的基础上,建立了起跳阶段的运动学方程,得到机器人从关节空间到质心运动空间的速度映射关系,结合速度方向可操作度,利用优化算法对仿蛙跳跃机器人的机构参数进行优化,使机器人的跳跃性能达到最佳.优化结果表明,运用速度方向可操作度理论,对跳跃机器人机构参数进行优化研究是有效可行的.  相似文献   
仿生导航是在仿生技术基础上发展起来的新型导航技术方法,该方法融合了仿生技术的优点,因其抗干扰性强、适应范围广的特点,迎来了研究的热潮。从仿生光流导航、仿生偏振光导航、仿生类脑导航和仿生地磁导航四个角度对近年来大量的相关文献进行了综合性地整理和分析,阐述了其导航原理、发展现状和动态,对其未来的发展前景进行了展望,指出了限制现有技术的难点和瓶颈,对未来仿生导航技术的发展提供了参考,有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
航空电子设备NSEE试验评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文定义了航空电子设备大气中子单粒子效应(NSEE)硬失效、硬错误与软错误等大气中子辐射可靠性表征参数,提出了一套航空电子设备抗大气中子单粒子效应危害能力的试验评价方法,包括试验应力终止条件与起始条件的确定方法、MNSEE预估方法、试验程序、试验评价方法等,并通过某航空用卫星导航接收机试验案例证明了该方法在工程应用中的可操作性与有效性,通过掌握数字信号处理(DSP)、静态随机存储器(SRAM)、现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的NSEE敏感特性,可为航空用卫星导航接收机NSEE危害防控提供针对性的技术支持.本文为我国航空电子产品大气中子单粒子效应试验评价奠定了理论与应用基础,同时也为其他电子信息产品在大气中子单粒子效应试验评价方面提供了重要依据和参考.   相似文献   
直接敏感地平的空天飞行器惯性/天文组合方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的惯性/天文位置组合导航系统中,由于天文定位观测输出耦合了水平观测平台基准误差,往往存在系统噪声与量测噪声不完全独立的问题.针对此问题,分析了利用天文观测量修正惯性系下陀螺漂移的原理,提出了一种直接敏感地平进行天文解析定位及组合滤波的空天飞行器自主导航定位方案,并建立了相应的组合滤波模型.所提出的方法采用星敏感器和陀螺仪构造惯性基准,并在此基础上进行基于红外地平仪的天文定位解算,最后进行惯性/天文组合定位.该方案充分利用了星光敏感器在惯性系下姿态测量精度高的优点,并使惯性/天文组合定位滤波中状态噪声和观测噪声完全独立,仿真结果验证了该定位方法的有效性.  相似文献   
Advances in signal processing techniques contributed to the significant improvements of GNSS receiver performance in dense multipath environments and created the opportunities for a new category of high-sensitivity GNSS (HS-GNSS) receivers that can provide GNSS location services in indoor environments. The difficulties in improving the availability, reliability, and accuracy of these indoor capable GNSS receivers exceed those of the receivers designed for the most hostile urban canyon environments. The authors of this paper identified the vector tracking schemes, signal propagation statistics, and parallel processing techniques that are critical to a robust HS-GNSS receiver for indoor environments and successfully incorporated them into a fully functional high-sensitivity software receiver. A flexible vector-based receiver architecture is introduced to combine these key indoor signal processing technologies into GSNRx-hs™ – the high sensitivity software navigation receiver developed at the University of Calgary. The resulting receiver can perform multi-mode vector tracking in indoor environment at various levels of location and timing uncertainties. In addition to the obvious improvements in time-to-first-fix (TTFF) and signal sensitivity, the field test results in indoor environments surrounded by wood, glass, and concrete showed that the new techniques effectively improved the performance of indoor GNSS positioning. With fine GNSS timing, the proposed receiver can consistently deliver indoor navigation solution with the horizontal accuracy of 2–15 m depending on the satellite geometry and the indoor environments. If only the coarse GNSS timing is available, the horizontal accuracy of the indoor navigation solution from the proposed receiver is around 30 m depending on the coarse timing accuracy, the satellite geometry, and the indoor environments. From the preliminary field test results, it has been observed that the signal processing sensitivity is the dominant factor on the availability of the indoor navigation solution, while the GNSS timing accuracy is the dominant factor on the accuracy of the indoor navigation solution.  相似文献   
含钟差修正的脉冲星和太阳观测组合导航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高深空探测器巡航段的导航定位精度和钟差修正能力,提出一种利用X射线脉冲星和太阳观测信息的组合导航方法.利用脉冲星导航的脉冲到达时间测量值,同时利用太阳敏感器、分光计分别测量太阳视线矢量和探测器相对于太阳的径向速度,并将星载时钟钟差增广为状态变量,构建组合导航系统,利用基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的UD(Upper triangular matrix-Diagonal matrix)分解信息融合算法进行状态估计.仿真结果表明,该方法能有效解决因钟差漂移引起的导航滤波发散问题,同脉冲星导航相比,该方法提高了定位精度和钟差修正能力.  相似文献   
衰减因子自适应滤波及在组合导航中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从卡尔曼滤波技术的稳定性出发,分析了卡尔曼滤波算法发散的原因,提出了一组衰减记忆卡尔曼滤波中衰减因子的自适应估计方法,并在GPS/SINS组合导航系统中进行了计算机仿真.在计算衰减因子时,利用滤波残差序列在最优估计时为零均值白噪声的性质,构造了服从χ2分布的变量,并分别检验滤波残差每一个分量得出衰减因子值.仿真结果表明,该组算法能够自适应地估计出衰减因子的大小,有效地抑制滤波发散,且计算量较其它方法小.   相似文献   
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