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为提高载人航天器电测的效率和准确性,文章引入自动判读系统。该系统判读知识表达可支持多种运算符和函数,知识覆盖面广;推理机的设计充分考虑了载人航天器测试的特点,数据判读准确性高,实时性好。系统目前已实现参数判读、指令判读、事件判读和指令监视等功能,在后续载人航天器电测中将发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   
本文给出了用激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)测量涡旋式电弧等离子体化学反应器流场的实验研究结果。实验表明:这类等离子体反应器中,旋流切向速度分量和轴向速度分量径向分布划分成近轴、过渡和近壁区。喷入电弧等离子体射流对等离子体反应器流场的影响区域是近轴区,对过渡区和近壁区没有影响。提高旋流强度,轴向截面上旋流的两个速度分量径向分布分别呈相似的分布形式,等离子体反应器呈层流流动状态。  相似文献   
Sekar  R. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):251-262
In this paper the developments made in the last five years on numerical simulation/modeling studies of a complex nighttime equatorial spread F phenomenon are reviewed. Emphasis is given to the Indian work and necessary comparisons are done with other international works on this field. Investigations involving the important aspects, namely the confinement of the plasma bubble in the bottomside of the ionosphere, linear and nonlinear effects of molecular ions in the development of plasma bubbles, interaction of two modes as a seed perturbation are discussed in detail. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
During the August 25, 2018 geomagnetic storm, the new borne CSES-01 satellite and the Swarm A satellite detected a really large equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) in the post-midnight sector over western Africa. We investigated the features of this deep ionospheric plasma depletion using data from the Langmuir probes on-board CSES-01 and Swarm A satellites, and data from the high-precision magnetometer and the electric field detector instruments on-board CSES-01. Using also plasma and magnetic field data from THEMIS-E satellite we found that, during the passage of the magnetic cloud that drove the geomagnetic storm, an impulsive variation lasting about ten minutes characterized the solar wind (SW) pressure. The analysis of the delay time, between the occurrence of such impulsive variation and the detection of the plasma bubble, suggests a possible link between the SW pressure impulsive variation as identified by THEMIS-E and the generation of the EPB as detected by CSES-01 and Swarm A. We put forward the hypothesis that the SW pressure impulsive variation might have triggered an eastward prompt penetrating electric field that propagated from high to equatorial latitudes, overlapping in the nightside region to the zonal westward electric field, causing either a reduction or an inversion, at the base of the EPB triggering.  相似文献   
为分析研究等离子体色散媒质在周期结构中对电磁波的作用机理,设计一种在二维方向上周期排列的内外双层套筒式柱体结构单元,对不同的等离子体密度组合和周期间距下进行仿真分析。结果表明,改变内外层等离子体密度可以有效调节传输频带,且在不改变单元结构的基础上通过便捷开关等离子体激发湮灭状态,进而对单元的周期间距进行间接调控,拓宽了传输频带,体现了等离子体动态重构的可行性,对研究等离子体周期结构具有一定的启发性。  相似文献   
等离子体流动控制作为一种新概念主动流动控制技术,其物理作用依据之一是“动力效应”。体积力作为表征“动力效应”的重要参数,对研究等离子体流动控制的原理具有重要意义。介绍了实验原理及系统的基本组成,对等离子体气动激励体积力进行了实验测量。结果表明:体积力的大小在mN量级;固定激励频率,激励电压增大时,体积力增大,且线性关系非常明显;固定激励电压,体积力受激励频率的影响不大。  相似文献   
用于微小卫星推进装置的脉冲等离子体推力器   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
牛禄  王宏伟  杨威 《上海航天》2004,21(5):39-43
论述了脉冲等离子体推力器(PPT)的工作原理和研究状况。在分析其主要优缺点的基础上,讨论了PPT技术的发展方向,并就PPT的应用前景作了展望。分析认为PPT是一种先进的小推力动力装置,特别适合于微小卫星的轨道转移、姿态控制、位置保持以及星座编队飞行。  相似文献   
This brief report summarized the latest advances of the heliospheric physics research in China during the period of 2002-2003, made independently by Chinese space physicists and through international collaboration. The report covers all aspects of the heliospheric physics, including theoretical studies, numerical simulation and data analysis.  相似文献   
Density of discontinuities in the heliosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial distribution of MHD discontinuities in the solar wind has been studied, based on the long time observations by the magnetometer onboard Ulysses. We emphasize the critical importance of the method whereby events are selected; some previous work is critically reviewed in this respect. Our analysis supports earlier observations that the density of discontinuities decreases with increasing distance from the Sun. It is suggested, however, that the distribution of the discontinuity normals should be revised, retaining only those discontinuities for further study that have reliable normals. This study shows that the vast majority of well defined discontinuities has a small magnetic field component parallel to the discontinuity normal. Given the large number of discontinuities in the Ulysses data set there is a statistically sufficient number for further study. It is also shown in this paper that for the subset of well defined discontinuities the determination of the normal vector using Minimum Variance Analysis and the cross-product technique are equally valid.  相似文献   
为了在钛合金螺纹表面形成完整的膜层,提高材料耐磨性能,采用金相形貌分析、硬度和强度分析等手段研究了TC4钛合金渗氮过程参数对微观结构及性能的影响。试验结果表明,随着渗氮温度从700℃升至850℃,材料抗拉强度从1 026 MPa降低至930 MPa;延伸率随着温度升高而逐渐增高;表面硬度从529 HV上升至826 HV,相比于渗氮前280 HV,硬度有大幅度的提高;而保温时间从8 h增加至20 h,对材料的硬度和形貌影响较小,按照此工艺可以在钛合金零件表面形成完整的膜层;钛合金硬度的提高主要是因为表面形成了由Ti2N和α-Ti组成的渗氮改性层表面。  相似文献   
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