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温度、密度对目标等离子体隐身效果影响的FDTD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用等温近似,给出覆盖目标的不均匀的、各项同性的、热的、碰撞的、等离子体的电磁反射的三维FDTD算法的公式。在一维条件下,计算了不同密度分布、不同温度的等离子体对电磁波的反射系数。给出了温度、密度对电磁波在等离子体中的碰撞吸收的影响。结果显示,增大等离子体的温度和密度将有利于等离子体对电磁波的吸收,增大吸收的带宽,减小等离子体覆盖目标对电磁波的反射。  相似文献   
高温气体效应会严重影响高温气体流场的流动特性,进而影响高超声速磁流体控制效率。基于低磁雷诺数假设,通过耦合求解带电磁源项的三维Navier-Stokes流场控制方程和电场泊松方程,开展完全气体模型、平衡气体模型、化学非平衡气体模型、热化学非平衡气体模型等条件下的高超声速磁流体控制数值模拟,分析气体模型对磁流体控制的影响,研究高温气体各种非平衡效应及焦耳热振动能量配比等对高超声速磁流体控制的影响规律。研究表明:化学非平衡效应对高超声速磁流体控制影响显著,采用化学非平衡气体模型模拟得到的磁控增阻特性介于完全气体模型和平衡气体模型之间,平衡气体和完全气体模型磁控热流变化的定性规律,与非平衡气体模型模拟结果差异很大;热力学非平衡效应对高超声速磁流体控制的影响,与焦耳热振动能量作用比率紧密相关,随该配比增大,磁场增阻效果由67%降到约12%;高温气体效应会极大地降低磁控增阻效果,会明显地增强部分表面区域的磁控热流减缓效果,要准确数值模拟高超声速磁流体控制,必须有效地考虑化学和热力学非平衡效应,同时选用接近实际情况的焦耳热振动能量配比。  相似文献   
采用粒子图像测速(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)技术,研究了介质阻挡放电等离子体激励对NA-CA0015翼型表面流动分离的控制特性。通过风洞实验,研究了电极电压、电极位置和布置方式等参数对翼型分离控制的影响规律,并初步分析了等离子体流动控制机理。结果表明等离子体激励在失速迎角附近可以有效抑制翼型的流动分离,实现气流的完全再附着;在来流速度为20m/s时,将气流再附着的迎角提高了5°。  相似文献   
The paper discusses the possibility of particle acceleration up to high energies in relativistic waves generated by various explosive processes in the interstellar medium. We propose to use the surfatron mechanism of acceleration (surfing) of charged particles trapped in the front of relativistic waves as a generator of high-energy cosmic rays (CRs). Conditions under which surfing in the waves under consideration can be made are studied thoroughly. Ultra-high-energy CRs (up to 1020 eV) are shown to be obtained due to the surfing in relativistic plane and spherical waves. Surfing is supposed to take place in nonlinear Langmuir waves excited by powerful electromagnetic radiation or relativistic beams of charged particles, as well as in strong shock waves generated by relativistic jets or spherical formations that expand fast (fireballs).  相似文献   
Diurnal variations in the total electron content (TEC) at Makerere University (00°19′N, 32°40′E, Geo Dip −22°), Uganda, have been investigated using a NovAtel GSV400B GPS receiver for the year 2010. The highest TEC values occurred from 13h00 to 17h00 local time (LT) throughout the year, with the highest values being exhibited during equinoctial months. In addition, there was some correlation between this high TEC and the moderate storms that occurred in 2010. These high TEC values have been attributed to the solar EUV ionization coupled with the upward vertical ExB drift. Nighttime enhancements were also found to be seasonally dependant, attaining maximum values during equinoctial months. These results were also compared with modeled TEC values by the IRI-2007 model. The modeled values were in good agreement with the measured values except for these two points: (1) the model had a short-fall in predicting the nighttime enhancements; and (2) the model’s minimum TEC did not coincide with the measured minimum in most of the months. Observed TEC depletions were found to correlate with an increase in the S4 index and have been identified as a manifestation of the plasma density depletions of the equatorial origin.  相似文献   
The active spacecraft potential control (ASPOC) system developed in the 1990s emits positive ions to neutralise the spacecraft potential, such as used in several missions like Geotail, Equator-S, Cluster, Doublestar and MMS. With the experience gained, the next generation of the active spacecraft potential control (ASPOC-NG) instrument has been developed over the last three years. Thereby, three emission technologies were tested including Liquid Metal Ion Source (LMIS), Liquid Metal Electron Source (LMES) and Solid Metal Electron Source (SMES). The development of the emitter module by FOTEC and the corresponding electronics control unit by IWF is presented. Optimisations were carried out with the focus on the reduction of mass and power consumption to comply with the requirements of future scientific missions. Coupling tests of the modules and the electronics control unit were performed including range, accuracy and lifetime tests. Both ASPOC-NG instruments for positive and negative charge compensation and their performance values show excellent results.  相似文献   
讨论了一种朗缪尔球形探针在轨快速去除表面污染的技术方法. 朗缪尔探针是空间等离子体原位探测的一项重要手段, 广泛应用于各种航天器. 探针传感器表面被污染时, 会造成探针I-V特性曲线失真, 从而导致探测获得的等离子体参数产生偏差. 通过试验验证了采用探针传感器加载高压的技术, 其可快速有效清除传感器表面污染, 确保朗缪尔探针在轨探测获得实时、准确的空间等离子体信息.  相似文献   
摘要: 针对霍尔推力器通道内的放电过程,建立一种基于COMSOL软件的仿真模型.该模型以等离子体内部电子和离子的漂移扩散为核心,结合电磁场、气体流动以及等离子体内部的碰撞反应,通过合理选取系统方程、边界条件以及求解器,有效估算霍尔推力器的性能参数以及各物理量在通道内的分布.将仿真结果与理论相比较,验证该模型用于霍尔推力器数值仿真的有效性并以此对推力器进行磁场优化设计.  相似文献   
The St. Patrick’s Day storm being the strongest geomagnetic storm of Solar Cycle 24 caused strong changes in ionospheric and thermospheric dynamics. The paper presents a study of vertical plasma transport in the ionosphere during the St. Patrick’s Day storm with using both observations and modeling. The observations give the ionospheric peak height obtained with the chirp vertical sounding ionosonde and the neutral wind velocities obtained with the Fabry-Perot interferometer. The ionospheric peak height is an indicator of the total vertical plasma transport, while meridional wind and electromagnetic drift are the two main drivers of the vertical plasma transport. The Global Self-consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, and Protonosphere used in this study gives the total set of ionospheric and thermospheric parameters including F2-layer peak height, neutral wind velocities, electric field, and neutral composition. The model/data comparison allows us to obtain two main results. The first one is an estimation of the model prediction possibilities under storm conditions. The second result is an indirect assessment of the neutral wind and electric field contribution into the changes in the ionospheric peak height in the case of the St. Patrick’s Day geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   
等离子体磁流体发电研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简要分析了等离子体磁流体发电系统的工作原理和发电过程,阐述了目前磁流体发电研究中的重点和关键问题,从数值模拟和实验研究两方面回顾了国内外的研究情况和研究进展。分析认为等离子体磁流体动力学将会受到越来越多的重视,且将会推动航空航天技术的进步。  相似文献   
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